
Chapter 15

"I like you, Zaiden. I freaking like you." She whispered repeatedly while her face is still burried on Zaiden's chest.

Zaide held her face and make Aella looked at him. He carefully wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.

Zaiden silently held her up and deposited her in the passenger seat before he put on her seatbelt and started the car's engine.

Aella feels rejected by Zaiden's action. That's why she can't help but to cry again. She look outside because she don't want Zaiden to see her crying. Again.

Zaiden reached for her hand and held it tight while Zaiden's free hand is holding the steering wheel.

The whole ride was silent. The car entered a Village. Private Village.

Does Zaiden live here?

The car stopped at the last house. Zaiden got out from the car and opened the door for her.

"Thank you." Aella muttered.

Zaiden arm snaked around her waist and pull her closer before he opened the gate that reached only her waist.