
Dictator with a Badass System

Have you ever thought about having a cool system at your disposal? What would you do if you were a Dictator who suddenly transmigrated to a completely new world with a system? Would you use the system to take over the new world or destroy the world altogether to get stronger? This is a story of the most powerful and ruthless Dictator on earth who took over the body of a young noble who died humiliated, betrayed, and broken. If you are expecting a harem, beta MC who has a soft spot for young ladies, please turn back. This is not for you. But if you crave something new, something fresh and not a cliché young master but an Alpha MC who wouldn't blink an eye to kill anyone regardless of their gender and age, you won’t regret reading the novel. Join the journey of Hunter from being the Dictator to the most feared Crime Lord in a fantasy world!!! WELCOME TO THE CRIMINAL EMPIRE BUILDING CLASS Schedule : Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

don_offl · Action
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50 Chs

Trying to outwit the evil system

Hunter and the old man arrived at a picturesque courtyard adorned with vibrant flowers and a gentle fountain at its center. A group of servants emerged, their attire exuding a sense of elegance as they approached Hunter's majestic black horse.

The old man stepped forward, his voice filled with genuine concern. "Young man, allow our servants to take care of your horse. They will ensure it receives the finest treatment within our stables."

Hunter cast a fond gaze at his loyal companion, gently patting its sleek coat. "Take good care of him," he instructed a hint of sadness in his voice. With a final affectionate stroke, he nodded at the servants, signaling them to lead the horse away.

As the horse trotted off with the servants, Hunter turned his attention back to the old man, ready to follow him into the grandeur of the castle's throne hall.

Hunter followed the old man through a series of opulent corridors adorned with intricate tapestries, sparkling chandeliers, and exquisite artwork that adorned the walls. The air was perfumed with a delicate fragrance, and the soft sounds of footsteps echoed in the vastness of the castle.

As they approached the entrance to the throne hall, grand double doors stood tall and imposing. Hunter paused for a moment, taking in the sight before him. The doors opened, revealing the breathtaking splendor of the throne hall.

The hall stretched out before him, its immense size accentuated by high vaulted ceilings and shimmering stained glass windows that bathed the space in a kaleidoscope of colors. Sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a radiant glow upon the elegant marble floors below.

At the far end of the hall, an ornately carved throne stood, its presence commanding attention and respect. The room was filled with an aura of power and authority, emphasized by the intricately detailed decorations and gilded accents that adorned every corner.

The old man gestured for Hunter to proceed, his voice filled with reverence. "Please, enter the throne hall. The Duke awaits your arrival."

With a mixture of anticipation and determination, Hunter stepped into the magnificent throne hall, ready to face the challenges and opportunities that awaited him within its hallowed walls.

The old man nodded solemnly and spoke with a sense of urgency. "Wait here, young man. I will fetch the Duke, but I must warn you, he does not take kindly to his time being wasted, especially when his daughter's life hangs in the balance. If you cannot cure Lady Marina, he may not be forgiving. Your fate rests in your hands."

Hunter's eyes gleamed with determination as he responded firmly, "I understand the gravity of the situation, and I assure you, my word is my bond. I will do everything in my power to cure Lady Marina."

With a nod, the old man hastened away, leaving Hunter alone in the grandeur of the throne hall. As he waited, Hunter couldn't help but feel the weight of the guards' vigilant gazes upon him. Their watchful eyes seemed to penetrate his every move, a constant reminder that he stood on the precipice of an immense challenge.

In the silence of the throne hall, Hunter waited patiently, his resolve growing stronger with each passing moment. He mentally prepared himself for the encounter with the Duke, knowing that his every action, every word, would determine his fate within these walls.

As Hunter stood in the grandeur of the throne hall, a confident air surrounded him. He strolled with purpose, his hands clasped behind his back, as if he owned the very space he walked upon. The guards stationed around the hall remained vigilant, their presence imposing, but Hunter paid them little mind. Instead, he activated his God's Eyes, a power that allowed him to perceive the true strength of those around him.

A subtle glow emanated from Hunter's eyes as he surveyed the guards, their figures now outlined in a vivid red hue. It was a clear indication that they possessed formidable strength, far surpassing his own. Hunter knew that engaging in combat with them would be a futile endeavor. However, he had no intention of challenging them. His purpose here was far more subtle and cunning.

As Hunter's keen ears caught the sound of hurried footsteps, his gaze shifted towards the ornate doors at the far end of the throne hall. His eyes widened as he beheld the figure that entered—a man with fiery red hair, standing tall with a commanding physique and an air of authority. Adorned in lavish noble attire, the dark lines around his eyes and the weariness etched on his face hinted at the burden of his responsibilities. The man was none other than Duke Korvax Redmane himself.

