
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 255: Preparation for the festival and conference part 6

"Thank you, with this I will surely win!" [Diana]

"You're welcome. Don't forget our promise" [Elder Giant]

"How could I ever forget? I'll meet you at the gate tomorrow! Goodbye" [Diana]

With this rock beetle given to me by the Elder Giant, I'm sure to win the Tamer Guild's tournament!

Since there's a lot of visitors due to the conference and festival, there's also an influx of children, and since there's not much activity for them, the Tamer Guild decided to hold a beetle fighting tournament today! Of course, when I heard this, I was one of the first to sign up for the tournament! There's no way I'm going to lose!

The conference and festival started tomorrow, and I was supposed to practice with the Opera House, but the manager and the other decided that a little break today would be fine. We'll still practice at night, but just for today it's a little break after long hard practice.

"My Beetle will win for sure!"

"Fool, you're in our home, I know every beetle there like the back of my hand"

"As an elf, I'll surely have more advantage!"

"Play nice, and just enjoy it" (The Adventure Guild told me that children tend to get lost during the festival, and with how many noble children come here, human trafficking will be rampant, so they decided to cooperate with the Tamer Guild to keep the children safe and lure out the traffickers... I just hope those fools don't dare to do it.) [Valerie]

There are kids from the orphanage, from Amleth and other places. I even invited giant kids to participate. They couldn't communicate well because they use a different language, but that's okay. I am here as a translator for them, and most importantly

"Have fun. Let the tournament begin".

"I'll be here as a commentator" (And also to keep an eye out for any potential trafficker) [Akela].

First up is a dwarf kid from the Kingdom of Dwarves. He's muscular. He's also excited to show off his Beetle, complete with armor he made especially for it!

"That's cool, but you will never beat me!" [Diana].

"I want to see you cry when you realize how terrifyingly powerful my Beetle Armor is!"

And the game begins. We place our beetles on the grand stage created by the Tamer Guild. It's a stage with bonsai, sand, and rock terrain. My rock beetle simply rams through the armored beetle, and as soon as the beetle's armor flips over, it goes for the kill, knocking it off the stage.

"And the winner is Diana. This battle shows that no matter how powerful an armor is, it's even more important to see the one wearing it" [Akela].

"I agree. The armor is great and I can see a lot of love in it, but the beetle itself is an ordinary beetle that leaves much to be desired"

"Grr... Well, you win..."

"This is a good match, I hope we can fight again next time" [Diana].

"And next time it will be my victory"

Next up is Tio... How did she manage to get a Golem Beetle? How lucky she is! The Tamer Guild Master's eyes practically sparkle when he sees it! Of course, even I am jealous of it, as are others! As for her opponent

"Tough luck to run into me" [Randy].

"A competitor from our own Adventure Guild. Randy the Berserker and his Cannibal Beetle!" (I thought I told him to stand guard, why did he participate!) [Akela]

"And what will your beetle do? Eat my beetle?" [Tio]

It's an exciting match! The Cannibal Beetle continues to attack relentlessly, trying to pinch the Golem Beetle with its massive jaws. The Golem Beetle is in defensive mode and manages to block a few critical attacks! The battle then takes place in the sky, where the Cannibal Beetle slams the Golem Beetle, only for it to slightly miss the vital, and when the Golem Beetle wanted to attack, the Cannibal Beetle launched a precise counter attack, knocking the golem beetle down.

"Of course, it will be my victory, how could I, Randy, the undefeated champion in beetle fighting, ever lose" [Randy].

"Sigh... You did well, my Golem Beetle " [Tio]

"A victory for the Adventure Guild! Congratulations!" (Just lose and do your job!) [Akela]

(Why did I get the feeling that the Adventure Guild master was angry with this Red Hair adventure?) [Valerie]

As the tournament went on, I made it to the finals. It's a good match. I can see many different kinds of bugs! Some are local, while others have been brought from far away! There's even a beetle that can spit out lava! It's interesting, but in the end, my rock beetle wins, and my opponent is none other than

"The Final, give it up for Diana and Randy!" (At this point, just win and don't embarrass us from the Adventure Guild, you big redheaded kid!) [Akela]

"Don't go crying when I defeat you. Neither you nor your two brothers can beat me when it comes to beetle fighting" [Randy].

"Big talk for someone who is about to lose" [Diana]

"At this point, I'm not sure who to root for" [Tio]

"And let the match begin!"

It's an exciting match. The Cannibal Beetle's jaws are unable to break through the Rock Beetle's defenses. It's tough, but that doesn't mean it can't do anything else. With its strong leg, it kicks my scarab repeatedly. With its horn, it rams and rams and rams through my rock beetle. At this point, my only chance of winning is to look for a critical counterattack, and when the time comes

"Now!" [Diana].

"Naive! Let me show you my experience as the undefeated champion of beetle fighting!" [Randy]

Oh no! Please don't! No! No! My power of love and friendship with the beetle given to me by the Elder Giant this morning will surely prevail!

"Hey! That's cheating!" [Randy]

"It's the power of love and friendship that prevails after countless trials!" [Diana]

"You're literally just boosting your beetle with magic!" [Randy]

"It's the unbreakable bond between us!" [Diana]

"And the winner is Randy!"

"Grr..." [Diana]

"I mean, you kind of cheated. Power of love... Nonsense. You literally just got that beetle this morning" [Tio].

"Boo..." [Diana]

And so the tournament comes to an end, as an unexpected challenger steps forward

"Guild Master!" [Randy]

"Do you think that I, The Tamer Guild Master, would not come out when shown such an exciting match? Prepare yourself, undefeated champion, it's time for you to face the wrath of my Adamantoise Beetle!"

"NO WAY!" [Diana]

"It's huge!" [Tio]

"How is that even possible..." [Randy]

"Through the power of love, friendship, magic and science."

(So the battle continues... At least I don't see anyone suspicious) [Valerie]

(I give up... The most important thing is that there's no trafficker... No... Luckily I am well prepared... Well then, time to inform the others) [Akela]