
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 334: What Ophelia will do from now on

This time the number of days I am in the hospital is longer than I thought. Since I sustained quite heavy damage to my abdomen twice in a short period of time (once at Emas and again while helping to cleanse the curse), Doctor Natasha wanted to make sure that everything was perfectly fine before allowing me to go home. She is afraid that since I am still growing, any unattended injuries will affect me in the future. Since it's for my sake, I wouldn't say no, even with the scary needle and bitter medicine around me.

"Thank you for breakfast" [Diana].

"It is indeed quite delicious" [Saintess Rumia].

"I envy you two, I still can't eat properly..." [Ophelia]

Miraculously, all three of us recovered quickly. I can really see it. The fact that the hospital and the church are giving us their full support nonstop. The fact that we are in the same room as Goddess Favourite Daughter also helps. Pretty sure that the radiance of the Goddess somehow gets to us through Saintess Rumia as well.

"Boring... Wanted to play around" [Diana].

"And have your wound reopened? I don't think they'll allow it" [Saintess Rumia].

"At this rate, you two will be discharged before me" [Ophelia].

This is our conversation as we eat our breakfast. It's a simple porridge for the three of us to ease our digestion. It tastes great, even though it's a bit bland, but it's still delicious enough that I have absolutely no complaints about it! I want more

"It is good to see that all three of you are recovering well. Her Holiness Saintess Rumia and Young Lady Diana Vars can be discharged to a more stable ward, but unfortunately, Her Highness Ophelia Vars will have to stay here a bit longer" [Natasha].

"As expected" [Ophelia]

"Boo... Then Sister Ophelia will not have her little sister beside her!" [Diana]

"Little sister?" [Natasha]

"It's me! We have a similar name, so obviously she's my older sister! Maybe Auntie, but she's the same age as Sister Khamisah and Auntie Amleth... Sister or aunt?" [Diana]

As Dr. Natasha checks on us and finishes her rounds, we are allowed visitors for the first time in a week of being on the ward.

"I see all three of you are well. Thank the Goddess" [Amleth].

"We have brought some fruit for you all" [Merlin].

"Diana! Rumia! Are you both well?" [Dana]

"Not just me! Ask Sister Ophelia too! She's our sister! Or aunt! Still confused which is which!" [Diana]

"That's interesting indeed. Amleth, Ophelia and I are the same age, yet Diana calls us two different things" [Khamisah].

"Because you're a childless hag and her highness... I will refrain from speaking further" [Sas].

Sister Khamisah glares at Sas. I mean, he makes a good point, but I'm too scared to agree with him, but not scared enough to laugh at him!

"Now that I think about it, I am the only one left... The last of my bloodline..." [Ophelia]

"You still have me and Dana! Nar, Sas, Sister Khamisah and Aunt Amleth here too!" [Diana]

"I guess you're right..." [Ophelia]

(This somehow turns sour very quickly) [Nar]

"Anyway, do you want some apples? I can peel them for all of you" [Neloufa]

"Yes please! Can I eat it?" [Diana]

"Sure. Just take the soft ones in small pieces" [Natasha]

Neloufa, Kara, Mara, Marianne, Tio and Adnan start chatting with me, asking about my condition, when Doctor Natasha leaves the room to give us all some time to ourselves. What a good doctor she is! As we talk, I can't help but overhear the conversation between Sister Khamisah, Sister Ophelia and Aunt Amleth.

"It's all over... All these years of pain and suffering have finally come to an end" [Ophelia].

"Yes. Yes, it does. I'm glad. I'm really glad" [Amleth].

"Amleth, it's been a while since I've seen you like this, but you're right, after all this year, it's finally over. A new beginning for us and this country" [Khamisah].

"Ahh, finally seeing the little three reunited again brings a smile to my face" [Merlin]

They have their happy little reunion. Saintess Rumia with Dana, Liya, Princess Siti and Veronica. Me with my friends and Nar and Sas. It's a happy day.

"I wonder what I will do from now on..." [Ophelia]

"You can always take back the throne if you want. I'm more than happy to step down if that's what you want" [Amleth].

"Nonsense. The Amlethians have an excellent queen now, I will not rob them of that" [Ophelia].

"Then you can always help Amleth. I'm sure the two of you can bring better prosperity to the country" [Khamisah].

"That is also true, but there will inevitably be conflicts caused by others. I would rather avoid that" [Ophelia].

It looks like their discussion is turning from a meeting of friends to a country issue. Maybe that's just their way of bonding. How strange. Well, as long as they're happy, I guess it doesn't matter. Still, their discussion is really interesting, and if that's the case, I should jump in and save the day as well.

"Sister Ophelia! Come stay with us, Vars family! Your newfound powers are greatly appreciated! In fact, I'm pretty sure you can help me with the dungeon!" [Diana]

"Newfound power?" [Amleth]

"What do you mean?" [Ophelia]

"Huh? Even you haven't realized it yet! That's strange! I was sure it's because of your connection to the curse and the curse's connection to this land. I'm even experimenting with it without anyone noticing, including yourself, so I'm sure I'm not wrong!" [Diana]

"Would you like to explain, my dear?" [Khamisah]

"Huh... Looks like little Diana was right. Interesting indeed" [Merlin]

"As expected from Master Merlin! You figured it out before I even started to explain!" [Diana]

"Of course, I am your master after all!" [Merlin]