Accompanied by a retinue of guards, including the formidable General Langley, as well as a couple of nobles, the Duke was escorted by the old man who had guided Hunter to this moment. The old man, aware of Hunter's name, introduced him to the Duke with the utmost respect.

"Your Grace, may I present to you this young man who claims to possess the ability to cure Lady Marina," the old man spoke, his voice filled with deference.

Hunter's heart pounded with anticipation and a touch of nerves. He knew that in this world, he had to adapt and act accordingly to survive and thrive. With a deep breath, he stepped forward and inclined his head in a respectful bow, his eyes fixed on the Duke.

"My Lord Duke, I am humbled to be in your presence," Hunter addressed the Duke, his voice conveying sincerity and reverence. "I come before you today with the utmost respect and the sincerest of intentions to offer my assistance in the pursuit of Lady Marina's well-being."

Inwardly, Hunter chuckled at the irony of his situation. Back on Earth, he had been a formidable figure, a dictator who had never bowed his head to anyone. But here, in this world, he understood the importance of playing the role assigned to him, of respecting the customs and traditions that governed their society.

Hunter, ever the cunning strategist, understood the dangers of clinging to his past role as a dictator. He knew that acting foolishly, refusing to bow when necessary, would only invite his own demise in this treacherous world. Hunter's sharp mind calculated the risks and rewards, guiding him to adopt a facade of compliance and respect. He recognized that biding his time, playing the part of a humble servant would grant him the opportunity to seize power and remove heads when the perfect moment arose. His actions were shrouded in a masterful blend of adaptability and cunning, ensuring his survival while he patiently laid the groundwork for his grand design.

The Duke's stern gaze locked onto Hunter, his voice laced with caution and a hint of desperation. "Is it true? Do you truly believe you can cure my beloved Marina and Nathaniel? Understand this, young man, I have no tolerance for empty promises or foolish games. If you dare to deceive me, the consequences will be severe."

Hunter met the Duke's intense gaze with unwavering determination. Despite the Duke's anger and weariness, Hunter detected a glimmer of hope and desperation hidden within his eyes. With a careful blend of confidence and humility, Hunter responded, his words chosen to inspire trust rather than offense.

"Your grace, I assure you, I stake my life on my abilities. If I am unable to bring a cure to Lady Marina, I will willingly meet my end. My word is my bond, and I am committed to saving her. Allow me the opportunity to access her condition, and I will do everything in my power to restore her health. Any rewards that may follow are secondary to the noble act of restoring a life," Hunter declared, his voice carrying the weight of sincerity and determination. He understood the delicate balance of maintaining the Duke's hope while acknowledging the potential rewards that awaited him.

The Duke's voice quivered with a mixture of desperation and determination as he made his proposition. "If you possess the power to cure my ailing daughter, I will grant you any request you desire. No treasure or favor will be too great. But know this, young man, failure is not an option. Now, follow me to Marina's chamber,"

As Hunter walked behind the Duke, Langley, and the others, he could feel the weight of their scrutiny upon him. General Langley, a stalwart figure with a piercing gaze, questioned Hunter's audacious claim. "How is it that you, a mere youth, have the audacity to assert that you can succeed where countless seasoned healers have failed?"

Hunter maintained a calm composure, meeting Langley's gaze directly. "I understand your skepticism, General. But I must tell you that I have studied under a wise and revered traveling monk who imparted upon me the ancient arts of healing. Through his guidance, I have acquired a deep understanding of the human body and its intricate workings."

Curiosity piqued, the Duke interjected, his voice laced with both hope and caution. "And what has become of this monk, young man? Why are you here and not with him, if his teachings were so invaluable?"

Hunter's response came effortlessly, concealing the truth behind a veil of deception. "The ways of the monk did not align with my own path. I parted ways with him to forge my own destiny. But rest assured, Your Grace, the teachings I received are genuine, and I am confident in my ability to heal Lady Marina."

General Langley's expression remained guarded, his doubts lingering. The weight of their scrutiny pressed upon Hunter, but he held his ground, knowing that revealing the true source of his powers, the system would definitely be the end of his life or worse.

As the group entered Marina's room, a sense of hushed tension filled the air. The room itself was adorned with elegant furnishings, with delicate tapestries gracing the walls and soft, warm lighting casting a soothing ambiance. Marina lay upon a plush bed, her still form shrouded in a flowing blue gown, her golden hair cascading gently on the pillow.

Seated beside Marina was a woman with flowing blond hair, her eyes red and puffy from worry and sleepless nights. It was evident that this was Marina's mother, Alexa. The old man stepped forward, introducing the woman to Hunter with a tone of both relief and apprehension.

"Your Grace, this young man claims he can cure Lady Marina," the old man spoke, his voice tinged with hope.

Hunter approached Marina's mother, his expression filled with feigned sympathy and reassurance. "Lady Alexa, please know that I understand the gravity of the situation. Rest assured, I will do everything in my power to heal your daughter. She is in good hands."

