
diary of a murderer

She is a girl with freckles on her face and her hazel hair, her "Tenderness and innocence" will make you want to be with her at all times, while she waits for your slightest impulse of weakness to stick her sharp scissors into you ... You must not trust anyone. She is a wolf in sheep's clothing. When she smiles, she is imagining the thousand and one ways to make you suffer and agonize ...

rxnanomi · Sci-fi
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6 Chs


Dear diary: The nightmare of yesterday, was that I was in a narrow corridor of white color with many black spots on the wall, I walked a few meters and there was a door with blood stains, rarely and without fear I enter. Inside was a very large black dog with a muzzle stained with some yellowish substance .... I kept walking and next to the dog there was a scissor, with adrenaline rushing through my body I took them before the dog jumped on me.

I walked a little further and found my teacher tied up in a white chair with her face beaten.

She did not expect me to let her go, but I had the need to tear her neck with the scissors I had found before, and without further ado I did ... I felt my hands full of warm viscous blood and I ran them over my body to feel the quality of his blood and from one moment to another I woke up. It was really fun.

Nightmare for others, dream for me ♡.

Until tomorrow dear diary ...