

The minutes seemed like hours on that stone bench. The only thing they gave me was a short sword with little edge and a leather chest that would not even cover a child.

Outside you could hear the screams of the crowd thirsty for blood, waiting for the next fight to death just for fun. The Blood Arena was built at first to train the new recruits with real combat.

Sometimes they were made to fight among themselves only for the amusement of the nobles, but they always made themselves believe that they were fighting for their freedom. Although it was not official, everyone knew it was a lie, even if they won one combat or hundreds, they were given a liberation ceremony and then they were killed far from the kingdom.

They did not want it to be their secrets, so they directly pulled the easy line ... death.

I was a baker, and here I am. My mistake? ... Fall in love. The King's daughter, a man who until recently thought kind. I knew Shanda since I was a child, we fell in love very soon but we never dared to take the next step.

I always knew that she was destined to marry someone important, not the baker's son. What could I offer? All my being, all my person and all my love. Something that surely some posh prince of some distant kingdom will never be able to give it.

A week ago he showed up at my house late at night, he said he could not keep up with this whole lie, that he loved me, that if we even had to run away from his father to be together, he would. I thought you were a fool. We spent two fantastic days, away from work, royalty, decorum, everything ...

And when I thought we had everything planned, in the last review she did not seem so happy.

Reality hit her with all her strength, made her realize what all this entailed. What he would have to sacrifice for love, and he wondered if it was worth it.

The answer? Well, I would not be about to die if it had been affirmative.

How was she going to leave everything for a little baker? She had been born with a silver spoon, with everything she wanted or wanted at her fingertips, and hundreds of servants to care for her. The other way would be to work, get your hands dirty. There would be no servants or servants, there would not be a person waiting for her every morning with breakfast and clean clothes. I would just be there, waking up next to him. What for me would be a dream come true, for her it was a terrifying possibility.

He had fulfilled his dream as a teenager, had been for a little while with his teenage love. He had used me. Afternoon more than I would like to admit in realizing his change of attitude, that all our plans for the future had vanished.

I have to admit that I was quite naive. Oh, come on! The daughter of the King, A PRINCESS, with me a baker. And I made false hopes because I spent two days with me, because promises that sounded like fairies came out of her mouth. And I fell, well, I dropped. I was fooled by his kisses, by his smell by his look. Those brown eyes that had lovers in the middle kingdom, and that smile that always encouraged you to smile.

I almost had to feel lucky, because like me there were many boys in love with her, many would have died to spend a night with her. So they would have sold their families for two days hahaha.

When he returned to the castle from his "inspirational trip", or so he said in the palace to escape. He had lost his bodyguards and servants so he could see me, so they were glad he was okay after the ensuing row.

That night neither of us could sleep, I imagined the damage my escape would do to my parents, although I had planned to leave a note that said: "I escape for love." Yes, that's how romantic I am, believing that telling a mother who has raised you that you run away for love is a valid reason for not to worry.

But I continued all night, thinking about everything we would do, if we would go to some distant kingdom, to some lost town where we would grow up happily with our little children.

She instead thought about the reality, what she would do if she really escaped, and what she had done these two days. Because although people do not believe it, Kings and princes value "Purity" very much. So the fact that his pretty flower was taken by a baker and before a scheduled wedding was not going to be of much pleasure to anyone.

The burden overwhelmed her like an illness, sweat covered her while she kept thinking about how she would fix things, and then she began to cry. With that the maids entered, and told him everything. With fear they called the Queen, the King, the Prince ... Well, they all soon learned of his short and fleeting love story with the baker.

And as anyone could imagine they were not happy at all, so that night I continued with a large number of soldiers entering my house with blows, taking me out in a bad way and breaking everything in their path.

They took me to the dungeons where they were going to execute me directly for crimes against the kingdom such as "Heresy", "Treason", "Conspiracy", etc. Their hatred was of such magnitude that I think they almost accused me of provoking the rain on their side. The only thing that saved me was that in the last moment of repentance, the Princess said that they would not kill me in cold blood.

The King, magnanimous in all his splendor, believed that the way to be "fair" and kind was to send me to the arena. When they told me in my cell I could hear the laughter of the guards. I'm not exactly fat but I can not compare with a trained soldier.

And so they put me, in this disgusting cell with a rusty sword, because apparently making me face something was not enough for them. They wanted to humiliate me, they wanted to see how I suffered, how I regretted having sullied their Princess, while they thought about how to fix the problem of their "purity".

So in the end, since I'm going to die, whatever is behind that door, I'll only give one last piece of advice.

Don't think with your penis.

Don't be a DICKHEAD.