
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 439: Tyrant T Rex (Tyrex) get!

It's a fierce battle. A tyrant T-Rex in its adolescence, with uncontrollable rage and fierce blood lust, thinking only of fighting and destruction. The forest is silent when it comes to prey. A T Rex that hunts other T Rex only for sport. It roars alone, without any mana and magic, striking fear into its foe. It eyes, piercing into the heart to paralyze it opponent. While Werehouse and Fie were easily affected, Dana saw it as a challenge.

She struck the Tyrant T rex's head repeatedly with her Gungnir, trying her best to bring it down. Dana wanted to exert her dominance over the Tyrant T Rex by repeatedly knocking its head to the ground, indirectly telling this proud T Rex that she will be the master no matter what. For a monster, it's smart enough to know exactly that, so not only does it attack Dana directly, as a proclamation that she's not worthy, but the T Rex also deliberately exposes its head for Dana to strike, leaving Dana in a bind.

On the one hand, too much force, especially if she wanted to use her awakened fairy state, might just pierce his skull, leading to permanent disability or worse, death. Not only that, if she didn't use enough power, she wouldn't be able to force the Tyrant T-Rex to the ground. There's also the risk of a counterattack from the Tyrant T Rex. Both sides know this fact and are now walking a fine line.

"Go Dana Go! T Rex! Do your best and become our pet soon!" [Diana]

"ROAR!" [Tyrant T Rex]

"I don't even need to use magic to know that it refuses our invitation." [Dana]

I mean, I'm pretty sure Dana can and will absolutely do that. She really wanted to ride a T-Rex into battle. Some of the Empire Elite are known to ride various monsters into battle, and Dana wanted to become one of them. I can only imagine how much stronger Dana will be when she has achieved what she wanted. I can see her riding the T-Rex while I ride Fie into battle. It will be so awesome!

An hour passes and the battle still shows no sign of ending. A blow from its tail creates a boom of sound that will surely deafen anyone. Well, Dana, me and Fie have already protected our ears with magic, so it doesn't affect us. It jaws, effortlessly crunching through rocks, trees, even spells thrown at it. It needs a fire spell thrown at it like I need a hot shower. Dana may be holding back a bit, but that doesn't make it any less impressive.

Still, it's clear that Dana will be the winner. She's not taking any significant damage, but she's still on the receiving end of a barrage of attacks. While Dana dodges every deadly blow thrown at her, she doesn't take the slightest bit of damage. Sure, her mana and stamina are draining much faster than the T-Rex's, but she's an elite warrior in her own right, and her mana reserve is large for someone from Aru Village. Not as big as mine, but still bigger than most people's. If it's a battle of attrition, I'm sure Dana will win, but that doesn't guarantee that the Tyrant T-Rex will obey Dana afterwards.

In order to subdue and tame this Tyrant T Rex, Dana really needs to show dominance, and she was about to do it. I don't think that anyone or anything proud will take it as a sign of respect. No! Even I can tell that it wouldn't obey Dana if she were to win that way, which is why Dana accumulates all her thunder mana in Gungnir, even using her blessing as her wings sprout.

"Tyrant T-Rex. Prepare yourself. You may dodge if you wish, but know that this will definitely kill you if you take it lightly" [Dana].

"ROAR!" [Tyrant T Rex]

Impressive. I'm sure Dana didn't use a spell to make the T-Rex understand what she wanted to say. After all, she's not proficient enough to use this level of of a natural communication spell. She gets the basic right, but still struggles. What I'm seeing is more like two warriors knowing each other's intentions.

Taking to the skies, Dana swoops in with Gungnir, striking the Tyrant T Rex in the head. A fierce clash ensues, with Dana delivering blow after blow until

"Meow!" [Fie]

"You did it! Quickly tame it!" [Diana]

Just as Dana was about to use the taming powder from King of Vijaya, the Tyrant T-Rex refused. Dana is ready for another round. Well, I don't want either side to get hurt, so I asked the T-Rex why he refused to serve Dana.

"Aah... I see... I see..." [Diana]

"What is it Diana?" [Dana]

"Well, Mr. T Rex, I'm sure you're going to love this" [Diana]

The Taming Powder doesn't even affect the Tyrant T-Rex. The Taming Master from the Elven Kingdom says it's effective against a T-Rex, but somehow it doesn't work on this Tyrant T-Rex. The Tyrant T-Rex acknowledges Dana's strength, but it wanted a solid reason to be under Dana. And it got a good reason since I will givee him the best reason possible. I told the Tyrant T Rex about the Awakening of the Devil King and even showed it some of my memories. The Tyrant T Rex, knowing our intention to fight the mighty Devil King one day, seems excited and agrees to join Dana.

"Welcome to the Vars family, Tyrex!" [Dana]

"ROAR!" [Tyrex]

"Tyrex! Can I ride you!? Can I!?" [Diana]

"Roar" [Tyrex]

"Yay!" [Diana]

"She's getting along with the Tyrex already" [Dana]

And we returned to the Elven Kingdom, triumphant, only to be scolded later by Sister Jean and Sister Farhana. Apparently the Tyrant T-Rex is causing fear and anxiety among the general population, since they thought a loose Tyrant T-Rex would attack them. We had to explain everything and apologies yo everyone. Luckily, we can use the magic motion orb and get the job done quickly. How convenient