

"Well, it's really been so long! Now I can't even differentiate if it's okay for me to continue or not," muttered a beautiful young girl in a hospital gown. She appeared pale and weak, but strangely her eyes showed both sparkles and boredom.

There were bandages on her head and the few dried blood were making it easier for others to notice she was wounded at a first glance. 

"Oh yeah! Finally completed," said the girl holding a paper quilled hat in her hand. Many thin paper-strips were scattered here and there, perfectly showing for how long she was quilling the papers.

 She stretched out her hand and grabbed a paper-quilled doll from the bed-side table and tucked the newly made hat in as a beautiful smile bloomed on her face, "Ohhhh! Wow! Now this is what I call perfe-"

But before she could rejoice in her success, suddenly the door of the room opened with a loud thud and several men in brown-black clothes came in each carrying a sniper rifle. They didn't give the young girl a chance to utter any word, as one of them took out a revolver from his back, swiftly adding silencer on it and directly aimed at her head.

Soon the quilled hat fell from the quilled doll which got dyed with a thick red colour.

The group left instantly after shooting the young girl just like how it burged in.

After some time, the door opened again and a handsome young man came in. He was carrying a drawing copy and a few sketch pencils with him, but all fell from his hand when he saw the lifeless body of the young girl on the bed with thick red liquid all over the place.

"AMISSA!" He cried out in shock as he ran towards her. He immediately pressed the emergency bell at the side and took her bloody red-head on his lap as he sat on the bed.

He tapped his hands on her cheeks and he said, "Amissa, hey Sweety! Wake up! Hey, Amissa, can you hear me? See, I'm here! See! Your Saaras is here! See! Amissa! Okay, okay! You don't have to open your eyes! It might be hurting, right? Ju-just Hang on there! Ple-please. Okay, Sweety? Doctors will arrive soon!"

Just as he finished, the door opened and several doctors and nurses came in. They swiftly got into their action, but…

The senior doctor stopped them to get close to the lifeless body in Saaras's arms. He looked up at the grief-stricken man and delivered the most cruel words in a calm tone, "Mr. Yoshi, you should control yourself. Miss Sehgal is no more. It's clearly visible. She has been shot to death. It'll be better if you can focus on finding her murderer than to trouble us."

"SHUT UP! Just focus on checking her! She's bleeding a lot!" Saaras growled at the doctor in bloodshot eyes and then again turned to caress her pale face.

When he couldn't sense any movement, Saaras looked up and saw only the three people were standing there and no one else. Others had already left, except the two nurses standing behind the doctor.

The senior doctor took a long breath and looked at the young man sternly, "Saaras, she has already died! You should know when to stop, right? Think about your well maintained image! Contro-!"

His words were cut off in the middle as a glass landed on his head, cutting it half open near his eyebrows. But he still remained calm, ignoring the blood flowing down from his forehead.

"LEAVE! Just leave! If you don't want to save her just leave! GET OUT!" Saaras wailed loudly at him as he spat out the words through his gritted teeth.

Instantly all turned to the two nurses ran out of the room and just the moment the senior doctor was about to leave, he turned around.

He sized the young man on the bed up with his eyes before speaking mockingly at him, "When Miss Sehgal was still there, you didn't even spend half a time with her, even though she tried all the means to be by your side. Each day I saw her losing her hope slowly on love. Her eyes lost all the shine that she once used to have. She was all alone there while we were running tests on her. She endured all the pain alone. And now that she's gone, instead of punishing her murderer, you're acting as if you lost someone precious?! DON'T YOU THINK IT'S TOO MUCH LIKE A SHOW OFF?!"

The doctor shouted at the man and left the room without waiting for a reply. And as soon as the door closed behind him, large tear drops started to run down from his eyes.

He was the one who had been treating the girl from the start after she was admitted due to that car accident. She had lost all her parents who were her world to her. Still she used to talk with the nurses and other staff, especially about the man she loved. She was so adorable and kind to all, making friends with all the people. But the man she used to love, only visited her once a month; and worse, not visited for 3 months continuously.

She was so adorable that every staff member liked her and always tried to keep her cheerful. Still, she started to get depressed for being unable to see her love for so long. Worst she even questioned him once, "Dr. Dey, my legs are disabled now. I need external support all the time to do things starting from simple one to hard ones! Do you think I'm any longer worthy of Saaras?"

