
Chapter 5: The Last Day

Well now that's interesting, so why exactly did you pick me to help you find the fruit?

"I used a randomizer"

"and why cant i remember my memories?"

"in exchange for turning back time you lose something very important to you and it seems like this time its your memory again, the 2nd time was your friend, on your 3rd loop wss your biological brother and in your 7th loop it was your penis."



"my what?"

"you were a male until the 4th loop, you loss your manhood there."

"That's absurd"

"well I don't have any evidence to make you believe that but I swear its true"

"whatever I'm going to school"

"take me with you!"


"but I can blend wit-"


"ok 😔"


Diary entry #4

Today I went to school with my friend, Emily. She's kind and pretty. We usually share foods and snacks for lunch.

"Hey Lily, what do you have for lunch?"

"I have fried chicken"

"Ooh, I have shrimp, do you want some?"

"Sure! oh by the way did you do the assignment? I forgot mine" that stupid demon was so talkative

"oops, there was an assignment? I didn't know!"


A day at school has passed. It was a normal day like any other. As I slowly make my way home, I see that my room's lights are on.

"What the hell is bel doing??" 

As I open the door to our house my mom welcomed me with food. She asked "Welcome back Lily. How's school today? Do you want to take a bath first or do you want dinner?"

"I'm gonna go to my room first then I'll take a bath"

"Okay I'll prepare the bath :)"

I went upstairs to see what Belphegor is doing.

Unexpectedly he was quietly sitting on the chair writing scribbles on my scratch notebook wearing a formal business attire with a glasses on.

"Oh hey what are you doing" I asked

"Hmm I just receive a direct message from the God, she became aware of my time loop. She said she'll end the world at an earlier date"

"When will that be?"

"Tomorrow at 11:59 pm"


"yeah and I already alarmed the other devils about this, We will have a meeting in an hour"

"What meeting!? What the hell are we going to do? Aren't we on the 8th loop you said? then you must know how to deal with this right?"

"Yeah, that's why I need you to prepare for the meeting, we'll discussed that later there"