
Different Dimension infinite Cheats

Character travelling through different dimensions. Season 1; Anime. Witness the rise of Eero in the Dimensions of Famous anime, movies and novels. 1st Dimension; Dragon Ball 2nd Dimension; Danmachi 3rd Dimension; Overlord 4th Dimension; Naruto Stay tuned for Eero most excited journey, Chapter Release - Schedule, 5 - 10 Chapter's each Week. ... patreon.com/ChaosGray Join me on Patreon for advance chapter's, Voting, Opinions and much more.

Chaos_Gray · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 85 Wonder

Eero then turned and glanced at the shocked Beerus, Belmod, Universe 7, and 11 candidates.

"Eero, it's time to erase the 11th universe," both Zenos said,Then raising their hands; instantly, a colourful light spread through Universe 11 disappeared.

Grand Priest then said, "Mr. Eero, your universe 7 won, and those Super Dragon Balls are the reward. You can let universe 7 wish for anything."

Eero glanced at the huge golden seven Dragon Balls, each the size of a planet, raised his hand in their direction amidst the puzzled eyes of universe 7 candidates.

Instantly the Super Dragon Balls moved and shrank, finally turning into seven tiny beads and started rotating around Eero's wrist as a bracelet.

Eero raised his eyebrows looking at the Dragon Balls, 'Really, I can control them as I want,' then glanced at the shocked Goku and others, walking toward them.

"E-Ee… I mean, Your Excellency Eero, I didn't expect you to be a big shot," Beerus greeted awkwardly, with sweat on his forehead.

Eero was speechless looking at him, 'This guy is a cat, why is he acting like a rabbit?' Then turned and glanced at Goku and the others.

"Our Universe 7 won; What kind of wish should we ask the Dragon Ball? Tell me," Eero asked curiously, looking at them.

Grand Priest and others behind him also became curious, looking at Goku and the others, 'This Universe 7 is really special; before Dragon God's arrival, we concluded it to be a winner; after his arrival still, it still won.'

Goku and the others then relaxed a little, looking at Eero, interacting with them the same as before; They started discussing and then said, "Eero, we should wish for the revival of all erased Universes and all those warriors, including Jiren." Goku then said after discussing with the others.

Eero relaxed his brow with a smile and nodded, glanced at Grand Priest and Zeno, "Have you heard their wish, right?"

Grand Priest nodded in surprise.

Zenos also nodded happily and said, "Yes, Yes Eero, Come on, grant their wish."

Eero raised his left hand, the Dragon Balls started rotating around his wrist at a fast speed; a golden pillar pierced the void, spreading through everything, golden veins like tree branch started spreading through everything and covering the whole multiverse.

Everyone were shocked by this spectacle as if a huge golden tree shrouding all existence, Grand Priest and Zeno were surprised, 'So this new creation god power's describe whole nature instead of power like previous creation dragon god. Probably that's why he was chosen.'

Instantly, the disappeared candidates and universes appeared again one by one; not just twelve, but all eighteen universes appeared, including six which were destroyed by Zeno a few epochs ago.

Grand Priest and Zeno both were startled, then felt silent.

Golden spectacle disappeared slowly,

Eero then appeared beside Zeno, looking at him and said, "Why not we add a rule in erasure and creation?"

"What? What?" Zenos were confused, asked curiously.

Eero then said, "Erase the God of Destruction and Supreme Kai in the universes instead of creatures; if they aren't doing their work properly, destroying whole universes is a useless act,"

"I think; also, you can let those warriors, Kai, and Gods of Destruction in each universe compete as much as you want."

"Amazing!" both Zenos exclaimed excitedly.

"We will do it," both Zenos then said happily.

Angels' standing around controlled their twitching mouths, 'This Eero sama is lazier than the previous one. The previous one ran away and hid from his duty, which angered Zeno sama, resulting in the destruction of six universes, but this Mr. Eero restored those six universes again, and now wants to fool poor Zeno sama.' They all thought with pity but didn't show anything on the surface.

Eero then turned and glanced at Marcarita, pointed at her; instantly, a golden colorful light shrouded her body amidst the surprised eyes of other angels and Grand Priest around.

A golden dress appeared on her body; her staff also turned golden. "You are now my spokesperson, Grand Priest Marcarita."

The Grand Priest was surprised then greeted his daughter as a new Grand Priest; other angels were envious.

Especially Whis and Vados.

Eero then glanced at the empty sections and broken stage around; all universes' individuals were sent back to their respective universes, including Universe 7.

Other angels also left, except Marcarita, Zeno, two guards, and Grand Priest.

"Eero, you must visit my Omni Palace," Zeno said happily, then left disappeared with his guards and Grand Priest.

Eero nodded looking at their disappearing back, then glanced at Marcarita standing there with a happy expression on her face.

He asked curiously, "How much has your strength increased after being promoted to the Grand Priest?"

"It's similar to my father, more than a hundred times higher than before," Marcarita replied. She then added thoughtfully, "Before, I could retract time for 3 minutes only; now it's in hours."

Eero nodded thoughtfully, 'It seems Grand Priests are also not my opponents; I wanted to challenge the Grand Priest, but it seems now it's unnecessary; my strength is already out of their league.'

"Let's go; we should leave this boring void," Eero then said, looking at null void around.

Marcarita nodded, replying with a smile, "Yes, Eero-sama."

She waved her golden staff; instantly, shrouding both of them in golden light, they teleported outside the null void, disappeared.

Universes 1 to 18 are regulated again, after Zeno ordered to change the erasure plan and promote battle competition to produce warriors for the battle of universe final ranking.

Each universe competition will be held after ten thousand years.

While outside this universe, there are a lot of multiverses; together they are taking the shape of a single Omniverse.

"I call it the Dragon Ball dimension," Eero explained universe, multiverse, omniverse and dimensions, looking at the bubble-shaped multiverses thoughtfully and explained.

"Eero, then you mean there are other Omniverses outside this Omniverse, and the area these Omniverses located in is known as Dimension?" a curious female voice sounded beside him.

Eero turned and glanced at Towa, who was also curiously looking at the bubbles of multiverses floating around, and there are uncountable multiverses out there. She was surprised by the size of a single Omniverse in Eero's description.

'So many multiverses are just inside a single Omni verse and there are others.' Marcarita thoughtfully standing beside him also surprised.

Eero nodded with a smile and stood up from the golden throne, looking outside through the huge golden palace hall.

This is his residence now, located in the middle of a beautiful wonder continent, a huge continent adorned with a combination of natural green and golden plants and colourful animals, also crystal clear water and other wonders everywhere. Anyone can see breathtaking sights upon visiting this continent.

Named by Eero, 'The Wonder Garden and Wonder Palace.'