

When i wake up its already 11:15 am i have a class in 11:30 so i only have 15 minutes to get ready im panicking a take a bath so fast and i didn't eat i will just eat at the school. I landed in school at 11:40 im so late and I've been there starting a first class and the whole class staring at me... Ohh!! i forgot that we will meet today at the garden my god lycka! And then sir said "Go and sit" ..."Sorry sir im late"..i don't know the exact time that we will meet and then later eric called me "Yumi, Yuu said that you two meet in the garden at 3:00 he will wait at the bench" Hayst so 3:00 im so nervous that finally we can talk. "Okay"

And then time passed it's already 2:55so i have to go now in the garden im sure i will be the first waiting at him instead of him wahaha.. and then i was surprised THAT HE IS ALREADY AT THE BENCH so.. uhm I don't know what do asf.

So he started to stand and he looks very shy and i walk to him so nervous and i said"Hi" he answer by waving his hands and you know he can't stare at me and im curious why? oh i knew it he is shy because im here at the front of him that's why he can't even speak HAHAHA and then kaito come to us and he said "So what's up" and no one answered him so he is wondering why.."What's the point of this you two plan this and don't say anything HAHAHA" and then he whispered "Sorry" and i nodded and we leave each other like wtf?? he went back in his room and he is sweating