
First day of hell

My mother believed in the power of academics, I was put into school that September, she dropped me off at the classroom and gave the teacher a brief summary of our situation. I was favored for being naturally smart and finished everything 20 minutes faster than the the other children, older kids pushed me around and called me a bastard, at the time I had no clue what that meant. I went home and asked my father, it makes me cry to this day what he told me. I went to school the next day and told my teacher what the kids called me, and that I didn't know why or what it meant, she therefore contacted each of their parents... I never seen them at school again.

I have always had good grades and was fairly liked by most of my classmates, I got home and everything changed, I could hear the cry's of my father's new children and the crying of his new mothers'. I knew not to say anything about the woman that delivered my new brothers and sisters... but one day I made a friend I thought I could trust, but he told everyone at school, so I became the bastard of the school, my grades slipped and no one liked me, I got into fights, so even the teachers hated me.