


I guess this was one of my best days...No mom no dad even better no Brenda, she's like my number one enemy although she's my sister. Hmm if you get to Know what she's up to lately, you would understand from my side. It seems like last week was a bit of a pain for me first, Grislee had been going cranky and mom would act like he's one of the most adorable kid ever known mom was like

Sigorney: Oh, Alfred who touched your little James again?"

okay first little James used to be an ugly doll my mom got for him which I so dispise with everything In me and whenever that doll gets missing, he makes mom think that we we're jealous of him and that we stole it. Well his first suspect was definitely me and I was like

Me: Whaaa!!

Mom made me dig out my private stuff just for the sake of Grislee and it was annoying. P.S this Tuesday was going to be far better than any other days because everyone left for aunt Loretta's second wedding. I would be alone, and that was my biggest achievement for this month.


Ok I spoke too soon. I saw Brenda march into my room and my eyes widened into big balls. Did anyone cast a weird spell on me or that am always destined to always have bad luck all the time. Brenda started yamming about how lazy I've always been, she said that I would be good in the toilets but I blocked off her noise with an ear pod, ok that was a foolish thing to do because the next minute I found myself been pressed against the wall. I saw stars, not any Normal star but big stars dancing around my head, oops!

3Pm ~ VIP,

As I sat on the couch, I imagined how it would be to have the house all to myself. And just when I was smiling at the thoughts, the door was pushed open as my weirdest family walked in, as if I haven't had enough weirdness from Brenda.

Can you believe that Brenda shoved me into the bathroom and asked me to stay put that she wanted to make an embarrassing video of me. Why would anyone just make embarrassing videos of someone just to get more views on Instagram and I just sat there looking like a total dork with no words to say.