
Caught by my mom

So i return in my class im a bit disappointed because..yah know? damn.. and after that the teacher enters the class room "Good afternoon ma'am" and she started to discuss but all the time i can't focus it's because of him damn! even a word from my teacher i can't remember ohh by the way im only grade 5 yeah im too young for that..

After thd class end (heading home) i see him again and i think he's waiting on someone?maybe and i see kaito goes to him and then walk

(he didn't see me) that's why they started to walk..."Im home" i said and i see my mom..she is busy in my little brother he's only 2 years old hehehe...so i go to the bathroom and take a shower after that i took my phone and start messaging him.. You know guys we're so close in social media but in person we're like a stranger HAHA..

And im surprised.."Who's that?"my mom said and "W-what?. nothing.. w-why mom?" I don't what to do should i tell mom that he is my cru... but im sure that she wouldn't accept that bruh.. and then she picked my phone"Let me see" IM SCARED!!

"Hmm so who is this guy?" that's my mom she is very strict she don't want me to get close with any guy except from my dad.."uhm mom he is my friend" and then she said"stay away from that guy,understood?i don't want to know that you and that guy talking even in the phone okay? "ughh i knew it after that my mom blocked him and she always check my phone so we're both not talking to each other. ..