
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 71: Celebration

Here I am, at the Adventure Guild, waiting for Nar and Sas. They have some business with Guild Master Akela, so the three of us stop before heading to the infamous cake shop. Again, I'm not sure why. Is it because of the recent invasion of the Empire, or is it because of the lunatic side of the Church that has something to do with THE THING, is it because of the recent illegal poaching, the abnormal weather, or even the recent assassination attempt on a certain country princess, or maybe even because of the possibility of Saint Louis or Saintess Rumia coming here. Truly, what a chaotic yet peaceful country!

As I began to sing along with one of the bard, who was playing her clarinet freely, the others gathered around and began to encourage us. Again, I don't know many songs, but I remember the one sung by Neloufa, and so I sing the beautiful song, word for word. I'm sure it would be better if it came from Neloufa's own voice, but the reaction of the surrounding adventurers encouraged me to sing even louder.

"That is so good!"

"It's the song that young performer Neloufa sang the other day"

"Speaking of which, I heard she enrolled in the Noble School with you, how was she?"

"She's my best friend next to Kara, Mara, Marianne, Adnan and Tio! She did well in the recent test, placing right in the middle" [Diana].

"That is surprising. I thought she would struggle like Kat."

"Hey! I only struggle in my first year!" [Kat]

"Are you sure?" [Alice]

"ALICE!" [Kat]

The results of the exam are within my expectations. I scored only one place above Neloufa, mainly because of my theory part. Based on my paper feedback, I can say that I actually did well considering that I slept through the class where the exam question came from. Adnan and Tio were in the top 50, while Kara, Mara and Marianne were actually in the top three! All in all, we are all happy with our results, especially Neloufa and me, as we just enrolled in a noble school.

(But doesn't that make Kara and Mara geniuses? They enrolled with us) [Diana]

If so, it means that Amleth has a bright future with them ruling the land. I have to make sure I keep improving myself to help them in the future, that's a promise we made after all.

"So they're taking you to a cake shop to congratulate you? That's sweet of them" [Kat].

"That's right! I can't wait to get a big cake for myself!" [Diana]

Hearing this, one of the drunkards in the adventure guild suddenly shouted

"You should force Nar to take you to the succubus district, introduce you to... Hick... Hic..."

"Oi! Somebody shut him up!"

"Don't pollute the young lady's mind!"

They started to beat him up without mercy, but a drunkard is a drunkard, and he talked about how the succubi are all beautiful and nice people who work to make them happy.

"What's all the commotion?" [Nar]

"Nar! Listen, can I meet your succubi friend? I wanted to feel happy too" [Diana]

"Huh!?" [Sas]

"Did I hear that right?" [Nar]

"Nar's succubi friend! Let's go, go, go!" [Diana]

I always wanted to know more about Nar and Sas' friends! I'm sure they're all nice people, just like the ones from the Adventure Guild! Even the others like the master blacksmith, the senior librarian, the prime minister, the talented opera singer and more are nice people, so I'm sure the succubi are no different. I tried to drag Nar, but he seems reluctant. Sas is thinking of something, but I can't tell what it is.

"Listen, how about we go when they're not busy..."(What the hell am I talking about!?) [Nar]

"Promise!" [Diana]

"Promise!" (No! I said it out of reflex!) [Sas]

"Yay! Succubus happiness, here I come!" [Diana]

"This is..." [Nar, Sas]

"What big brothers you two are..." [Alice]

"Perverts" [Kat]

"Hey, I promise I didn't do that thing you think I did!" [Nar]

"Yeah..." [Kat]

"Man" [Alice]

"Yeah! Man" [Diana]

"You don't have to repeat that" [Sas]

And so we said goodbye to the now laughing guild of adventurers. I must have missed a really good joke, a joke so good that they were practically gasping for air after their fit of laughter.

In the cake shop, Nar and Sas let me choose any cake I want! I want most of the cakes here, but wasting food isn't a good thing, so I restrain myself and look for the best looking cake, but that's a harder task than I first thought. I finally decide on the cake I want after tasting almost every free sample available, but

"Thank you so much Nar, Sas! I love you both!" [Diana].

"Of course, we are the best big brother there is" [Nar]

"That we are" [Sas]

It seems that my compliments make them happy. Seeing them happy makes me happy. Still... If only Dana is with us now, but I'm sure she will be one day.