
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 373: Country of Philip part 7

The Empire is actively trying to stir up trouble in this country. I'm sure they wanted it for themselves back then. It's pretty obvious. Even if they don't send an army to start a war, a little provocation like this is enough to prove it.

According to the coffin turtle, there's a talisman that prevents the essence of being from being forcibly sucked out of the Empire soldier. I'm pretty sure this has something to do with the witch serving under Prince Rufus. I can't imagine a normal researcher doing this. After all, only a witch can manipulate the soul. Well, Wandering Sage isn't a witch because he's a man, but he did have knowledge of witch art, so he's in that category as well. But I really don't think there are others who have such extensive knowledge of a soul other than witches.

With few knights and adventures from Philip, we all went to the aforementioned place. I'm sure the Wandering Sage will be an invaluable aid, but he's needed for the conversation between the Elder Turtle and the kingdom. Besides, we have Dana, Kat, Linda, and the Elder Giant on our side! They're just as strong.

As soon as we arrived

"Horrible..." [Diana]

"They really don't have any compassion, do they?" [Kat]

"Even babies..." [Linda]

"This is... This way. They went that way" [Dana]

"Fast" [Elder Giant]

"Before I was reunited with Diana, I moved around aimlessly, defeating the Empire troops and those from Aru Village. I learned their tactics and how they move. No matter how good they are, they will always leave a trace that can be followed" [Dana].

"In that case, let's hurry" [Kat]

"Meow" [Fie]

"Right... I promise I'll help you with the burial later. For now, rest easy. I'll help save the one left behind" [Diana]

"Who are you talking to?"

"The soul... Don't cry... I will definitely save them" [Diana].

They could just cripple those whom resisted if they wanted to be so mean, but why did they have to be so cruel?

The fishmen being sliced. The dragonewt, having their scales violently plucked before being burned, probably alive from what the souls lingering around told me. The humans, some killed, others dragged around who knows where. Then the children... Some even younger than me. The coffin turtle whose coffin was forcibly separated from them before being impaled from the head down.

Seeing this, I can understand why the majority of people in this country favor the coffin turtle. I hope the wandering sage can help the coffin turtle and the country come to an agreement.

It's a muddy road, not properly maintained. Holes everywhere. Mud makes movement difficult. Since I can fly, I volunteered to go ahead, but Dana forbade me. I understand her reasoning. She's worried about my safety. From my conversation with the forest, there is indeed a train of the Empire kidnapping these villagers. For what purpose? Probably just following orders to provoke. Well, if I can't fly towards them.

"Trees. Bees. Giant cockroaches. Snakes. Everybody! Listen to me!" [Diana]

"The forest!"

"Hey! Hey!"

"Those animals!"

"Just let her do her job" [Linda]

"Is this how an elf fights?"

I told them what had happened and asked them to help me. Of course, I wouldn't send them without protection for themselves. Maybe in the past, when I had no way of doing so, but I have slowly doing so once I get the hang of it and now that Grandmother Farhah herself has taught me the art of fighting alongside the forest, I am confident. Well, I still need Mia Borneo's blessing, and even with that I am nowhere near Grandma Farhah's level, but this should at least stop the Empire from moving too fast.

"Enhance. May your branches be as strong as the tree of the world. Let your vitality be as great as a great forest. May this blessing overflow upon you all!" [Diana]

Focus. With the help of Miss Borneo, the fairy of flora and fauna, let them grow stronger. Imagine the tree as strong as the Hanging Treant or even the World Tree. Make the bees and wasp a friend that help each other. Their stinger hurt a lot more. The snakes constrict it enemies with even more force. More. Let the forest vitality goes up and up!

With my blessing, the forest are raring to help me. I'm glad they willingly listen and decided to help me! I can't thanks them enough! They're literally putting their lives on the line just because I ask them too!

"This is pretty scary..."

"No wonder you're the hero's little sister!"

"As expected from Miss Saga's little sister!"

Praise left and right. It's flattering, but I have to stay focused and let the blessing flow towards the forest. With it, I can feel that the movement of those Empire troops is being obstructed. Still, they're trained soldiers against a group of animals and trees that have just been strengthened by my blessing, it does significant damage to the Imperial soldier, but not enough for the final blow. They were caught off guard, but I'm sure they have experience fighting elves with similar tactics.

As we approached them, they sensed our movement. However, a thunderbolt spell was sent towards us in a powerful manner.

"Don't you dare!" [Dana]

Dana literally grabbed the thunderbolt spell, amplified it, and threw it back at the caster! That's so cool! I'm impressed! I'm way too impressed! Even the elder giant feels the same way!

"Well, well, look who's here!"

"Tchh... you!" [Dana]

"Let me guess, someone from Aru Village?" [Kat]

"And a powerful one at that" [Dana]

"Then I'll support you!" [Diana]

"No. Diana, help free the captive. Let Dana deal with him. Others, with me. Elder Giant, please help us as well." [Linda]



"Glory to Philip!"