
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 55: Trip part 5


It hurts. My head hurts. The voices I heard are getting louder. The moment I try to concentrate, it gets louder and louder. This is too much. Too much.

"Diana! Quick, help her, she just vomited. " [Neloufa]

"Are you sick?" [Kara]

"You haven't eaten anything suspicious, have you? You don't have a fever." [Tio]

"You look pale! You should rest!" [Marianne]

"Besides, you're grimacing. Come now, rest with Fie" [Mara]

"Meow" [Fie]

"We'll take care of the rest" [Kara]

"Thank you" [Diana]

This is embarrassing. Why am I someone who tends to vomit? However, the moment I close my eyes and start to relax, the headache slowly disappears. Fie purring next to me also helps. The weather is clear as the bird chirps, trying to find worms for its young. The sound of others trying to clean up the campsite. The sound of Neloufa, Tio and Stacy cooking something extra soft for me, most likely porridge. Adnan quickly tells Master Merlin about my condition. I'm sure she's already figured out why I'm vomiting.

I can't help but think back to what the hanging treant told me yesterday. A hidden establishment of a group of suspicious people who wear a modified version of church robes. From human to dwarf, their members are all extremists at heart. I'm not sure why, as here in Amleth we all live in harmony, but according to Tiara, elsewhere it's not exactly like that. Elsewhere, there's conflict after conflict, and that's why the extremist side is slowly gaining popularity, even challenging that of the nice Saint Louis and Saintess Rumia.

The Establishment kidnapped people from various places and organizations, even members of their own church who disagreed with their ideology. They kept them well hidden, but the Hanging Treant managed to sniff out the location thanks to its communication through the roots of nearby trees.

Once the headache is gone, I start to get up again and help others clean up the site. It's fun as we talk about what happened the last few days. As time goes on and before noon, Master Merlin gathers us all together for a brief breakdown. She doesn't really tell us our grades, but she does tell us the area where most of us are lacking, and that's communication. Even though Kara, Mara and Marianne have done a good job of leading us all, there's still a problem among some of us. Some still treat Neloufa badly. Others clearly look down on some of the adventure. Kat, the rising star of the quest guild, has also been looked down upon. Even my advice about the poisonous plants wasn't met with gratitude by some

"And now for the best group. I guess none of you will be surprised, so give it up for Little Kara's group" [Merlin].

Others began to praise us. Instead of Master Merlin, Ms. Tiara is the one who tells us what we've done right. First, we listen to each other's feedback seriously. Kara, Mara, and Marianne are high-ranking nobles, and yet they didn't have any problems when Neloufa, Tio, and I asked them for help. We also know our strengths and weaknesses and use them to our advantage. The three of us who can command others do just that, while others who know their strengths thrive even in unfamiliar environments.

And so our journey ends. As we prepare to return home, a familiar lantern fly slowly buzzes my nose. It lights up its belly in a certain direction, and when I use my search magic

"EVERYONE! RUN!" [Diana]

Good thing most of us are already in our carriages. The others are simply confused as to why I am rushing over when I am telling them to run. Master Merlin, who has the safety of the students at heart, quickly erects a powerful barrier. Randy, Linda, Kat and some of the knights quickly prepare their equipment and rush in with me.

"Diana! You should go back as well!" [Kat]

"Maybe, but it's instinct at this point. I have Nar and Sas to thank for that" [Diana].

"They teach you well, that's for sure" [Randy].

"Just make sure you stay close to one of us at all times, okay?" [Linda]

"Right!" [Diana]

I begin the fight, firing the first shot as a blazing fireball hurtles toward the Chimera. The Chimera, coming in our direction, responds by shielding itself with a strange tree. The strange tree actually tries its best to stop the Chimera, but has been dragged along with it. Knowing full well that my fireball will hurt, it uses most of the trunk to shield itself. Just like that...

"Mr. Hanging Treant! Is that you?" [Diana]

(You must be the one blessed by Titania of whom the forest speaks. Forgive me for not being able to stop the march of these two chimeras) [Hanging Treant]

"There are two Chimeras!" [Diana]


The situation is getting worse.