
The beginning is never easy

On a hill covered in tall oak trees sat a old brick house covered in creep vines and untended weeds dilapidated from the test of time as if nobody had occupied it for many decades. As the sight of the home came into his view Arthur felt that his carefree life had come to an abrupt. His parents had sent him to stay with his estranged uncle after he had gotten into a fight with a nobles son in school over a girl that he had fancied, of course she had never paid attention to him bit when he saw the young noble threaten her into a "date" with him Arthur could not hold back his rage and struck the boy square in his mouth causing him to loose a tooth and for Arthur to receive a deep gash on his hand from the force of his blow. As the noble fell to the ground Arthur knew that he would regret his actions but never had expected the noble to use his privileges to slander his family's name causing his parents to abandon their child as if he was some sort of diseased animal. Now his life was left in the hands of his estranged uncle who he had never met but only heard passing comments about how he was mad and senile never truelly being fully in this world with his mind. These thoughts sent a chill up his back as Arthur walked up the stone road to the dilapidated house on the hill that would now become his new home.