
Beginnings of the Path Day 10.20.374.

Hello everyone, my name is Ashot. Diary entry.

And I am a teacher at the school of magic. Today I would like to say hello to you as your friend.

Tell me more about yourself, you're the first student sitting across from me, what's your name?

Hello everyone. My name is Ero. I'm middle-class earth elemental.

Good, good job," I said.

Who's next to you?

She shouted very loudly and nervously.

My name is Elise. I'm a middle-class light mage. It's nice to meet you all.

Great," I said. I thought to myself that light mages are very rare, I should teach her better.

Anyone else?

The most formidable-looking guy stood up and said.

What's the point of all this, doctor? Why make us say our names and our powers when we already have badges with our names and the elements on our heads?

You're right, Suren, the shadow mage. But not everyone has powers like you, and that's part of etiquette," I said.

I don't want any part of it. I don't need it.

You're already in it if you're going to talk.

The student fell silent and sat down with an offended look.

So let's get on with it.

And so the whole class gave their names, class, and elementary school.

There were a total of...

10 elemental fire mages of the middle class.

10 earth mages.

10 air mages.

1 light mage

1 dark mage

And 3 undetermined newcomers to the class.

So, what was the purpose of this, I will now answer, we have newcomers in the class, please feel free in class.

The first student standing next to the teacher said.

My name is Ranga. I'm not from around here, I don't know how to work in a classroom. I am glad to meet all of you.

The next participant started talking, Ranga stopped.

My name is Sophia. It's nice to meet all of you. I'm not from here either. I was transferred to you as soon as they realized I had magical abilities.

And my name is Spiro. It's nice to meet you.

Ah, Cyrus is very shy, but you'll see on the test how talented he is.

How about a little test? I said.

Everyone in the class said The exam is finally something fun.

You'll take turns standing in a circle of magic and showing what you're good at.

The first one to come out was that guy Suren with the menacing look, and he said.

Let's get this whole circus over with.

Pronunciation Smash da Maz Baz

And next to him, a wisp appeared and became a little shadow fairy.

The fairy said, "What do you need to wake me up in the middle of the day?

Suren bowed his knees and said.

My dear fairy, I did not dare to call on you, but I was forced to show you what I can do, forgive my impertinence.

Everyone in the class started laughing at the way he is treating his surname, he seems to be the surname and not a magician.

Ahem. Ahem said I'm not funny, he's showing respect to the creature from his mana. It's beautiful in its way.

There's been a lot of that, but the most .....

When I got to the ring, everything around me was dark and dusky as the darkest night. A blob of darkness larger than him appeared next to him, twice his height, and then he turned into a human with clothes.

You summoned me, he said.

Ranga said get lost.

And he vanished just as he had appeared.

Diary entry of the Doctor of Magic 1 Beginnings of the Path at the School of Magic Day 10.20.374.

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