
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 77: Working together

Unleash all my magic. It doesn't matter what spell I use, as long as I can actually hurt them. They're the ones who tried to hurt me in the first place, and as such, I wouldn't even hesitate to hurt them back.

I don't have my wand, if I do, things will definitely be easier. I don't have Fie by my side, if I do, Fie will be a great help to me, and he can also alert Master Merlin to my situation. I tried to summon my wand from the location of the Master Smith, but it's no good, I couldn't quite grasp it in all this hectic situation.

I definitely don't have the advantage in physical strength since they are all adults, and they didn't hesitate to draw their weapons to hurt me. Surprisingly, even with that guy from Aru Village here, I still have the advantage in magic. I am faster in terms of spell output, but stronger? Arguable. I can say that some of the spells I used are stronger than his, maybe it comes down to our preference.

But the real danger for me is the guy who activated my danger sense. I'm not sure if he's even mortal at this point. One of my earth spells actually hit his leg, piercing him from leg to knee, but he doesn't seem to be affected. It is as if THE THING heals him instantly.

"Hey kid, one wrong move and he will suffer!"

"How dare you! Let go of me!" [Marianne's brother].

One of the minions tried to threaten me by holding a knife to Marianne's brother's neck. I immediately used a Wind Slice spell to cut off his shoulder. Taking advantage, Marianne's older brother grabbed the knife from the severed limb and stabbed him right in the hard palate, gouging out his eyes and killing him instantly. Not bad. I thought he would fight back, but apparently I underestimated him.

"Ice chandelier!" [Diana]

I used one of my favorite spells and created a gap between all of us. I quickly went to Marianne's brother and he reacted quickly. Even though he had this look of hatred and seemed to be holding it against me, he knew that he would only survive if we worked together.

"You can fly, right? Then do it quickly" [Marianne's brother].

"That strong looking guy and the guy from Aru Village stopped me" [Diana]

"Any spells to keep the heroes informed of the current status?" [Marianne's brother]

"Unfortunately, they blocked any attempt I made" [Diana].

"I see. I guess we have to get out of this predicament before we call for help" [Marianne's brother].

As more and more evil people surrounded us, we began to get tired. My mana is regenerating quickly, even faster than the strong looking guy and the one from the Aru village, but I still struggle with all of them coming from all directions. I start to breathe through my stomach, my heart beating faster and stronger.

"You are strong, but you only escaped from the village for about a year. I was at war before you were even born".

"And still lose to Brother Nar and Sas? Big talk" [Diana].

"Now you have done it!"

My comments made his boiling point reach its limit. Using a powerful physical enhancement spell, he charged at us. Marianne's brother tried to react, but failed as his face was grabbed and thrown to the ground before his shoulder was dislocated. Of course, a scream ensured

"Heal!" [Diana].

"Too late!"

I tried to heal Marianne's brother, but the man from Aru village stopped me. His elbow hit my right eye and knocked me back. I'm sure I'd be dead without my protection spell, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. Far from it. I'm just acting tough by not screaming, but that just pissed him off even more as he grabbed my hair and slammed me hard into the wall.

"Have you learned your lesson? Well then, how about we go back to the village? I'm sure their graves could use some cleaning."

"Go back..." [Diana]

Just thinking about it makes my spine shiver. I couldn't help but remember the harsh treatment I once received. I like it much better here than in that village. The thought of going back there makes me angry, so much so that I unconsciously use my mirage spell, enhanced with the blessing of the fairy queen Titania. This causes the people around me to have a nightmare, and some of them even have a seizure because they are so frightened.

Taking advantage of this, I tried to kill the guy from Aru Village. I'm sure my fireball spell will definitely kill him as he struggles to breathe, but

"You're a dangerous girl" [Strong-looking guy].

The strong-looking guy, using the power of THE THING, completely absorbed my spell and knocked me out with a powerful punch.