

From the creators of '1000 Ways To Die' comes another very bloody (very edgy) story. After a witch puts a curse on an office tower, all those involved start to die off one by one.

MildlyHigh · Horror
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Explosed

2 hours after Joel met his unfortunate demise the Silverton Police Department (SPD) came into the office area for questioning, they stopped at all the cubicles and everyone said the exact same thing "yeah he was a huge stick up the ass". Their final stop was Phillip Brentwood the Manager "sir have you done anything that may have contributed to the death of Joel Flandreson". "No siry Bob" Phillip exclaimed, "he came charging at me then he defenestrated himself". "Allright sir, please call is if anything else happens" The police officer said.

After the police leave Phillip's phone rings "hello" Phillip says into the phone "hello, Phillip" the other person says "this is Betty and I am just calling to ask, what the absolute fuck is happening down there" she says "well, long story short Joel got angry so he tried killing me but killed himself" Phillip said in a sarcastic tone "well I need you too come down to Northville, to file an incident report" she said "Ok" Phillip says and with that the rest of the work day finishes off and everyone goes home except for Phillip who is in his car heading to Northville. About half an hour into the ride, Phillip is starting to feel the first signs of salmonella from the month old pizza slice that was left in the office's fridge, he slowly looses his sense of smell, taste and worst of all his vision. Once is eye vision is fully gone he starts swerving all over the road and drives right off the 70 foot bridge and coincidentally lands right on a parked propane truck. Sparks flying from the two metal objects mixed with the Propane gas caused an explosion, the explosion mixed with Phillip's car gas burning the entire car. Phillip dies from scraps of metal piercing him, and third degree burns over 95% of his body.

Phillip was a mediocre business man and manager he had to deal with explosive moods from employees, his last explosive thing he had to deal with killed him. Rest In Peace Phillip Brentwood...