
diary of a murderer

She is a girl with freckles on her face and her hazel hair, her "Tenderness and innocence" will make you want to be with her at all times, while she waits for your slightest impulse of weakness to stick her sharp scissors into you ... You must not trust anyone. She is a wolf in sheep's clothing. When she smiles, she is imagining the thousand and one ways to make you suffer and agonize ...

rxnanomi · Sci-fi
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6 Chs


Dear diary: Today my parents gave you into my hands, I am very happy because I have a friend to tell my stories and feelings.

Since you are my friend, I will describe myself so that you have a little idea of what I am like.

I am 10 years old, my eyes are brown, my beautiful hazel hair, freckles all over my face and I am very pretty ♡.

Until tomorrow dear diary ...