
Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Catching Fire

"What did I tell you about concentration?!

Listen, If you can't even concentrate on channeling your magic, then don't ever dream of getting stronger!

Go back from the start!" Marlon shouted as I tripped over my butt as I failed to channeled my water magic.

"Yes sir!" I yelled as I got back up as I started dashing through the training ground that Marlon specifically made at our garden.

"M-m'lady...please don't overexert yourself, your well being is the most important here," Sebastian said as he caught up with me.

Marlon, that guy, I really thought that he's a kind and calm teacher but heck I'm wrong. His mysterious background and shady stories in the game gradually became so not like him.

The game said that Marlon is good at teaching, and I agree but they never said that he's very much a strict teacher!

A quick side note, Sebastian is also part of the training because I let him. I mean, I don't want him to always sit around and give me water whenever I'm done with the harsh training that Marlon gave me. I believe that everyone should SHARE THE PAIN.

But again, this is for my future self-defense. If ever I'd get exiled I could use this to my advantage, or if I'd get executed...well at least I could put up a fight and at least get away from getting killed.

"I am f-fine Sebastian, let's hurry up and get this training done," I said with a small smile as I looked behind to meet Sebastian's tired face. Yes, "SHARE THE PAIN" I thought as I smiled inside. That's what you get for laughing every time I finish my training.

"You've been running around for a straight 5 hours while channeling your water magic, are you sure you're still okay?" He asked worriedly. Is he......mocking me?!

"Of course I'm o-okay! I can even race you to the finish line!" I said arrogantly but deep inside my answer to his question is different. It's more on "Of course I'm not okay!, My feet hurt from running! I am mentally and physically worn out from running and channeling all day!"

But I won't let them see my weak side, One could never say your weaknesses, especially when that person is going to make your life in the future a living hell.

I am trying to be friends with Sebastian as best as I could, and I really, really think that it's going well. That's my plan all along, If I couldn't avoid them because they'd always be with me, then I'll play like a good person for them.

But for the rest of the bachelours? NO WAY. NO FREAKING WAY! Especially that demon JAMES? NO WAY!

I really hate that guy, he broke our plan! and his presence just makes my mood turn. Speaking of the devil.

"Yo, Ray, still not done with the training?" The crown prince James said as he jogged beside me. Wearing his signature smirk. I tried to hold myself the urge to roll my eyes at him. That would mean that I'm being rude to HIS HIGHNESS

"Obviously," I said as I stopped jogging and channeled my magic. I tried attacking the wood figure meters away from me and for the 97th time, I finally did it! Though I only produced a small ball of water, the same as the size of my fist, And I fianlly succeeded in hitting the target.

I succeded!

"Sebastian I did it!" I happily said and did a small victory dance of my own. Sebastian just smiled at me and gave me a round of applause.

"3 hours had already passed and finally you're done! Such an easy task but it took you this long?" James arrogantly said.

This time I finally rolled my eyes.


"You arrogant son of a--"

"Rachel Vallemont," I whipped my head as I saw my Father standing next to Marlon who looked like he just woke up.

"His father, haha" I awkwardly laughed, thanking the heavens above that I managed to stop myself from cussing.

"Marlon, I'm done with the training! I managed to hit the target" I joyously announced to Marlon who just raised his eyebrows at me.

"Hit? you barely even did damage to it"


"That means, you're still weak, tomorrow, we'll do the same exact training"

"Eh? But I want to have a rest--"

"I thought you want to be strong?"

"--not! I want to be strong! I will train tomorrow!" I said, my eyes shifted to both James' and Sebastian's wooden target, only to see how good they did in their practice.

Isn't this bad right? I just made them stronger while I just became more pitiful than the Rachel in the game. Though Rachel is good with her magic in the game, she paid no heed on it thus her magic became dull and weak.

The Rachel in the game can rival James' power but due to lack of information and studies in magic, she is weak. That's why I tried to understand magic and also practiced. But now,

James' got even better with his magic, Sebastian too. Wouldn't that mean that if I'd get better with my magic, they too will also become overpowered?

Wouldn't that mean, they will have the opportunity to kill me that easily?!" I shivered at my thoughts and looked at Sebastian,

"Would you like to stop training?" Sebastian Just looked at me confusedly and shook his head.

Of course, he won't! He finally had the chance to become powerful and finally get freed from me! OF COURSE, HE WILL NOT STOP TRAINING!

Oh my God! I am just so dumb!

"Right, Rachel, the head chef was looking forward in what you'll be making today, he's been excited to try your making your recipes again," Father said as they all began to walk away.

Right, I just idiotically spilled some hacks and tricks in making foods and desserts and now, the whole household is looking forward when I step into the kitchen.

I never really wanted to stand out, even inside our household, but, just because I spilled some shits that all people in the right mind would know, they took me as some food expert.

"Mary, help me change" I called out to my attendant as I arrived at my room. She bowed at me first and headed to look for some fresh clothes.

But now that I think about it, there's this food that I've been craving to eat. Something like grilling, and smokes...

When I finished dressing, I headed out with some meats and vegetables from the kitchen and found a place in the garden.

To make fire...Woods? maybe rocks? Nah, I guess I'll use a special card for this.

"Why are we here again?" James asked as he grumpily sat down on the grass.

"I only invited Sebastian, but you insisted on coming along, so quit complaining"

"Sebastian, lit up a fire," I said, and Sebastian did so. A small glow of fire appeared on his palm and I motioned for him to lit the woods that I piled.

"Are you sure we wouldn't get in trouble with this?" Sebastian said as he doubted my idea in lighting a fire.

"Of course I'm sure! What don't you have trust in me?" I said as I pretended to be hurt at his words, he quickly panicked and mumbled about having trust in me as he lighted the wood.

I watched as he put lit up the woods. It's just so awesome, magics existed in this place and I'm experiencing it. Just WOW.

now to set things up.

"Oi, You better not make any troubles," James said as he looked at the fire that we made.

"I would never make troubles," I said as I stood up and began fanning the fire as I turned to James with a smug face.

"Just so you know, I love camping and there's this food that you could always eat when you're out for camping!" yes, that aroma, the taste, I really love it. The smoke that it would emit, it's just very heavenly.

Speaking of smoke. why do I smell something getting burned?

Just then James looked at me in horror.

"what? Seen any ghost?" I said as I crossed my arms.

"F-f-f-f-f-f--f-" He stuttered as he pointed at the side of the long dress that I've been wearing.


"Obviously, because we're starting a fire to make foods duh--"

"My Lady, your dress has caught fire!" Sebastian yelled as he stood up and looked for a way to put it out. I finally looked down to find my clothes getting burnt.


"Noo! Help me! I don't wanna get burned to crisp!!" I yelled as I fanned the fire on my dress. And of course, it didn't HELP!

"Don't move--"


"No Don't" But I moved. Welp, I regretted that decision, though.

Let's just say, I just started a fire at my garden, and everyone's happy....



From the very beginning I wasn't really expecting people to read this, but when I came back, my notifications in flooding with 2 reviews and collections!

I was overwhelmed. Thank you guys so much!

Commacreators' thoughts