
Diary of a Teenage Wolf

Aliyah White is a teenage Wolf. One faithly night in the woods goes wrong. Now she's half human and half beast. But that's the least of her worries, throw in the constant nagging of her wolf, her uncontrollable anger, and let's not forget the new wolves in town trying to kill her. This is Aliyah's story.

Thaswassup23404 · Urban
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2 Chs

Sunday June 21, 2025

Everything hurts.

I should've never gone into the woods tonight. My body feels like hot lava burning at my skin. I was told when I was younger that I had a strange high tolerance for pain, especially at the age five. But this, this is on a whole new level.

My mom and dad are probably worrying about me, because I haven't gotten back yet from my nightly walks in the woods. I always walk through here. There is just something surreal to me to watch the forest come alive at night. I guess after a while you get us to it and never suspect the inevitable.

I never would have thought, in the last five years I've walked this wood, I'd be in such a predicament.

So, I lay here on the forest floor, questioning my choice to come here tonight, wishing that I never left the comforts of my room. Lots of horrible things flood my mind, things that I didn't want to think about. So, I shove them in the deepest part of my consciousness.

I think positive, like how my seventeenth birthday is in one week, and my mom and I planned ongoing shopping, then going to the movies.

I stare up at the sky. The full moon shines brightly against my chocolate-colored skin. I wonder if the moon is laughing at me, at my stupidity.

My legs burns where the wolf bit me. There is a massive ugly gash that continues to bleed, soaking the surrounding grass. Another wound is present on the side of my head, when I fell and hit it on a rock. It surprised me I didn't pass out right away.

If someone finds me, if I somehow survive this; I vow to never walk alone in the woods again. My little nightly adventures are officially over.

I close my eyes, hoping the pain running up my body from the bite would stop, that this is all just a joke.

No such luck. The pain is still there and seems to get worse each minute. Sweat and mud sticks to my body, making my clothes stick to me like a second skin.

Great, this is how I die

Tears slip down my cheek, mixing in with the sweat and dirt. The wind blows drying them, but not before more slip.

Don't cry Aliyah, I'm here now. I will guide you through your transition.

"Who's there?" I speak out loud into the open air, my voice dry as sandpaper. I didn't see or hear anyone approach me.

Now I've officially gone crazy. I guess death does that to a person.

You aren't crazy, Aliyah, and you will not die. Not on my watch. All I need you to do is to let go. Can you do that for me, Aliyah?

I open eyes and stare up at the moon. It hasn't moved, but it seems to have brightened.

"Let go? Let go of what?" I ask the mysterious female voice.

I need you to close your eyes and think of your favorite place to be. I need you to clear your mind, Aliyah, let yourself relax.

"Why?" I ask, wincing as the pain spreading through my body worsens. Thinking about my favorite place to be is the last thing on my mind right now, but I can't help thinking about the time my parents took me on my first camping trip.

Remembering the memory makes me smile even though it hurt to do so. I smile at the moon as the memory replays itself.

That's right, Aliyah, just let go. You don't have to worry about anything. It'll be all over when you wake up.

I close my eyes, following the strange voice's instructions, letting go of my body. A cool sensation travels across my skin, dousing the hot lava feeling I was experiencing moments ago.

Thank you, Aliyah. I will save us both now. You may rest, child.

I sigh, falling into a deep sleep.