
Chapter 154 New World

"Ada-kun, Eero-san, you must have noticed something different right now. It seems we are summoned to the new place, different from YGGDRASIL," Momonga spoke, looking at Ada and Eero, raising his hand and pointing at the panel in front of him. "No game functions work here like GM Call and Logout. Also, I tested other things; NPCs show sentience, spell activation is different, I can change expression and talk with real expression."

"Well, you are right. We are not in YGGDRASIL; we are in a new world," Eero spoke, looking at Momonga, then glancing at the floor guardians of Nazarick.

Momonga startled, became thoughtful. 'It's feasible Nazarick is transported to the new world, but if it's really a new world, then it will become a huge problem. I can ignore him,' then glanced at Eero and Ada, his thoughts started running wild, his expression became deeper. 'He is just a 100-level player, not a threat to me, but this Ada is a huge problem. World top player is not a joke. I have to somehow get her on my side.'

Momonga then glanced at the floor guardians. 'Also, these NPCs, I have to test their loyalty and let them surrender to me only, as the leader of Nazarick and the guild I built. I can't afford to share its powers. Also, such power that may help me or keep me safe in this new world,' Momonga thoughtfully sighed, feeling the situation is more complicated than any game task he completed before.

"Momonga-sama, you summoned us," the floor guardian bowed, saluted, and spoke. Albedo, Demiurge, Sebas, Cocytus, Aura, Mare, and Shalltear all bowed.

Except for Gargantua, Victim, and special 8th-floor guardians, all other guardians gathered around.

Momonga was snapped out of thoughts, coughed, and spoke. "Ahem, well, I summoned you here as the leader of this guild. I want to announce two things. First, an unexpected situation occurred; we have to unite and face off such a situation. Second, I, Momonga, changed my name to Ainz Ooal Gown, and I am taking charge of whole Nazarick. I want you to show your loyalty to me."

Momonga also emphasized surrender in a way of unity so no one complains, glanced at the calm expressions of Eero and Ada as if not caring about his taking charge of Nazarick. He sighed in relief. 'It seems they have no objections with me taking charge. Well, it's easy like that.'

The floor guardians were startled then.

"I, Sebas, show loyalty to the supreme one, Ainz Ooal Gown-sama," Sebas spoke and knelt down first.

"I, Demiurge, show loyalty to the supreme one, Ainz Ooal Gown-sama," Demiurge spoke.

"I, Cocytus, show loyalty to the supreme one, Ainz Ooal Gown-sama," Cocytus,

"I, Mare Bello Fiore..."

"I, Aura Bella Fiore…"

"I, Shalltear Bloodfallen…"

"I, Albedo, show loyalty to the supreme one, Ainz Ooal Gown-sama," Albedo at last,

All knelt down one by one, in awe and reverence.

Eero was speechless looking at this scene live, while Ada's mouth was wide open in shock, looking at the secondary scene live. She couldn't believe her vision.

Striking her elbow and poking Eero beside her, she whispered while turning her mouth, "Brother, it looks like the king and their courtier; it's extremely funny. Also, they called him the Supreme One… pfft,"

She grabbed her mouth and hurriedly turned her head away in order to not laugh loudly.

Eero's mouth twitched looking at Ada turning her bulging face and controlling her laughter with her palm. 'When did she become such a black belly? Is it because of the succubus race effect?' he thought.

Then shook his head and smiled looking at Momonga standing in front of kneeling floor guardians. 'Well, it really looks a little weird though,' he thought musingly.

After a while, Momonga ordered the floor guardians to confirm the situation and secure Nazarick,

All floor guardians went away to complete their respective tasks,

Ainz then glanced at Eero and Ada then said to Ada and Eero, "Ada-kun, how about visiting the outside world."

Eero raised his brow intriguingly,

Ada startled then replied calmly, "I am afraid we can't go. Mr. Momonga, we have decided to leave Nazarick guild and see the new world outside ourselves. We are not like those floor guardians; we have our will. Anyway, thanks for accepting us as guild members."

Momonga was startled, falling silent as he read the notification of Eero and Ada resigning from the guild and disappearing the next second.

He clenched his fist, kicked the ground angrily, and cursed, "Damn bastards, why do they dislike staying in my guild so much?" The ground below his feet became a mess, but after a light flickered on his body, his Dark Wisdom skill took effect and calmed his anger down.

"Well, let them leave. It's beneficial for me, though it's a pity a strong character like her would be extremely helpful. Well, I have to prepare for the future. I have a hunch I will encounter them in the future as my enemies. I won't show mercy," Ainz muttered, sighed in relief, and left toward the outside direction alone in order to confirm the situation outside.

On the way, he met Demiurge and his three henchmen demon generals on the 1st floor. Demiurge offered to accompany him. Ainz startled, then glanced at Demiurge. 'I think these floor guardians won't leave me,' he thought to himself. He started becoming vigilant against them, similar to a Paranoid personality patient. Somehow, he started feeling they also may betray him.

Outside the Tomb of Nazarick, Eero appeared with Ada. They walked toward the outside direction, both of their appearances changed to that of a golden boy and girl.

"Brother, you told me to tell him all that. Can you tell me why we left the guild?" Ada asked curiously. She looked like a youthful lady now, with a busty figure and lengthy purple hair with silver threads and purple pupils.

Eero also looked similar to his spirit race form, with an extremely handsome face, lengthy silver hair with golden threads, and blue shining spiritual pupils.

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