
episode 2

(The episode opens with everybody looking at glowing eggs)

Kanisha: (whispering) I can feel a connection already.

Hiroshi: (whispering) Me too. It's like they're waiting for us.

(The eggs crack open, revealing the Digimon partners)

(Kanisha's egg reveals a gray wolf with tiny dragon wings)

Kanisha (smiles): Hi, I'm Kanisha, oh you are so cute (takes a picture)

(The camera flash makes the Digimon's eyes spin)

The Digimon: Hi, I'm FlameWolfmon

Kanisha: Cool, and you look like my favorite animal except the wings, but now that I see it, it makes you look even cuter

FlameWolfmon: Thank you, what's that your holding?

Kanisha: Oh, it's a camera, it's my prized possession

FlameWolfmon: Really, can I see it?

Kanisha: Sure, just be careful

(FlameWolfmon looks at the camera and accidentally made the camera flash, also almost drop the camera)

(Kanisha giggles as she catches her camera easily)

FlameWolfmon: I'm sorry

Kanisha (rubs FlameWolfmon's head): It's okay

(Hiroshi's egg reveals an lion with lines that forms of lightning around its body)

Hiroshi: Amazing, hi I'm Hiroshi

The Digimon: I'm Voltmon, it's nice to meet you, Hiroshi

Hiroshi: These lines are similar to lightning bolts so you must have electric attacks

Voltmon (smiles): Correct

Hiroshi: Cool

(Newt's egg reveals a rock-based Digimon resembling a humanoid creature made of boulders)

Newt: You must be very strong

The Digimon: You bet, I'm Bouldermon

Newt (smiles): I'm Newt

Bouldermon (hugs Newt): Hi, Newt

Newt: Hi, to you too

(Kita's egg reveals a eagle-like Digimon with pink wings)

Kita: Wow, I love your wings

The Digimon: Thank you, I'm Featherwing

Kita (smiles): I'm Kita

(Featherwing fly around with Kita watching)

(Hika's egg reveals an owl-like Digimon)

Hika: An owl-like Digimon (eyes glow) cool

(The Digimon looks at Hika)

Hika (shyly): Uh, hi

The Digimon (touches Hika's hand) (smiles): Hi, I'm Wisemon, I feel we will get along

(Hika smiles)

(Yellow's egg reveals a fox Digimon with three tails and purple stripes)

Yellow: Hello

(The Digimon disappears)

Yellow: Where did he go?

The Digimon (jumps): Surprise

(Yellow nearly fell over)

(The Digimon giggles)

Yellow: Nice one

The Digimon: I'm Trickster

Yellow: Oh, you own that name, I'm Yellow, I'm a bit a trickster too

(Trickster feels a small electric shock)

Trickster: Oww!

(Yellow shows a buzzer)

Trickster: I think I will like you

(Hollow's egg reveals a Digimon that is like Gatomon, but her colors are purple and black)

The Digimon (cool): I'm Shadowfang

Hollow (cool): I'm Hollow

Kanisha: Great, we all met our Digimon, group photo

Hollow: Another

FlameWolfmon: Can I take it? I think I got the hang of it

Kanisha (gives her camera to FlameWolfmon): Sure

(Kanisha gathers everybody together for the picture)

(FlameWolfmon takes a picture)

Kanisha: Let me see (giggles)

Hika (quietly): What (by Kanisha's side)

Yellow: Nice prank

Trickster: Yeah

Hollow: It's upside down

Kita: Let me take the picture on a timer, so you can be in too FlameWolfmon

Flamewolfmon (excited): Really?

Kita: Yeah (sets up the camera)

(Everybody gathers again and the camera flashes)

Hika: So, what do we do now?

Kanisha: Simple, we have to save the digital world from the forces of darkness

Newt: What forces of darkness everything is fine

Yellow (turns around): Then, what the heck is that?

(A dark aura forms turning the forest into a desert slowly)

Featherwing: Very bad news

Hiroshi (looking at his phone): These readings are off the charts

Kanisha (takes Hiroshi's hand): Forget that (running) let's go

Hollow (running): It would be disastrous if we got touched by that, since it's erasing the digital world

Yellow (running): Yeah, I hate to see what that does to humans

Newt (running): Let's not find out

(They head deep into the forest as the dark aura takes the forest away)

Hiroshi (typing on his phone): I analyzed on my phone, there should be a cave ahead it should be safe from that darkness

Featherwing: I know that cave, follow me

(Everybody follows Featherwing)

(A scream is heard)

(A Digimon that has pink fur that looks like a small raccoon is running)

Kanisha (runs off): Hang on

Hiroshi: Kanisha, what are you doing?

Kanisha (running): Hang on, little Digimon

FlameWolfmon (flying): I'm coming with Kanisha

Kanisha (running): Alright

(The dark aura alley starts to close in on the Digimon)

Kanisha (grabs the Digimon): I got you

The Digimon: Thank you, I'm Raccomon

Kanisha: It's nice to meet you

(The dark aura is right behind Kanisha)

Kanisha (running): Oh no, I can't run fast enough

FlameWolfmon: Don't worry, Kanisha, I got this (releases an aura of pure fire) (shouting) Firestorm Blast!

(Some of the dark aura disappears)

Kanisha (running) (holding the Digimon)Thank you, FlameWolfmon

(Kanisha and FlameWolfmon catches up with the others in the cave)

Hollow: Are you okay?

Kanisha: Yeah, and I brought a friend, this is Raccomon

Raccomon: Nice to meet all of you

Kita: Awww…she's so cute

Raccomon: Thank you

Newt: Guys, we can worry about cute Digimon later, right now (looks at Hiroshi) Hiro, are out of trouble

Hiroshi (looks at his phone): It would appear so, I'm not picking it up

(Everybody looks relieved)

Yellow: So, we can go back up to the surface, right?

Kita: I guess that is a good idea, we can't stay in this cave for a long time, right Hiroshi?

Hiroshi: Right

(Everybody goes back up to the surface and sees a deserted waste land)

Kanisha (shocked): It can't be

Hiroshi: The forest is gone

Yellow: Not a trace

Hika: How awful

Newt: I can't believe it

Hollow: It's horrible

Raccomon (tears coming down): My home is gone

Hika (picking up Raccomon): It's okay, we will help you

Raccomon (tears in her eyes): Really?

Kanisha: Yeah, we will help you get your home back

Yellow: But, how, it's not like we know the source of that dark aura

Hiroshi: But, we can find out, by calculating those (typing on his phone) readings from earlier and (eyes widen) I found it (runs) follow me

(Episode ends with everybody running)