
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 417: Connecting Amleth to Elven Kingdom part 11

So far so good. It's a little harder without Kor's extra helping hand, but it's better than having a snake under your bed. Since we assume that I am their target, either Nar or Sas or Dana will always be there next to me to make sure I am safe. The others are also well protected. We have formed a group consisting of at least one teacher, one knight, and one adventurer. That way, we can make sure that everyone is safe. The giants are also on the alert. They'll really have to think twice or three times before attacking a giant, even if they're gentle.

"No danger so far"

"We will protect the blessed child Diana"

"You are the savior"

"Thank you, Mr. Giants. Please. Get some rest" [Diana].

My barrier detected nothing. Even the other monitors have nothing significant so far. Maybe they're trying to do something outside of our monitoring range. Whatever it is, we can't afford to be careless. I can still protect myself, but what I'm most worried about is if they try to kidnap my friends to make me obey. That's the worst case scenario.

"Hmm?" [Diana]

"Something wrong?" [Nar]

"It's here... They're definitely coming" [Diana]

I set the direction where I think the attack is likely to happen. My blessing only chanted [Danger] twice, probably because of my own strength or because the enemies aren't that dangerous, or a combination of both. When we heard it, everyone got ready, but it's something we weren't expecting at all.

"An army... You realize this means war" [Kara].

"We come in peace for the sake of our people, especially when the time comes to fight the Devil King, and this is your answer?" [Mara]

"As my princess says, is that your answer? Spitting on us while we show you kindness?" [Marianne]

"Know that none of us will surrender easily. Know that our homes and our lands will remember this" [Liya].

It is a group of Grugach, and they are indeed threatening. The look in their eyes is one of resentment. Strange. I'm sure I haven't done anything wrong to them, so why are their eyes like those of someone who wants to take revenge on me?

"You haven't done anything wrong to them, right?" [Sas]

"I'm sure I didn't." [Diana]

"In the Elven Kingdom, only my father's faction is unhappy with her, but that wouldn't affect the local elves here" [Farhana].

"So it's either a misunderstanding or something else entirely" [Elegast].

"Your Highness, do you mind if I open a discussion with them first?" [Nar]

"If you wish, Sir Nar" [Mara]

"Mother always thought that while violence is sometimes necessary, it should be our last choice. Please do what you think is best" [Kara]

"I'm sure I'll only make things worse, but I'll stand by your side" [Diana].

"Then I'll be with you, too" [Dana]

"I'll make sure others are safe as well" [Sas]

"Good luck, everyone" [Jean]

"Others, get into formation" [Randy]

Brother Nar, myself, and Sister Dana are up front, followed by Kara as we shield her. Mara stays behind, in case something bad happens, we can't afford to lose both princesses at the same time. This is going to be bad no matter what.

"It's you!"

"Because of you... Because of you, my son is hanged!"

"Seems like no introduction is necessary, but I'm Nar Vars, guardian of Diana Vars. I'm sure my little sister has done nothing wrong against you, so may I know what's causing this misunderstanding" [Nar].

Despite her shouting, Brother Nar remains calm. He's a hero, so I'm sure he can easily subdue them all if a fight really happened, something even the Grugach seem to be aware of.

"Because of her, the so-called witch has wreaked havoc on this land, and we Grugach are to blame! Screw that witch! Screw her apprentice too!"

"Wait... Did Master Merlin do something?" [Diana]

"I see... I think I understand what happened. Is it because she threatened the nobles here?" [Kara]

Master Merlin did spy on the noble misdeed to make sure this project happens, but how does it involve the Grugach? As we've listened to them, we can see that they are like the black sheep in this situation. All the misdeeds caused by others are to be blamed on them so that the one in power can stay in power.

"That's... Very well. I'll take the responsibility" [Diana].

"Diana! Wait!" [Dana]

Without my staff, and even deactivating my barrier spell, I approach their group. They are wary of me. They also seem to know what I am capable of. In this situation, there's only one thing I can do.

"I'm sorry!" [Diana]


"Why are you sorry?"

"We don't want your apology! We want your head!"

"I can't give you that!" [Diana]

"Don't mess with us!"

"Discrimination then! Now they blame us for everything!"

"We just wanted to live in peace, damn it!"

"I... I understand that, but my head wouldn't solve everything. I'm sure even you know that" [Diana].

If anything, it will only make things worse

"Giant. Will always support Blessed Child"

"We lizardmen and dragonewt are the same"

"Looks like the commotion is about to explode. Please, everyone, have some tea" [Joseph].

To think that Wandering Sage was brewing teas while we were having this dialog is actually leaving me speechless. Wandering Sage even drinks from a cup and asks me to do the same. He even brings out tables and chairs for some of the Grugach to sut. The Giants, Dragonewt and Lizardmen are by my side, as they have expressed their desire to protect me from any harm.

The wandering wise man continues to ask them to reveal what's really happening. I guess he must have put something on their teas, because they open up much too quickly as they explain the terrible things that have been done to them. Poor them...

"Young Lady Diana Vars... Can't you take them with you?"

"Right, just like you did with us Lizardmen and Dragonewt!"


"Even if we wanted too, we will definitely be discriminate again and again..."

"Better us dead here rather than living a nomadic life"

"Foolish" [Elegast]

"Elegast!?" [Farhana]

"All of you are nothing but fool" [Elegast]