
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 397: Incident surrounding Neloufa part 3

Switcheroo. Between me and Neloufa. A hell for both of us. Only few know about this, well, a few, but that basically almost all who know us. Since we are changing places, that means right now besides Kara and Mara to accompany them is none other than Neloufa.

The Opera House and the Succubus did a very good job with the make-up and disguise for both of us. From hair color, to skin tone, to even our eye color. It feels refreshing to see my usually blonde hair color suddenly become red like Neloufa. We can easily use the mirage spell to change our appearance, but if there's a chance that they get caught through the spell, it will be disastrous, hence our decision.

"She's really quiet, isn't she?" [Vita].

"I can see the stress in her eyes" [Rosaria].

"Who wouldn't?"

"Young Lady Diana Vars, you really are amazing... You accompany the princesses during conferences and you are still able to put a big smile on your face".

"Believe me, it's not that hard... I'm depressed when I see how depressed Neloufa is... Should I say I am depressed to see myself depressed through the Magic Motion Orb, since Neloufa is now taking my place?" [Diana].

"Either way, I'm sure some of the others will notice. Even if we and the succubi did a great job, there are certain things that can give away the disguise. Let's just stop talking about it for now" [Vita].

"Well, I don't feel anyone around who wants to harm or kidnap me, but sure. Let's practice as usual" [Diana]

Practicing Neloufa's line for tonight's performance. Not that I have to if the plan work, but it's fun and we have to do it so that the Dark Guild won't notice. Since I always help Neloufa with her performance, I already know her script by heart, but her movements, her dance, her singing... She really is way ahead of me. I mean, it's obvious, but she's really working hard to become a better actress. I suddenly feel sluggish.

It will be noon when, according to our plan, I will go out alone to buy a drink. Well, there will be three others from the Opera House who will accompany me, but we will deliberately spread out in order to lure those who wanted to kidnap Neloufa, and by the looks of it

(It's working... Now to lure them where we agreed) [Diana]

It's to make both our job and the kidnappers' job easier. For them, so that they can make a smooth escape and go to their hideout, where they will inevitably hand me over to the nobles, and for us, so that we can easily keep track of them. The second part is actually unnecessary, but better safe than sorry.

"!" [Diana]

"We did it!"

"Now let's get out of here."

Swift. They are very fast. Even though I know they are coming at me, I have very little time to prepare myself. They cast a sleeping spell and hit me in the solar plexus at the same time to knock me out. Well, I didn't, but I have to pretend that I did. Just thinking about what would happen if I didn't switch with Neloufa makes my blood boil. Do you really have to hit Neloufa! She's just a cute girl! She's basically harmless! I will remember this and burn your hair later as punishment.

They carry me around like a piece of clothing and stuff me into a bag. They also tie my arms and legs, put a gag in my mouth, and blindfold me. At least I can open my arm and stop pretending to be unconscious, but this is really uncomfortable. I really wanted to use an ice spell to cool me down, but that would give away the plan, so for Neloufa's sake let's not.

(Oh, activate my family's emblem and done... Now I just have to relax and wait for them to rescue me... Well, we still have to get some evidence, so I shouldn't make any noise until then, but as soon as they get the evidence they need, I'll definitely burn all their hair!) [Diana]

They stopped moving and started to open the bag, for which I had to pretend to cry. I'm so happy that my acting is good enough to fool them all! It is far from Miss Vita and Neloufa and others from the Opera House, but still good enough to convince them.

"We will have to wait until nightfall for those nobles to come.

"By then there should be an uproar because she's missing."

"Well, I'm sure the noble won't be stupid enough not to realize that we've succeeded, so he'll have to hurry here as well."

Wow, they're actually intelligent, aren't they, so how did they fall into this trap? I feel a little sorry for them, but not enough to satisfy my burning desire to arrest them and burn their hair!

Even before night falls, the nobles, like someone possessed, come frantically and quickly demanding to see the catch, and once he realizes that they have successfully "kidnapped Neloufa", the noble hands over the agreed transaction, and

"Stop right there" [Alaric].

"Special Knight of Amleth here to arrest you" [Aya].

"Shit! Shit!"

"Use her as... URGH"

"Use who as what?" [Diana]

"Huh... How!?"

"Fire Magic: Firefly! Mirage Magic: Mirage Rope" [Diana]

And two spells, one to help the other arrest them, the other to burn the hair off their scalps! That's more like it! Quickly, without any difficulties, our plan is a success. We even get the evidence we need, so all that's left is to celebrate our success.

"Are you hurt?" [Alaric]

"Nope. Can I see the evidence as well? Just curious" [Diana]


Aya just nods before showing it to me. This is really satisfying, although the part where I burn her hair has been recorded as well. I might get scolded afterwards... Can't we delete it somehow...