
Did I Just Released a Genie?

She deciphered a manuscript, read it aloud and the next thing she knows, a genie popped out. Unlimited wishes and limitless possibilities. But at what price? Can Winter keep her heart in check? Or will she fall into a similar trap as the others before her.

LMIC · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Pilot - Winter Blooming

I gobbled down what was left on my plate. Picked up the trash I had created unwrapping food, walked towards the bin and disposed all of it. As I watch the garbage fall to the bottom, so did my mind.

"Fat pig, no matter what you do, you're not going to lose any of that blubber in you. Don't think for a second you can ever look like us."

The utterance of Cassandra Norman just kept repeating in my head, like a recorder on replay. "Fat pig... Fat pig... Fat pig..."

Fuck! Is it soo wrong to love to eat. It isn't my fault to be born into a body that has bad metabolism and a tounge that relishes food. It is just my fucking body not cooperating. Nothing cooperates. Nothing works. I am nothing!

Well at least that is what they think about me. I think different. I may not be the prettiest or sexiest or whatever sexual term these kids use these days, but I know I am intelligent. Not Einstien level! Just enough to realise that I don't have to waste my time worrying about my waist line. Get it! Waste... Waist... Alright I believe you did.

With my head hung low, I walked through the halls, heading for my next class. The only subject that I look forward to. Not because of a cute teacher or boy. But because it is filled with mysteries and discoveries to be made. LANGUAGE ARTS!

You might think it is a boring subject but it actually isn't, if you manage to grasp its basics. Every language is made up of sounds, produced by our vocal chords. When you don't understand the language, you will only hear jumbles of noise. But when you pick up a few vocabulary, you realise these sounds have meaning. It makes my heart and mind flutter to know how different syllables and phonemic sound can mean something. It is just AMAZING!

RIIIIIING! Shit! The school bell just went off. I'm going to be late for class better run! Fuck! Out of all the place and space in this damn school. She just HAS to be there.

"OMG! The floor is shaking! Earthquake! Oh, my mistake. It's just piggy running. Fuck! Why is she soo ugly. Look at all those blubber jiggling while she runs. I would be fucking embarrased if I were her."

Cassandra said it loud enough for, at least, two meters of people worth, to hear. What have I ever done for her to loathe me this much.

No time to dwell, got to head to class.

I just realised, I never got to the part where I introduce myself.

My name is Winter Blooming. A final year student at Vermont High School. From the information you have gathered thus far, you are right. I am a language nerd, who is being bullied and whom is well fed both physically and intellectually. I have no interest in having a boyfriend, whatsoever, and boys have no interest in me.

"Good afternoon everyone! Let's begin our class by reading a text on chapter 6, page 107."