
The beginning

After some time the elves started leaving. Out of the 4,500 elves that gathered. 500 remained.

Including Freya, her mother and sister. Aisha, Adriana, and Alyana, the chieftess' mother, the chieftess and her daughter. Karina, Lawrence's mother, Claren and Miraen Lawrence's twin sisters.

500 beauties huh, I wonder who to pick to play with first. Should I just close my eyes and point? I'll do that later

Everyone started gathering in front of the chieftess. Lawrence then approached the chieftess

"Chieftess thank you for doing this" Lawrence said with a smile

"It's nothing, so have you chosen the ones you'll train with?" the chieftess asked

"Yes chieftess, I have decided train with them all but I'll only pick a handful to train more personally first. The glade is big enough to train at least twice this number" Lawrence replied with a smile

By training personally I meant I'll be impaling them with my sword while they moan of course

They will only first train some basic physical exercise anyway. I'll also need them to build some basic equipment and some weapons like bows and arrows. So these 500 are like workers under me free of charge. I'll just select and train the elite ones then let those elite train the rest.

"Then let's head to the glade. I will also train under you. You can order me to do whatever you want while we are training" The chieftess said with a smile

Lawrence looks at the chieftess's from head to toe

Like everything, everything? I am thinking of doing so many things with your body because of what you said just now *cough*

"what am I not fit to be trained under you?" the chieftess asked with narrowed eyes

"no chieftess's just you are our village leader, it's not appropriate for me to order you around," Lawrence said with a slight bow

I already started training you a few days ago woman, the f*ck are you saying you're not fit enough. Just look at those t*ts

"If that is the case then I shall allow you to become the village chief as well. You are the only elven male here after all. The elders also agreed with it" The chieftess replied

"sigh*" Lawrence sigh

"Then I shall live up to your expectations chieftess, but I'll only act as a chief while training," Lawrence said with a smile

Elders again huh, I wonder how many village elders there are. And where are they? Are some of them included in this group of 500 elven women? They all still look so young I can't tell what their age is

The group started heading towards the glade. A some time later. The elves reached the glade. Lawrence then asked for the chieftess's permission to start ordering the elves, and she agreed.

Lawrence uses the ability he got from the fruit of the world tree. His eyes started to shine golden. He can now see the natural energy strings around the elves

Sounds of gaps were heard around them.

The elves were surprised to see his eyes glow, including his wife, mother and sisters

Most are covered with two different lined colours, some have three, and twenty have four. And all of them have white and green huh? The power to control nature and wind.

After a few minutes of looking at the elf's natural energy strings. He felt warm liquid flow out of his eyes. He immediately stopped using his ability

"damn, the corner of my eyes are bleeding? It was too much for me to use it on all these elves at once huh?" Lawrence said

"Brother, what's wrong?" His sisters asked

"Dear, are you ok? " Freya asked while holding his hands

"Son, what happened?" Karina asked while grabbing his arms

"it's nothing, using energy is straining to my body so I need to first strengthen my body before using them, don't worry, I'll be able to recover from this after resting a little" Lawrence replied while looking at them with a reassuring look

"energy?" they asked

"I'll explain to to all of you some other time" Lawrence said with a smile

Then he starts looking at the elves and announced

"After using the ability goddess Esmeralda granted me, I saw that all of you can use the energy of wind and nature. Forgive me as I cannot tell you about it for now. However what I can tell you is that you need to strengthen your body first before using it. I shall thank the goddess on your behalf the next time she summoned me, we elves are trully loved by goddess Esmeralda" Lawrence said while smiling at the elves

Everyone celebrated in joy, and some prayed to the goddess Esmeralda

Look at these lambs, they don't even know what's in stored for them in this training area.

Most of you won't even be real warriors but more like my maids and helpers. But don't worry I'll work hard for you elves for years to come, I'll work really hard.

"Let us all work hard for the safety of the elven race. Let us all make goddess Esmeralda proud. I am sure she is always watching over us" Lawrence said in a slightly loud voice while smiling

"Yes" "we will work hard" "Thank you goddess Esmeralda" the elves replied enthusiastically

Damn, I think I'm getting good at lying with a straight face.

Train, I need to train and strengthen my body and increase my stamina. I'm still too weak to continuously use that ability.

I'll just use it from time to time to pick the ones with four energies then train them as my elites. I'll be able to enjoy them *cough* I mean train them better that way

Lawrence then asked for volunteers to do different chores such as digging a hole and getting some fruits and water. He also asked some elves to prepare some beds made of leaves in case someone passed out. While some elves decided to walk around the glade.

This is it, this is start of my elven army, and the beginning of my elven empire.

Thank you for reading this chapter everyone! ^_^

ElvenHerocreators' thoughts
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