
An unexpected visitor

Caylus looked around the ballroom with disinterest as he did everytime an event was held. People were dancing, drinking and overall interacting. At least that was what it seemed like. What Caylus saw were people trying to find means to an end to raise their status. He wanted to leave and retire to his chambers for the night, but he couldn't. Caylus stood up from his chair and made his way over to his closest friend, the trusted Arch-Duke of Casyon.

Caylus weaved his way through the crowd until he arrived to man standing by the window.

"Marcus, I'm glad to see that you can make it." Caylus said raising his drink in the Arch-Duke's direction. The Duke glared at him as if the King had annoyed him. "You know I wouldn't have missed the event." he responded as he looked out the giant window towards the starry sky.

The sky was clear of clouds and the moon could be seen shining brightly, nights like this reminded the Duke of her.

"I know, why are you making it seem as if you're the only one who misses her?" asked Caylus a bit annoyed. "If you missed her, you wouldn't have thrown a party on the date of her death, Your Highness." Marcus spat out harshly.

"It's to celebrate her achievements, not her death." the king retorted starting to get upset. How dare Marcus made it seemed as if he didn't care?

Marcus only hummed in response as the King decided to change the subject. "How is the subjugation of Domino?".

Domino was a territory connected to Casyon and about a quarter the size of the country. "It's going well so far, we've captured two thirds of the country and will soon arrive to the capital."

The only reason for invading Domino was because there were rumors of rare ores being found there. Ores which had the ability to grant magic, at least temporary, to the user. If Casyon could get their hands on these ores, they'd be unstoppable, and they wouldn't have to worry about another case of the 'incident' occurring.

Marcus's low voice dropped a few octaves before speaking his next sentence. "We've found five elves but three of them got away heavily injured, I have two in my custody." Caylus looked at him in shock. Elves were only rumored to exist as no one have ever seen one, same thing with dragons, fairies, mermaids and werepeople.

"Interesting, if you don't mind, hand them over."

"I do mind, I won't hand them over. If you have questions just ask and I'll communicate them."

Caylus didn't like this response but he knew better than to argue with Marcus. "Fine, expect a letter in two days." Caylus said before returning to his throne.

"What did you speak about?" inquired the Queen, Lady Celine. She carried the same blue eyes blonde hair as the King. People always speculated that they were related but the idea was quickly shut down when the ordered execution of anyone who dared to spread this foolishness.

"I never realized I was required to inform you of my every move, My Queen."

Celine did not respond. She instead motioned for her son who was looking at her to come over, which he did. After which, she proceeded to whisper something in his ear. "Camron be sure to get close to Baron Octave's daughter. She's brilliant, talented and will help bring power your side." she informed quietly but quickly so as to not have the King overhear.

Camron smirked to himself, how could he deny his lovely mother's request? Not to mention Baron Octave's daughter, Octavia, was beautiful and well developed in all the right places.

She had wavy brown hair and alluring green eyes that could make any man get lost, women too if she swung that way. She was asking five feet six and one of the few who possessed magic. Remarkable isn't she?

Camron immediately made his way over to Octavia, picking up a glass of grape wine along the way. It was rumored to be her favourite.

A lot of females had their eyes on him and was upset when he walked right past and over to Octavia.

"Lady Octavia, it's such a great pleasure to see you again." he greeted politely handing her the wine. She started at him for a bit before cautiously drinking the wine as to not offend him. "Mmmm, grape wine. My favorite." she smiled dropping her guard a bit.

"Your highness, as happy as I am too see you is there something you want to discuss? Not everyday a prince takes the opportunity to strike up a conversation with the daughter of a mere Baron." Octavia asked taking the smallest sips of the wine to keep her composed and beautiful aura.


The queen watched from her place beside the king impressed by how quickly her son got to work. He's his father's son she supposed.

"Is something bothering you my king? You seem agitated." she asked, voicing her concern for her husband. "I feel like something is going to happen, I just can't tell if it's good or bad." Caylus responded taking a sip of wine.

"Relax my king, this is the fifth celebrating of your friends achievement. You should be happy, his would she feel if she saw you like this?"

The king looked at Celine for awhile before smiling, "Your right."

"Well I didn't get the Queen position by being wrong." she joke. The two laughed as they continued to oversee the party.


The party was coming to an end and people were getting ready to leave. The talking and overall energy of the ball had decreased. Prince Camron had spent the entire night working on getting close to the Baron's daughter which was where most of the attention unknowingly went.

"Your highness it's time for me to go."

"Allow me to escort you to your carriage, Octavia." as much as she wanted to deny and say it was unnecessary, she didn't and just agreed to have him escort her.

The guards by the ball room went pull open the door when it was pushed opened from the other side. There stood a beautiful pale skinned women around five feet four inches, white hair with red eyes and matching lips. She was wearing a red dress which complimented her nicely.

She immediately became the most beautiful woman in the room by any standard. Beside her was a tall dark skinned man with long hair dark brown hair which seemed to be in twists of some sort.

They had the attention of the entire room. Who were these people? Surely they were important as they emitted power and dominance.

"Caylus, am I late?"

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