
Diary of The Dead Wizard

Diary of a Dead Wizard Original Name: 死亡巫师日记 Author: Imrana ( 今奈 ) Language: en --- Saul traveled to a wizard world full of weirdness and crisis. In order to live well, he is determined to become a wizard against all odds. But in this terrible world, both apprentices and full-fledged wizards have to face heavy death crisis. Saul is even a key target of persecution. Fortunately, he obtained a diary that can foretell the future. However, the diary’s predicted future is all: “You bled to death." “You have become a flower fertilizer and are happy with your new form. “You died laughing at yourself. “Three years later, you became someone else’s potion material.

Prisu_Rajput · Fantasy
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230 Chs


Chapter 39: This is a Yang Plot

Kongsha felt that Saul shouldn't be so stupid!

Every time she went to find Saul, it was late at night when no one was around.

But how did Saul dare to hold a human head and waltz in at his doorstep after eight o'clock?

Even though Kongsha had noticed that there was no one in the corridor just now, who knew how many people Saul had been seen by on this journey.

Unexpectedly, she just gave one less command, and Saul was so her presence was exposed!

Saul was flung to the ground by Kongsa's powerful force, and the yellow leather fell out of his arms.

The box rolled farther and the lid fell off, mingling a terrified and dead head inside.

Eyes still raised hard upwards, staring at the top of his own head.

Kongsa's anger eased slightly at the sight of the first level apprentice's head.

"Do you think you can blackmail me with this? Let me tell you, even if someone else finds out, the one who dies will be you, and I only need to pay out a little bit of credits."

"You've misunderstood, senior sister."

How could Saul be blackmailing Kong Sha?

His move was called pulling the tiger's skin.

If he pulled it well, he might be able to get Sid and Kong Sha to barricade themselves.

Saul didn't climb up and just sat on the ground.

Keeping his head down, he recounted his experiences all the way from the corpse room.

"I-I really didn't dare to leave this head around before I ran straight over here. I'm sorry, senior sister!"

After hearing Saul's explanation, Kong Sha stood still for a moment in deep thought.

She glanced again at the ground soiled by Sol and the corpse's head, and was displeased in her heart.

"There is a bathroom here, you go and take a shower first, and we'll talk about the rest when you come out."

Saul thanked her repeatedly.

He was sticky and had long been unbearable, but he didn't expect to be able to take a bath here at his schoolmate's place.

Just as Saul had just sat down in the steaming stone tub, before he could enjoy the relaxing feeling of having his skin moisturized by the warm water, Sister Kongsha pushed open the bathroom door in a bold manner, walked straight in, and sat down on the chair opposite of Saul.

"Senior sister, I'm taking a bath." Saul was a little embarrassed and buried his body underwater.

Even though he was only twelve years old now, and the opposite side of the room wasn't exactly a proper woman, he still felt that he was at a disadvantage.

"You don't need to be embarrassed, I've seen not hundreds but dozens of limbs on the lab bench. I know your body structure better than you do." If there were still eyelids, Kong Sha might have rolled her eyes.

Saul had to pretend that he was dealing with a male nurse, relaxing his limbs as much as he could and continuing to enjoy the soothing hot water as he cleaned the dirt off his body.

A first level apprentice didn't have the right to take a bath, and could only go to the public bathroom to simply take a combat shower.

Kongsha stared at Sol's hands and got back to business.

"You said Cid threatened you?"

"Yes. From what he's saying, I'm going to lose my job at the necropolis soon."

Saul looked over at Konza with a panicked look on his face.

"Cid seems to have brought some new people back to the tower with him this time out." Konza had understood Saul's meaning and shared her informational intelligence.

"Could it be that there are existences with stronger soul talents among these newcomers?" Sol frowned tightly in worry.

"If there's really someone who makes Mentor Kaz look at ..." he let out a bitter laugh, his shoulders drooping, "maybe I'll really just have to get the hell out of here."

Konza, if he still had eyelids, was probably tempted to roll his eyes one more time.

"You don't have to worry about that, I'll take care of it. You just need to focus on accomplishing the tasks I've taught you."

"Okay, senior sister." Sol immediately revealed a smile as if he was relieved.

Just before Saul's words landed, Kong Sha twisted her waist and walked over.

Saul's heart said it was not good, and his body dodged backward, but he quickly leaned against the hard stone wall.

Kongsha held her hands on the edge of the stone barrel, leaned forward with her upper body, and lowered her head, the top of her glass-covered skull pressing against Saul's forehead.

"Did Cid see what you brought back?"