His words were laden with calculated sincerity, concealing the truth of his involvement in Marina's condition. Deep down, Hunter relished the irony of the situation, knowing that he was the architect behind the very ailment he vowed to cure. But he maintained his facade, determined to exploit this opportunity to its fullest extent.

Alexa's brows furrowed with skepticism as she observed the young man before her, his claims of healing ringing hollow in her ears. Before she could voice her doubts, the duke raised a hand, silencing her. He glanced at Hunter, his weary eyes holding a glimmer of desperate hope.

Hunter, seizing the opportunity, took a step closer to Marina's bedside, his demeanor shifting into that of a true gentleman. With a calm and composed voice, he addressed the duke and those present.

"Your Grace, Lady Alexa, esteemed guests, please allow me a moment of silence to examine Lady Marina. I require your permission to touch her hands and forehead, as it will assist me in assessing her condition."

His request hung in the air for a brief moment, tension thickening in the room. The duke, desperate for a solution, nodded silently, granting Hunter his consent.

With utmost gentleness, Hunter extended his hand, carefully placing it upon Marina's delicate palm. His touch was warm, his fingers tracing the lines of her hand as if seeking out hidden answers. Moving closer, he pressed his other hand against Marina's forehead, his touch light and soothing.

As Hunter's fingers lingered on Marina's skin, he closed his eyes, pretending to concentrate deeply. It was all part of his act, the charade of a healer assessing a patient. Inside, Hunter's mind raced with anticipation, eager to exploit this opportunity and manipulate the situation to his advantage. But outwardly, he remained composed, projecting an image of a skilled and compassionate healer, ready to unveil a miracle.

All eyes in the room remained fixed on Hunter, their anticipation palpable. After a brief pause, Hunter opened his eyes, a serene smile playing on his lips. That smile, somehow, ignited a flicker of hope within Duke Korvax and Lady Alexa.

"Your Grace, I believe you were already aware that Lady Marina was poisoned," Hunter began, his voice composed and gentle.

"What you may not know is that the person who poisoned her harbors a deep-seated hatred for you and your esteemed family." Hunter spoke with an air of certainty as though someone else had poisoned her. But in reality, he was carefully framing his words to create a strategic foundation for his upcoming scheme.

"And how do you come to this conclusion?" Langley, the ever vigilant general, questioned Hunter's assertion, seeking further clarification.

"My master calls this poison the devil's touch, a rare and sinister toxin. Its purpose is to inflict excruciating pain upon the victim, slowly draining their life force. It is wielded by the cruelest and most wicked individuals, seeking to make their victims suffer and languish in agony," Hunter explained, weaving a narrative that played on the duke's emotions.

The room fell into a heavy silence as Hunter's words sank in. Duke Korvax and Alexa were consumed by a whirlwind of emotions, their questions silently directed at Hunter, urging him to continue.

"Naturally, the healers failed to cure Lady Marina, as the recipe for the antidote has long been lost to this world. However, I must be frank. I possess only one dose of this antidote. Therefore, I can cure either Lady Marina or Master Nathaniel if he too has fallen victim to the same poison. The other unfortunate soul will have to wait until we apprehend those responsible for this heinous act, in hopes that they possess another antidote."

Hunter's expression turned somber, conveying his helplessness in the face of such limited resources. Deep down, he cursed the system for providing only one antidote, but he concealed his true intentions. As he pondered the situation, a devious plan began to form, one that would outwit the system and transform this predicament into a valuable opportunity.

Hunter realized that unlike the systems he had read about in books, his own system seemed to be the epitome of evil, intentionally pushing him into problematic situations rather than assisting him. It had orchestrated a plan to make him bear the brunt of Nathaniel's influential father's wrath when he inevitably failed to save Nathaniel. However, Hunter, ever the cunning strategist, was determined to outwit the system and divert the minister's anger by manipulating the Duke's choice.

He devised a plan where Duke Korvax would have to make a difficult decision between saving his daughter Marina or Nathaniel. Knowing the Duke's deep love for his daughter, Hunter was confident that Marina would be chosen to receive the antidote, leading to Nathaniel's unfortunate demise. This would result in the minister blaming the Duke for his son's death, sparking an eruption of anger and chaos. It was then that Hunter would set in motion his next audacious scheme, one that would mark the beginning of his rise to power and establish his criminal empire.

Hunter was fully aware of the immense danger that his next grand scheme posed, far surpassing the risks involved in poisoning Marina and subsequently curing her. Nevertheless, he relished the exhilaration of dancing on the precipice between life and death. Hunter understood that great rewards could only be attained by taking calculated risks, and he was prepared to push the boundaries further in pursuit of his ambitions.

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Check out my new stories connected to the HBS universe; Anti Hero With a Legendary System and Dictator with a Badass System. The links are in the synopsis.

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