
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 29: Going out with friends part 2

"Neloufa. Wake up" [Diana].

"Haaa! Wait... Where am I?" [Neloufa]

"Inside the Golem Carriage. We are going to buy our school supplies, remember?" [Diana]

"Oh yes! That's right, we're supposed to buy school supplies and then..." [Neloufa]

Neloufa, waking from her dazed state, quickly assesses her surroundings and soon begins to gasp as she realizes that she is sitting next to Kara, Mara, and Auntie Amleth.

"Neloufa. It's okay." [Kara]

Kara, sensing that Neloufa is panicking again, holds Neloufa's hand tightly and looks at her with a smile, a smile that can make a crying baby laugh, a smile that can soothe a heart. It's supposed to be a heartwarming scene between friends, but there's someone who just ruins the mood.

"She will execute you" [Diana].

"I'm sorry!" [Neloufa]

"DIANA!" [Kara, Mara, Liya]

That someone is me

Neloufa's imaginary panic button in her head keeps hitting itself, making her gasp for air more and more. She stares at the exit as if her life depends on it.

"Seal" [Diana]

"Diana..." [Neloufa]

Her voice almost sounds like she's about to burst into tears. I didn't even cast a spell, I just said the word Seal, and yet she assumed that she'd be trapped here forever. Although it's funny, I feel bad now, so

"It's okay. Look at me. I'm from the Empire, and yet Brother Nar, Brother Sas, Aunt Amleth, Jean, Kara, and Mara all accept me. You should be fine" [Diana].

"Wait... you're from the Empire?" [Neloufa]

"I am. I guess I didn't tell you" [Diana]

"I see..." [Neloufa]

Is there something wrong about it? She looks conflicted

"Just because Diana is from the Empire, doesn't mean she's a bad person" [Amleth]

"!" [Neloufa]

"While it's true the Empire tried to invade us, doesn't mean each and every single one of them share the same thought. Diana here, for example, is just another ordinary person, the same as you, and yet, none of us here think of her as a bad guy" [Amleth]

"..." [Neloufa]

Neloufa thinks I am a bad guy? Maybe because I am from the empire. Now I feel sad.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." [Neloufa]

"It's okay..." [Diana]

"Ohh, I should tell Nar and Sas that you're sulking" [Kat].

The female cat beastmen (friends of Nar and Sas) state the obvious, which I quickly refute. I am not sulking at all, and if Nar and Sas find out, they will tease me until God knows when.

"Do you feel better now, Neloufa?" [Mara]

"A little" [Neloufa]

"That's good" [Kara]

"Still, you should take good care of yourself, or else those mean boys will bully you at school" [Diana]

"?" [Neloufa]

"According to Nar and Sas, those bad boys will try to get close to us, wanted to marry us so they could use us as a way to get close to Kara and Mara. Once their mission is accomplished, they will throw us away like a used napkin" [Diana].

"That's terrible!" [Neloufa]

"They would!?" [Kara, Mara]

(What did those two teach her at home?) [Amleth, Jean, Kat, Linda, Liya]

Looks like they believe in me. Good. Good. I trust what Nar and Sas said one hundred percent. After all, they're my brothers, so I'm sure what they told me is the truth.

"Brother Nar and Sas said that if any boys persist in approaching us, I should blow them away with wind magic. If their parents complain, my brothers will deal with them personally! I know, how about we practice magic after this? We can create powerful magic together!" [Diana]

"But I can't use wind magic" [Kara]

"Me too" [Mara]

"Me three!" [Neloufa]

"I see. Then how about light magic. We could blind them and then run away!" [Diana]

"I can use water magic to make the ground slippery so they will fall. Is that acceptable?" [Neloufa]

Our discussion focuses entirely on how to fend off the boys at school. Jean looks like she's trying to tell us something, but another friend of Nar and Sas, Linda, says to let us continue. She's not someone who shows much emotion, but she smiles when she hears about our absurd way of dealing with boys.

"I see, so the best thing is not to go to school at all" [Diana].

"How did you come to that conclusion?" [Liya]