There was a surprisingly warm touch on his forehead. It was as if what was pressed against the front of Saul's head wasn't a glass mask, but the woman's delicate skin.

"Maybe Kongsa's head didn't turn into a horrible glass mask and everything was just a blindfold?"

This naive thought had just risen when it was pressed out by Saul.

In this hellish Witch Tower, even when facing a person with a normal appearance, one would have to treat the other person as a preparatory monster, not to mention Kong Sha, who was clearly already abnormal to look at.

Saul didn't dare to raise his head.

He knew that Kongsha's eyes, at this moment, were probably drilling out of the white pulp again, staring viciously at himself.

Every time he met those eyes, a thrilling sense of wariness would run from his head straight to the soles of his feet. It wasn't a horror that one could get used to after a few more looks.

The suppression on the hierarchy of life cannot be overcome by courage.

The hottest bath water can't warm the cold that rises outward from within the soul.

"No lord." He couldn't resist switching back to his old term of endearment, "But he knew I worked in the necropolis and probably guessed what it was."

Konza still hadn't left Saul's head.

The pressure was mounting.

The warmth was replaced by a coldness.

It was as if the coolness was trying to break through Saul's skull like an electric drill.

Breathing hard from the onslaught of the chilling cold above his head and the steam rising from the hot water beneath him, Saul opened his mouth and struggled to draw in air.


Obviously, his mouth and nose were not covered, but it was like he was going to suffocate at any moment.

Konza watched this with satisfaction before slowly straightening up and letting him go.

"You're trying to provoke me into taking on Cid?" Konza let out a soft laugh, "Do you think you're worth it? If you play games with me again, I'll eat your brains!"

Kongsa swayed out of the bathroom, leaving a message behind.

"From now on, only come over to me after twelve o'clock at night."

Saul watched the bathroom door slam shut and slowly submerged his head underwater.

"Been taught a lesson yet." Underwater, Saul was calm, the fear he had just felt was all gone, "But the first purpose has been achieved. School Sister Kong Sha, once people have a conflict of interest, they are bound to fight. This isn't playing mind games, this is a yang plot."


Topped with a head of wet, disheveled hair, Saul left Kong Sha's room in a sorry state.

If he had been a little older, today's experience might have turned into a charming scandal.

Unfortunately, at this time, neither the man nor the woman was the one who could arouse the interest in spreading the scandal.

The sixth floor of the West Tower.

The corridors were already much less crowded.

Some had gone back to rest, some had begun to study, and some couldn't bear to part with this rare moment of socialization.

The murmurs would diminish as Saul passed by, but when he left, the whispers were again as disturbing as mosquitoes.

Dozer, Rocky, Jenna, and Duke were exactly that: a small group.

And they all joined the Mutual Aid Society.

Dozer, Rocky, and Jenna also all chose Mentor Yasuzawa, who had been recommended by that enthusiastic senior Rokai at the time.

Only Duke, for some reason, changed back to the dark attribute Kazi tutor at the last minute.

Only after Saul's figure disappeared behind the door of the 603 dormitory did Duke retract his hidden line of sight.

Seeing that, Dozer smiled and asked, "What's the matter Duke, you still hate Saul?"

Hearing Dozer's words, Jenna looked at Duke curiously.

She wasn't present when Duke and Saul clashed in the first place.

Moreover, she was not a person who liked to gossip and was not aware of the entanglement between the two.

Duke quickly smiled, "What's there to hate, I just don't like him. We all went through a lot of hard work and selection to become apprentices, which is like him who came in halfway and passed the test by relying on cheating."

Duke's words successfully caused several people to resonate, and they also recalled the day of the test, the somewhat strange atmosphere.

"Yeah, I can't even figure it out now, how did he pass the test if his magical talent is so poor?" Dozer said, "I see that at that time, Senior Sid didn't want him to pass, but Senior Nick let him off the hook. Senior Nick looks cold, but I can't imagine being that soft-hearted."

"Is his magical talent really that bad?" Jenna was curious.

She had invited Saul to join the Mutual Aid Society in the first place, after all, inviting one more person would reap a share of magic crystals.

But that Saul didn't give face at all, and thinking like this, Jenna couldn't help but pout.

"Of course it's poor, our mentor can't even look at him." Duke casually responded, but in his heart, he remembered that after Mentor Kaz took Saul away, Saul never went to the lab again.

Could it be that he was chosen by Mentor Kaz to do that job?

Recalling that horrible and bloody working environment, Duke was a little disgusted and couldn't stop being jealous.

(End of chapter)