
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 399: Tea party with Adnan's family

"Are you ready? Make sure you're on your best behavior" [Ophelia].

"Yes. Feels more like a punishment than going to a friend's house" [Diana].

"Well, it's part of your training. There have been complaints about your behavior, so let's just say this is part of your rehabilitation" [Ophelia].

"Boo..." [Diana]

"It's just your friend and a few others, so good luck" [Dana]

"Dana! Are you leaving me behind?" [Diana]

"I don't have the complaint though..." [Dana]

"How could you! I can't believe it! To think that one day my beloved sister Dana would do this to me... My heart... I feel deep sorrow in it..." [Diana]

"Urgh..." [Dana]

"My little sister Diana, go on... That's life... People come and go... You have to accept it no matter how painful it is" [Nar]

"Urghhh..." [Dana]

"It's okay... Just remember, even if she's not with you physically, she'll always be there in your heart..." [Sas]

"Urghhhhhhhhhhhh..." [Dana]

"Brother Nar... Brother Sas... I can't... The grief and sadness is just unbearable..." [Diana]


And she put on her best clothes to accompany me

"Your crocodile tears are really a terrifying weapon against me..." [Dana]

"I love you! I love you so much!" [Diana]

"Dana doesn't have much to complain about, but it's still a good experience" [Ophelia].

"How time changes. Dana is really on her way to become the next Saga. Complaints about her are few and most of them are unfounded" [Khamisah].

"In fact, in this regard, your improvement is much better than young lady Diana" [Head Maid].

"I agree. It makes me proud to be your tutor." [Ledang]

"Of course, it's Dana! My best sister!" [Diana]

"Thank you all" [Dana]

"So, when will you be the same?" [Nar]

"Like Sas said, just crush those who disagree with you!" [Diana]

"I never said that to you specifically, but that's good advice indeed" [Sas].

"That's so like you, but that doesn't mean you should neglect your ethics" [Nar].

"Right..." [Diana]

"Meow" [Fie]

"Right..." [Diana]

And we are off to Adnan's house for a little tea party. Call it what you want, be it punishment or rehabilitation or behavioral correction program, they just wanted me to behave since I caused a ruckus in the ball. Adnan's punishment is the same, along with Auger and a few other boys, which is why we are here today.

Adnan's house is a knight's house. A typical knight's house, not like the Vars family, nor is it like a typical noble house. It has a training hall for everyday use as well as an armory. His whole family is knights, except his mother, who is a noble marrying into the family. The family is also close to Tio's family, and as such

"You look good" [Tio].

"You too, and as for the boys... Me next! Let's spar after the tea party!" [Diana]

"Diana. Concentrate." [Ophelia]

"Your eyes sparkle too!" [Diana]

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I'm going to run around screaming. Behavior and ethics first. You know the basic courtesy right?" [Ophelia]

"Sure" [Diana]

It's just a simple greeting, and I've done it before. Besides, I have met Adnan's family in the past. The others I haven't met have also introduced themselves. They're the family members of the boys who supported me when we wanted to throw the brat who wanted to take Neloufa's hand.

"It's an honor to be with you, Your Highness."

"Please have a seat, Your Highness."

"That's fine. As you all know, I am no longer royalty. Please treat me accordingly" [Ophelia].

As we sit down and have a discussion about what each family is up to, Dana also begins to squirm. She seems to be interested in the armory of Adnan's family, but of course, just like Sister Ophelia and me, she behaves herself, although she keeps quiet because there are few of her age accompanying the other boys, and it's unfamiliar faces for her.

Sister Ophelia and the other mom and dad talk about the current problems plaguing our country. That, as well as what they can do to contribute. From defense to donations, and finally, how to better prepare us all, be it for war or, if worse comes to worst, evacuation. It's not a serious discussion (it's still serious, but not the kind they usually have in the meeting room). As soon as the subject gets too heavy and they see us making sour faces out of boredom, Sister Ophelia quickly changes the subject to one that suits us all.

A topic that ranges from our school to a project that connects Amleth to the Elven Kingdom. This is the topic we are actually actively participating in. Even Dana shares her thoughts after being prompted by Sister Ophelia. Sister Ophelia doesn't really force all of us to speak, I, the loud one, get the spotlight of course, but those who are naturally quiet also get a chance to speak in a controlled and respected environment. This is truly her forte. That's former royalty in action!

After enough chitchat, and after we have all shown that we are indeed well-behaved children who can be trusted, Sister Ophelia smiles and congratulates us all. Finally, this long tea party is over. Don't get me wrong, I love a tea party too, like one with Grandma Duke, or one with Duchess Eisheth and Akela, where I can eat as many cookies as I want while listening to stories, but this one, it's formal and it makes me stiff.

"Well, I hope none of you will make the same mistake again" [Ophelia].

"Yes" [All]

"Sister Ophelia, you really did a great job" [Diana]

"It comes with experience" [Ophelia]

"Your Highness, if I may ask, can you show me your swordsmanship? Diana told me that your swordsmanship inspired Sir Arthur and Sir Nar" [Adnan].

"If I may, may I join in?" [Auger]

"Of course. It's just a basic, and I believe you can learn much more from Sir Arthur and Nar himself, alas, I'll demonstrate as per your request. Consider this a reward as a job well done for displaying a good attitude at this tea party" [Ophelia]

Everyone thanks her and we begin to assemble in the training hall. Sister Ophelia picks up a sword and starts swinging, giving a tutorial on thrusting, stance, and balance. I have seen it before and even I can tell that Nar and Sir Arthur are truly inspired by her swordplay. Her swordplay isn't as powerful as those two, in fact, I think it's more like Sister Jean's, but the power behind each strike is definitely there, especially when she started to cloak her sword with her aura.

"Amazing" [Auger]

"I'm not a swordsman, but I agree with you" [Tio].

"We are fortunate to witness amazing swordplay."

"That you are" [Dana]

"..." [Adnan]

"Is something wrong?" [Ophelia]

"Your Highness, please forgive my rudeness, but may I be apprenticed to your truly?" [Adnan]