

As the man's last breath escaped him, he whispered, "This is the end..." A warrior who had lost everything, he lay on the battlefield, his body empty of life and energy. In his final moments, he thought back on all he had lost and experienced, and closed his eyes, believing it all to be over. But when he awoke, he found himself in an unfamiliar bed, in a peaceful, modern world. He was bewildered, and whispered to himself, "I didn't ask for this." He had no choice but to try and make a new life for himself in this unfamiliar place, thinking to himself, "I will live a peaceful life this time." However, he soon discovers that he has been given a second chance to reclaim everything he had lost. Will he be able to hold onto it this time, or will it all slip through his fingers once again? Find out by reading the novel. Current worlds: I got a cheat ability in another world and became extraordinary in the real world. My Dress-Up Darling Classroom Of The Elite More to be updated later... Note: The main character of this story will be emotionless from the start, so if you do not enjoy that type of character, it may not be the story for you. However, he is not completely emotionless. For those who want to join in, here is the Discord link: https://discord.gg/NdaZBAbQ8D To read ahead, check out my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/OVERLOAD69

OVERLOAD69 · Anime & Comics
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118 Chs


"T-Thank you," The girl seemed overjoyed and relieved mostly but she didn't have much time since a group of students came rushing in from behind her surrounding Yuuya's desk.

"Hello, Tenjou-san do you work as a model?"

"Wow, Tenjou-san is so tall,"

"Tenjou-san which middle school did you go to?"

"Do you use Line, Tenjou-san?"

All types of questions were thrown at him super fast as he was surrounded by girls and boys who seemed eager to know him, A bit too eager if you may.

Yuuya answered them simply without using many words or changing in expression; he mostly only used one word or more only if necessary.

In less than 5 minutes the crowd around Yuuya diminished entirely as they all seemed to have asked enough questions.

"Tenjou are you a celebrity?" Yuuya looked to his right in order to see the girl who asked this question to him.

'That seems like a serious question,' Yuuya thought as he looked at the blank-faced girl with half-closed black eyes.

"No," Yuuya answered.

"That is surprising," The girl's eyes widened a little and that was the only change in her face, but Yuuya could feel her shock.

"Why so?" But he wasn't sure why she'd think that way, You can't really say that every half-decent-looking person is a celebrity somehow.

"I think that is because of how easily you dealt with all those questions, even I thought you'd have a hard time since they all gathered together," Yuuya looked in front as his answer came from there, he saw a guy with short dyed brown hair. He had a friendly smile and he seemed more like a model with his build along with his looks.

This guy also wore his uniform differently, his tie was loose with his blazer unbuttoned, and his dyed hair also didn't seem like a problem. The girl on his right as well, she wasn't wearing her tie or the blazer and even had a small choker on her neck.

"It wasn't an issue Igarashi-san," Yuuya answered as he looked at the boy, he did hear his name during the attendance just like the others had heard his name.

"Just Ryo is fine, I hope you don't mind if I call you Yuuya?" Ryo said with a dazzling smile, just like the other students he was also curious about Yuuya.

"Certainly Ryo," Yuuya nodded.

"Yuuya, you can call me Yukine as well," The girl on his right also said flatly as Yuuya nodded.

"Yuuya is making friends, I am so happy," Marin looked like a proud mother as she wiped her tears looking at Yuuya.

The girls who were talking to her were laughing since it looked funny as Yuuya seemed to have heard it but he wasn't responding to Marin's shenanigans.

"Hey Marin, why did you run out like that suddenly?" A girl asked with black hair tied in pigtails asked. She was wearing the school uniform replacing the blazer with a black vest.

Most of the people in the class were curious about this since Marin was also quite popular in the class even though she had only been there for like 20 or so minutes.

"Ah about that Nuwa, I kind of promised Yuuya that I'll show him around and got over-excited," Marin rubbed the back of her head as that is exactly what happened.

"Oh, so you know Tenjou-san from before?"

"Did you go to the same middle school?"

Few girls seemed to be interested in the topic as Marin looked at Yuuya. But Nuwa knew that wasn't the truth, she had been in the same middle school as Marin and…

'I would certainly remember someone like that,' Nuwa thought glancing at Yuuya before looking back at Marin.

