
Diary Of A Teenage Girl

Simi_Sola24 · Teen
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8 Chs

Better Late Than Ever!......

It was so easy for everone to believe her because I didn't care. I just stood there and then...

"Why did you do that?!. I took you in when you were just 21days oldand the least you could do is request for your father?!. This is so unbelieveable, If I knew you were an ungrateful child then I wouldn't have taken you in!... " She said

I looked around and everythi g felt blur. I couldnt identify anyone and the world felt like only I and My grandmom's word existed. I looked around for my mom and she was there standing right behind me and the look on her face was that of..... PITY!. I wanted to talk, I wanted to tell them that it was a lie, but I couldn't.Will they believe me?!. Even when I didn't care. And since that day, I started walking on shells.Everyone around me called me an ungrateful child and I faced trauma but then I couldn't speak up.

My Dad came around which got my grandma furious. He said he'll like to take me along with him.... To France. My Grandmom got angry and told him it wasn't possible

"Do you think you can leave a child like she's a doll and come fetch her whenever you feel like it?" Those were her words

I looked at the elders talking and at that moment, it felt like one of my Favourite India Movie, where the wife controls the house. My mom was silent and she didn't even utter any words, my grandpa was equally silent and I knew my grandma had the fianal say.

I felt used!.My life can only evolve around this woman and her house, so I'm basically stuck here and from behind the curtains I stood, I realised that not caring can cause me my entire life. But it was too late, even if I started caring.....