How could he forget that sad face ever? Even though he's angry on her murderer, he's partly grateful to him/ her as well. That person freed her from her obsession on Saaras and from her growing depression.

Still she couldn't believe till now that that girl is finally having her eternal rest. No more expectations, no more hope and naturally no disappointment.

It's just that he's angry with the man! Why? Just why did Saaras visit Amissa after so many weeks? Leaving her all alone here? With no family and friends! Was he that busy that he couldn't even call her? Huh? 

As soon as the doctor left and the door got closed, Saaras wiped away his tears that fell down and dialed a number on his phone, while placing the young girl's head on his lap.

With just three rings, the call got connected and Saaras ordered in a cold voice, "Follow out the plan now. Destroy them completely! I want to hear the positive answer within half an hour. No more!" And with that he ended the call.

He then softly looked at the young girl on his lap and gently caressed her face with his fingers. It appeared that his fingers were colder than her beautiful lifeless face. Yet he continued caressing and said, "You were always finding ways to become my tail but I kept on throwing you aside. Now that I'm here, you… you just, just have to close your eyes like that. Is this a joke or my retribution, hmm? Amissa?"

He removed the strands of hair from her face softly and patted her hair on her head, brushing it from time to time, "Did you remember, you always wanted to lay on my lap like this?" Then he gave a self-mocking smile and looked up at the white smooth ceiling, "But being a sc*mbag, I never fulfilled your wish. I always thought it was childish back then. And now that you're having an eternal sleep in this body, I'm doing this. The moment that you always wanted to cherish is now here, it's just that you're the one who's not here, Baby!"

A tear drop slipped from his eyes, followed by more. But he didn't have any energy to care about his image anymore.

His hands slowly moved on her pale lips that had long turned white. His gaze became colder with the passing second as he gripped her jaw hard, "But still you know what, Sweety? No matter what, where and how, you're mine, Amissa. You'll always stay mine! Just mine! And I'll never let anyone have you even if it's in your after-life! I'll keep you to myself only! Your eyes can only follow me, you know?! And your ears should listen to my voice, your mouth can only have my name, your smile is only meant for me, Baby! Just me alone!"

With that he lowered his head and started kissing on her cold face. Her forehead, her eyes, her nose, her cheeks, her lips and stopped on her chin as he was interrupted in between by a phone call.

Without any hesitation, he picked it up, turning on the speaker mode and a hoarse male voice came from the other side of the call, "Boss, all done. Destroyed completely. The base and people. All clear!"

"Good. Ask your payments and bonuses from Lek. From today onwards he'll be your boss. Don't call me ever again, I'm leaving the business and all to him," replied Saaras in a cold voice before disconnecting the call. He then typed a series of text in his phone, before throwing it away somewhere in the room with full force.

A crack sound was heard but he didn't care about it.

He looked at the beautiful girl in his lap and caressed her cheeks, "Did you hear that, Amissa? The ones who killed your parents are killed now. My men killed them. All. Are you happy now? Hmm? Are you satisfied with the result? Hmm? Baby? Say it! Say it na?!"

He pursed his lips and continued to stroke her face gently as he answered his own question, "Of course you are happy now! Right, Baby? I know you're!"

His voice was breaking with each of the words uttered further, as Saaras started to appear more hopeless and desperate.

He gently laid Amissa's body on the bed and laid down beside her. He pulled her on his arms as he kissed on her forehead lovingly, "You might have never known as I had never voiced it before, Amissa. But believe me! I've long started to love you. It's just that I never got the guts to go out of my way to confess to you. Now I wish I had broken all my mental shackles and had told you these words before which you always wanted to hear. But now even if I'm telling you these words 'I love you, I love you, I love you' countless times, you can't even respond to me, Amissa! You won't ever reply back to me! Your eyes will not open and won't lit up to see me anymore, isn't it Amissa!?"

Saaras smiled bitterly, holding her lifeless body tighter in her arms. He kissed her forehead lovingly and murmured, "Sleep in peace, Baby. Just hang on for sometime alone there for now! I'll come to accompany you soon. And that time, I'll never let you stay alone, even for a second. I promise!"

 Then he slowly reached out to take out a black revolver from his pants' pocket and aimed it at his forehead. He then pulled the trigger without any hesitation.

Soon a thin red liquid gushed out all over the place mixing with the lightly dried thick red liquid from before…

Next chapter