"Yuuya they want to know about us, should I tell them?" Marin asked with a teasing grin making Yuuya look over.

"Even I am curious now," Ryo also seemed interested since after Marin took Yuuya away everyone was talking about it in the class.

Yukine also seemed to be listening since she was curious because of the way Marin said it, Yuuya looked like a person that was hard to approach given the air around him and the blank expression. She was sure he would've been swarmed by the curious classmates much before if his expression was a little softer or if he appeared friendly like Marin or Ryo.

But it wasn't, and it seemed like it would be hard to talk to him given how he behaved, but the second Marin walked in she talked to him like she had known him for a long time. Then later she even pulled him out of the class by his hand.

It was clear that the two were quite close, or so it appeared which made them even more curious as Yuuya didn't appear the cheerful type that could get chummy with anyone he met a few times.

"Well, It is ...complicated," Yuuya answered the question instead of retorting to Marin.

"Oh My,"

"Complicated he says,"

The girls seemed to be digging Yuuya's answer, it somehow flared their interest since the answer seemed romantic in many ways.

"I see," Ryo was nodding who knows what he understood from that.

'Oi, are you serious?' Nuwa nearly dropped her lollipop seeing Marin's reaction.

Marin was just staring at Yuuya in silence without blinking; she was trying her hardest not to grin like an idiot at the moment.

'I need to thank Grayfia after this~! Shizuka-tan also said this when she was asked about her relationship with the Mc,' Marin thought as the answer had dealt a heavy hit to her.

"I see, it does indeed look complicated," Yukine said flatly looking between Yuuya and Marin.

The blank-faced guy and the over-friendly girl, It looked like a setting right out of a modern-day romcom.

"Hang in there," Yukine said to Yuuya trying to give him some encouragement, as someone who thought she was pretty similar to Yuuya's disposition she could understand how difficult it was going to be for him.

"…Thank you Yukine," Yuuya could feel like Yukine understood what he meant but at the same time didn't understand it at all.

But he wasn't really in the correct whatever misunderstanding has formed in their heads and if he tries to correct them it'll only get deeper.


"Oh, the teacher is about to come, Bye," Ryo quickly went back to his seat as the bell rang indicating the end of the second period.

Yuuya and Yukine just nodded as all of the students were getting ready for the first period of the day.

'Well, at least it is going to be peaceful ...for the most part,' Yuuya thought as the teacher walked in and the second period started with Marin being full of life humming a melody.


The periods went by as Yuuya was barely focusing on the classes unlike his classmates who were fully immersed, the teachers were what you'd expect from a school like Ousei. All of them were great and the way they thought was really fascinating for the students.

Yuuya spent the time listening and taking notes since he didn't want to look like he was slacking off, and the lunch break arrived.

"Yuuya lets go to the cafeteria," Marin turned around and spoke enthusiastically.

'Where did she get the energy from? No wait never mind,' Yuuya thought since during the class Marin looked like she was a second away from sleeping, she would've fallen asleep if the teachers weren't paying attention.

But as soon as lunchtime came, her tiredness seemed to have vanished in thin air.

"You guys are going to check out the cafeteria as well?" Ryo came towards Yuuya's desk since practically half of the class overheard Marin. That is how loudly she spoke due to her being excited.

"Hmm," Yuuya nodded since he also needed to check out the school cafeteria for a few reasons.

"Would you guys mind if we join?" Ryo also seemed to be going to the cafeteria with a boy who seemed a bit overwhelmed by how fast everything was going.

"It's totes ok, let's go," Marin also agreed super fast and in a blink, the group was on their way to the cafeteria.

"Thank you," Ryo was grateful as they left the classroom.

"I really wanna see how good the cafeteria is," Ryo was excited as he had heard from someone that it was excellent.

"The cafeteria is super good, it is almost unreal," Marin said as the group walked down the hallway.

"Have you seen it before Kitagawa-san?" Ryo asked curiously.

"Yes, I've even eaten here during middle school," Marin said with a smile.

"Have you studied here during middle school?" Ryo was surprised at what he heard.