
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 319: Amleth's past part 3

Unlike my (or Teacher Tiara's and Princess Siti's) relationship with Master Merlin, where we are her direct apprentice, Master Merlin's relationship with Sister Khamisah, Aunt Amleth and Ophelia is more like student and teacher, similar to her relationship with Kara, Mara, Neloufa and others.

Back then, she not only taught them the basics of magic and spells, but also strengthened their basics and made them develop their talents more and more.

"No wonder your hits are crazy..." [Diana].

"I have her to thank" [Khamisah].

"Nonsense. To be honest, all I had to do was give Khamisah a little push, and she developed her entire fighting style on her own. Truly, a frightening genius, that's why she's the earliest of the three to become a so-called graduate" [Merlin].

"Graduate?" [Dana]

"Well, these three little girls are competing with each other in a healthy way to see who will be recognized by me first, and it just so happens that your sister here is the one who has achieved it, hence, graduate" [Merlin]

"By the way, it never occurred to me, but how is a commoner like you able to befriend those two?" [Dana]

"It's a whole different story, but basically, those two used to sneak around a lot, and when they got bullied, I saved the day. Repeat that several times and there you have it" [Khamisah].

"So even Auntie Amleth is naughty then! Now I have something to say when she wants to punish me" [Diana].

"Well, good luck with that. She's not as naughty as you. In fact, her sneaking around with Ophelia is more of a learning process. They wanted to get to know the people they will one day rule, unlike you who wanted to have fun" [Khamisah].

"Boo..." [Diana]

Still, I'll use it as a point the next time she scolds me!

The two continue with their stories. They reminisce a bit here and there, telling us how both Ophelia achieved a good control over light magic and her swordplay. Even Aunt Amleth does the same. She achieves a good enough swordplay with her dark magic, until one day

"You manifested your blessing... No, not quite, but good enough, I suppose" [Maleficent]

"This is..." [Ophelia]

"Ohh! Titania and now you. I wonder where all the fairies have been lately?" [Merlin]

"So this is the Dark and Time Fairy, Maleficent herself, in the flesh!" [Amleth]

"That's right, and it's been a while, Merlin, to think you're the one mentoring the one generation I blessed" [Maleficent].

Maleficent appears before them. She wanted to reinforce her blessing for Ophelia, since Ophelia is the next in line of generations to be blessed and to repel the curses.

"The moment they knew I would awaken it, they would act..." [Ophelia]

"You mean... What you heard them say the other day?" [Khamisah]

"Hmm?" [Maleficent, Merlin]

"You see..." [Ophelia]

According to Master Merlin, Ophelia overheard her father, mother, and stepmother's plan. They knew for certain that one of their princesses would one day awaken Maleficent's blessing, and so they made a plan. A cruel plan

"They wanted to what?" [Sas]

"Greedy. I know" [Merlin]

"Is that even possible?" [Dana]

"That's why the saying a blessing can also be a curse" [Diana].

"I see. Indeed. Maleficent's blessing itself is a blessing, but, poor young lady Ophelia back then..." [Ledang]

They planned to infuse the curse that will one day manifest itself on this land into whoever awakened to this blessing. The two curses and blessings, mixed together, and whoever controls them, wields the ultimate power to permanently destroy everything without ever having a chance to recover it. The curse that will destroy everything, and the power of Maleficent that can put something in stasis, and that's not all. To further increase the destructive power of this so-called fusion between the two

"They plan to kill their own citizens... That explains the chaos back then" [Nar].

"Now it makes sense" [Sas].

"Fortunately for you two and others, Amleth and Ophelia have already given me some funds to help the common people, and I spare no time to help those who are in need" [Khamisah]

They wanted to make sure that whoever wielded that power would obey them no matter what. Those poor princesses, they were taken captive before they even knew it. The ones they loved, their friends, their lovers, all of them were silently taken captive. The royal family at the time thinks that by tormenting the princesses, they will sooner or later awaken the blessing of Maleficent, but

"Of course, it backfires..." [Diana].

"Such is the folly of these humans. I'm just glad neither you nor any of my students or apprentices are stupid enough to try" [Merlin].

Then it's all decided.

"Miss Maleficent... Can I give this blessing to someone else? Someone I know will make things right" [Ophelia].

"And who might that be?" [Maleficent]

"Amleth" [Ophelia]

"!!!" [Amleth, Merlin, Khamisah]