

passio met with an accident while traveling with his father and sister but wakes up to find that he has been summoned to another world now he sets off on a journey to find a way to return to his previous world

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"is this guy for real bringing me to a doctor just for a wound on my toe"Passio thought as he and Rex walked towards the clinic, Rex broke the silence "So, was it because you were blind all this time that, it is a bit difficult for you to walk now", "I don't know, my body feels a bit weird", "It must be because of the summoning, your body is a bit tired", "yeah it might as well be",

"wow we are here at the doc's clinic already, come on in let's get your wound treated", Passio noticed a board sign that read *THE BELLATOR'S CLINIC*, Rex barged into the clinic as usual without knocking, when they entered they saw a man in his 60s.

He said "welcome young men what brings you to my humble clinic", Rex went ahead and sat on the table and said, "you see he is the guy", the doctor turned to Passio and asked him "so young man what do you need this old guy for", passio sat down the chair and said "I got my toe hurt so I'm here to treat it",

" sorry what did you say you were here for", "um I'm here to treat my wound", now the doctor's brow shrunk and converged in his forehead, his eyes were so frightening that passio couldn't breathe for a second, now the doctor screamed "do you know how many lives we have lost to bring you here, this is humanity's last stand against them, and you are here to treat your freaking toe wound while dozens have died because of you, how are you gonna answer my son's death he had so much faith in you yet you are here crying about your toe nail, this is no time for slacking off humanity's revival depends on your shoulder", now Passio shouted back "hey old man was I the one who told you to summon me here was I the one who told you that I'll save humanity or something", "even if you didnt wish for it this your fate now, shut your mouth up and accept it dont be a damn child, everyone here has you as their last hope so stand up to it this is your fate and accept it, and if you come into my clinic for a trivial thing such as this again then you'd not step out alive,now get out".

Passio and Rex came out, passio glanced at Rex and asked "this was all your doing right, I thought nobels would go to the doctor for such a small wound, I should have taken into consideration that this is an post apocalyptic era, oof anyway you succeded in bringing me to a doctor who was indirectly affected by me, to change my mind, but I just didn't get one thing, why did you put alcohol in my water this morning" Rex with a smiling face replied" wow you had it all figured out, I'm stunned it is as they say all the senses of a blind man except his eyes are top notch, one thing it's not alcohol but its a drug that makes you addicted to it if consumed at a regular interval, but I guess I don't need that to make you do the job now, am I right PASSIO"