
The next day

I can't forget him i don't know why ...those eyes and his face..Damn!! even if he is wearing a face mask im sure he is handsome.

I'm going to school now and i asked my friend if she know that guy and she said"nah i don't know him why? " and i said "Ah nothing forget about it" her name is Akari Misaki and she is my bestfriend. after that i leave her

and sit in my own chair.

It's recess time and i asked again my other classmates but still..They don't know his name and i hear a voice of a man shouting my name"Yumii!you know i know him he is my friend his name is Yuu Suzuki ..And i was shocked!!i don't know if i smile or something i was really happy for that"Really do you know what section he is and his room? " i said.. and then he said "I know their room is in the first floor" i smile a lot know i know his name and room"Thank youu!" i said to him ows i forgot his name is kaito Sora the guy who loves to joke in our room and my guy friend..A hours later.. He asked me"Hey Yumss why do you ask me about him?" O. M. G i don't know what to say and yeah what am i doing?Hmm..i think im interest in him hehe"Uhmm i-i don't k-know hehe"i said and then he said "Hmm.. i knew it you have a crush on him don't yah? " ..."W-what did you s-" he cut me off "i will tell him now WAHAHA" Damn!! so what am i going to do now!!