
Did I become an Elf?

Warning: Mature Audiences only 18+ A tragedy struck the elven race, The demon ambushed all the elven males at the shrine of the Goddess they were worshipping, except one Lawrence who was left to recuperate inside the elven village after being poisoned but died not long after. Now the goddess reincarnated Lawrence who was living 2 thousand years in future as a human and tasked him with the responsibility of populating the elven village. And prevent the future occurrence of the extermination of the elven race. This is about the journey and struggles of the last elven male who wants to turn his village into an empire.

ElvenHero · Fantasy
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62 Chs


After a few hours of lovemaking, the village chieftess passed out. Lawrence decided to wash before heading home. He is washing at a well water surrounded by trees located beside the village chieftess's house

There are still a lot of elves in front of the village chieftess's house, they must still be hoping for some miracle that their loved ones managed to survive the onslaught of the demonic beast.

Ugh, I feel sticky. I tried to take it easy on her and treat her delicately. I must say it might take a lot of effort to do this repeatedly. If the village chieftess one of the oldest in the village acts like that, I don't even want to imagine how the other elves will react. I think sex education with a live demonstration will be needed. all the elves here are my women now after all.

"Hey Lawrence, my mother is calling for you inside," a brown-haired elven girl said

Lawrence looks at her

Hmm, I feel like I've seen her together with my sister Claren. I think she's one of the girls who treats the valuable herbs like common weeds. This one needs a spanking later.

Come to think of it, the village chieftess has been moaning and calling my name quite loudly earlier. Did these elves not notice it? Or are they just too innocent to even know what's happening?

"All right, I'll head back inside. You are my sister's friend, right? May I know your name?"Lawrence asked

"My name is Alyana" Alyana replied

Now that I think about it, I don't even know what the village chieftess's name is. *sigh* f*ck first ask later huh

"We are back mother, I brought you, Lawrence" Alyana said

"You can leave us" the village chieftess replied

The village chieftess looks like a mess, her hair is dishevelled, she's still naked, and I can even see my white liquid dripping out of her. Damn, she still looks so beautiful. job well done Lawrence.

"I have a lot of things to ask you Lawrence son of Karina. First, I will start with how you know how to do that. The village chieftess asked

"Do what village chieftess?" you mean do you right?

"you know what I meant Lawrence" the village chieftess replied with narrowed eyes

Damn look like she's the serious type, it certainly didn't look like that earlier.

*sigh* the village chieftess sigh

"Never mind it's not important, just make sure to treat the other elves gently next time. I haven't heard anyone experiencing what you did to me"

"did it feel good chieftess?" Lawrence asked with a smile

"don't push your luck Lawrence son of Karina" the village chieftess replied with narrowed eyes.

"As you say chieftess" Lawrence replied

"Chieftess if I may ask, what exactly happened to the elven male?" Lawrence asked


The village chieftess sigh

"Well it happened a few days ago, the elven men including you started their journey early in the morning to the shrine of goddess Esmeralda. But you were sent back not long after. The men should have been back during the morning the next day but when no one returned. I decided to send out some people to check on them. Unfortunately, the first group I sent did not return as well until late evening. So earlier in the morning, I asked the help of the dryads to see what happened. And a few hours later the dryads confirmed my suspicions. The elven men including the ones I sent out to check on them were all attacked by beasts that have malevolent aura around them and died or eaten. Not a single one of them has their bodies intact."

I see I was right, it was demonic beasts. And the dryads helped the chieftess huh, no wonder I didn't see any dryads earlier around the world tree. Back when goddess Esmeralda talked to me she was surrounded by hundreds of dryads below a huge world tree. The world tree in this village can't even be compared with it. The ancient book says that the dryads are the protector of the world tree, but they can only protect it from harm they won't be enough to nutrient it like elves and spirits. That's probably why the dryads helped the village chieftess to scout the shrine and surroundings. The fate of the world tree also depends on the elves that supply it with their essence.

"Village chieftess, may I ask what are your plans for the village now" Lawrence asked

I mean I have my plan to make all the elves here my wife and build my elven empire but I am still open to some suggestions

"I will talk to you about that tomorrow, go home first. You've been gone for half a day now. Your wife must be worried. And I also have a lot of other things to do for now. Just make sure to keep yourself away from harm." the village chieftess said.

"As you say chieftess" Lawrence walked towards the chieftess he put his hands on her face and kissed her passionately.

Damn, she looks so hot I couldn't help myself. No, I need to stop this for now. I still have no important things to do

Lawrence stopped kissing the chieftess, and then he said to her.

"chieftess you haven't told me your name yet,"

"You never asked. My name is Adriana" Adriana replied