
Diary Of A Corpse

Oribhabor_Ese · Teen
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The room filled with black. A coffin with a corpse in it, lays on a table in front the room.

"Selena was a very nice girl, she was very beautiful and graceful till now I don't know why she--" *sobs* "i don't know why she took her own life. we'll always remember her, her beautiful smile and how she had positive impact on our lives. I know everyone of us here loved her and we still love her. she'll always be special to us" Miranda (Selena's sister) cries out in front of everyone.

Miranda runs down from the podium straight up to her room. She cries with her face on her bed, remembering all the memories she had with her sister, Selena.

Miranda stands up and leaves her room, heading to Selena's room. She gets to Selena's room and places her hand on the door knob, shivering like she's scared to twist the door knob and unlock the door.

She finally gets enough courage to open the door and she walks in, in tears. She searches through Selena's stuffs, hoping the find out the reason her sister would call death to herself.


Miranda finally finds a diary, hidden away in Selena's closet. The diary has a lock.

"Miranda?!, Miranda!" Evelyn (Selena's mom) yells out, looking for Miranda.

"I'm here mom" Miranda quickly hides the diary she found.

Evelyn walks down to Selena's room and sees Miranda.

"look Mira, I know this is hard on everyone but you know you can't be in Selena's room. please go down, Mrs. Scott is looking for you" Evelyn speaks

"Okay Mom" Miranda walks out of the room with the diary hidden in her dress


After a long day of crying and attending to sympathetic guests, Miranda is finally in her room alone, staring at the diary she found in Selena's room.

"I think I should read this" Miranda says to herself.

Miranda stands up and looks for something she can use to break the lock. She finds a hammer in her room and she quickly tries to break the lock. She opens the book to PAGE 1 and begins to read.

"Dear diary,

It's me, your owner. My name is Selena James and I'm currently the loneliest person on this planet so you'll be my best friend now. I'll write every bad day I've had, starting from today, in here so get your bucket ready for tears. Today, I got to school and everyone was staring at me like a murder mystery had been solved and I was the murder. No one ever looks at me in school so I wondered why today was different. I tried talking to my best friend, she's the only friend I had and she just ignored me because she was talking to Chloe Stunner. Do you know who Chloe Stunner is? Chloe Stunner is the richest, most popular girl in Landmark High and she hates me because her crush in 5th grade liked me. So you know when the most popular girl in school hates someone, no one has the right to like the person but only one person liked me and she was Britney White and today she ignored me to talk to Chloe. I was sad, wondering what I had done. I decide to just ignore everything and get the class when the bell rung. The bell finally rung and I went to Biology class and everyone was staring at me weirdly. I finally gathered enough courage to ask Britney why she was ignoring me. Then she said; "Oh why don't you check the last conversation you had with Joey" then she walked away. I have never even spoken with Joey before so I was still left clueless. oh wait let me introduce Joey. Joey Walker is the most dreamy guy in school and he's also Britney's boyfriend so every girl was jealous of her. Anyways, I just became so sad and worried, my tummy was hurting badly because of how anxious I was. I walked up to someone in biology class and asked why everyone was giving me the weird stares and she said; "Chloe leaked a conversation you had with Joey". I asked what was in the conversation and she said; "You told Joey you like him and you can treat him better than Britney can and you also said something bad about Britney".

I was sooo confused. After biology class, I ran up to Britney in the hallway, I tried to explain to her that whatever conversation Chloe leaked was fake...I cried my eyes out while explaining to her and all she said was "Our friendship was the biggest mistake of my life". I didn't go to class throughout the rest of today because I was busy crying in the toilet crying over something I definitely didn't do. I know for a fact that Chloe somehow forged the screenshots she sent to everyone in the school and even my best friend didn't believe me. I think I'm a bad person. I feel like a fool everyday of my life and the only person that makes me happy is my best friend but now she's not talking to me. I feel like my life is over and there's nothing to kick-start it anymore. I don't know what step to take anymore and I don't want to walk alone in this journey called life. I'll walk with you my dear diary, we'll go through everything together. I just wish Brit didn't leave me this way. She was all I had. Goodnight diary"

"Wow, Selena never told me about this," Miranda thinks to herself as tears roll down.