
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 262: The Conference and Succubus Festival part 7

"This is the famous World Tree Leaf Tea, it will definitely make you feel better after one sip"

"Come and take a look. Our collection of various weapons with different sizes will surely impress you"

"I have the used clothes of famous actresses all over the world, if you..."

"What are you selling! Show me your permit!" [Dana]

"Oh no!"


"Like hell you will!" [Dana]

And Dana proceeded to capture them all without any difficulty. I don't even need to help since I'm sure Dana can handle it all by herself. She insisted that I enjoy the festivities, but since I am here with her, I would rather look around with her. Fun is good, but fun with Dana will be the best.

There are many attractions and activities here at the Succubus Cultural Festival. Be it the open market that Miss Eisheth opens for everyone, the collection of antiques from demon nobility, selling various beauty products, fun games for children from drawing and coloring to card and board games of old demon tradition, even a street performance by the succubus, and what's more shocking is

"Miss Vita and Eisheth will perform live!" [Diana]

"I want to see! I want to see!" [Neloufa]

"I want to see too! Teacher and student spontaneous performance, it's bound to be good!" [Diana]

"You four go ahead. We need to take this merchant to the nearest guard post" [Dana]

"Alright, come join us soon" [Diana]

"We will" [Liya]

And we go to the performance area. It's a spontaneous performance with a stage that was obviously built at the last minute. Still a good stage, I'm sure Miss Eisheth asked the dwarf from the blacksmith's street near the Brokkr chamber.

It's a shame that Marianne can't be here to see this. I'm sure she'd be crying her eyes out if she knew what she was missing. Still, she's from a duke's house and has her own work to do.

Even thirty minutes before the show starts, it's hard to get a good seat. Most people don't even mind standing. Since we are just kids, we have to squeeze in to get to the front, and that is when I see someone familiar.

"Huh? Siti and her five brothers!" [Diana]

"Diana! Neloufa! Tio! Adnan!" [Siti]

"It's you!"

"We heard that you are busy, Siti wanted to meet you all!"

"Really, why don't you just come to my house then?" [Diana]

"Be mindful. A commoner from a distant land who suddenly says that she wants to meet a noble daughter will surely feel pressured to just go to your house" [Tio].

"That is the case" [Siti]

It's good that we can see Siti again. I think it's been a year. After that we write letters to each other. She's doing well from the letter and seeing her in person makes us both feel happy.

"Hey? Who's this?"

"It's you guys from the orphanage, this is Siti, my friend from Emas" [Diana].

"And we are her brothers!"

"Come on! Let's watch the show together!"

"Hey! Don't just drag her wherever you want!" [Diana]

"Diana's right. Be careful" (Siti... She's the girl who was kidnapped by the false Hydra... The operation done by the Empire where my son was involved and eventually...) [Valerie]

Valerie looks at Siti. There is a hint of sadness in her eyes. Is it because she is reminded of her family... After I saved Siti, I beat up the soldiers of the Empire, one of them was Valerie's son. He was captured and then leaked all the Empire's plan to the authorities in Emas. This caused a boastful prince of the Empire to slaughter everyone in Valerie's village. Valerie survived painfully, but it's still a tragic story.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to this festival! For those of you who do not know me, I am Vita from the Opera House and this is my teacher and the organizer of today's festival, Eisheth" [Vita].

"Good day everyone, I hope you enjoy our cultural festival" [Eisheth].

"It's starting!" [Siti]

"Who would have thought that Madam Eisheth is the teacher of the famous Vita?"

"This is definitely going to be a great performance!"

"I can't get tickets for the opera house, they're booked out for the whole week!"

"I'm glad I can at least see this!"

The two of them received a powerful cheer from the crowd. Visitors, merchants, adventurers, and even knights and guards on duty can't help but watch the performance.

It's a traditional dance, usually performed by a group of succubi with a male demon at the center, but this time they modified it to be a two-person dance, but with a twist. Traditionally it's about a group of succubi trying to win the heart of a noble demon, but now it's just a dance between two lovers. Well, Miss Eisheth has to wear the traditional male clothing of the demon clan for this to work, and it works beautifully.

"You're so knowledgeable!" [Siti]

"I'm sure they don't teach this in school." [Adnan]

"You're right, they don't" [Diana].

"We learn it from Miss Eisheth and Miss Vita themselves" [Neloufa].

"That's impressive" [Siti]

(She looks like she's enjoying this... What am I thinking... She's innocent. It's the boastful prince's fault...) [Valerie]

Valerie looks at Siti like she looks at the children in the orphanage. Well, she suddenly started looking around restlessly afterwards. When I asked her

"It feels like someone is staring at these children. Possibly kidnapper" [Valerie].

"Kidnappers?" [Adnan]

"Maybe. You stay close together, I'll inform the guard" [Valerie]

"Valerie, what happened?" [Dana]

"Sister Dana!" [Siti]

"Oh! It's Siti and her five brothers, long time no see" [Dana]

"Dana, listen" [Diana]

Since Dana is already here, Valerie tells her about what she just felt. Dana took this seriously as she and a few adventurers and guards quickly searched for possible culprits, unfortunately they couldn't find anyone.