
Chapter 1: Rigor

My name is Rigor. I grew up in a god fearing family. I often go to church and I used to follow all of the Commandments but now I only honor nine. Which one did i stop following you ask? Thou shalt not kill.

When I was growing up, I have seen on television and read on newspapers the numerous reports about women and children being raped and sometimes killed as well. I felt really bad about it and most of the time prayed for justice and for the souls of those victims. I knew these criminals would pay someday for their sins, God will make them.

I am a typical kid who would rather be bullied than stand for myself, can't imagine how many times I was bullied when I was young. I can't blame those who bully me. I was small, skinny and often times called gay because of my feminine features.

When I hit puberty I noticed that I was growing taller, by age 15 I was almost 6 feet tall but still skinny. I started working as a butcher for my aunts slaughter house. I didn't like what I did but it was the only way I could earn some cash. Soon I got use to the smell of blood and I started to enjoy what I did. Often times I would think of those who bullied me whenever I would slaughter a pig.

When I turned 18 I sent an application to join the Philippine Military Academy and luckily I got in! I was so excited and thought of it as an escape from poverty. Little did I know that it would be the start of unleashing the demon hiding inside of me.