
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 242: The land of Elves part 12

"Meow!" [Fie]

"This Elemental Cat really is compatible with any mana, likely because his master is connected to Aru" [Queen of Dyrad]

"Everyone say the same" [Diana]

"It will be a most valuable ally indeed, alas, it's still not fully mature, even when getting a power up from the world tree itself" [Queen of Dyrad]

"If Fie can absorb other powerful mana and core, it might even rival the great dragon king in the future" [Farhah]

"That's interesting, maybe it can, maybe it couldn't" [Queen of Dyrad]

"Fie, beating up The Great Dragon King! I'll definitely watch it!" [Diana]

"Or you could befriend him... Impossible. He's just as hard headed as The Devil King" [Queen of Dyrad]

Fie getting his second powerup! Once at the church and now here. Of course it couldn't possibly take the entirety of The World Tree, but, he bask himself with mana from world tree. Empty magic core quickly filled with by world tree mana and Fie quickly eat it. I can sense that Fie is getting stronger and stronger just that

"That's his limit. Ashame" [Farhah]

"I'm more surprised that he's able to do this in the first place. I appoint it the guardian of the second world tree, along with the doll and jester bone at the dungeon" [Queen of Dyrad]

"So, once we connected the two world tree, they will get more powerful!?" [Diana]

"Yes, and the dungeon will be more bountiful " [Queen of Dyrad]

"Alas, we still need a method. The Ant swarm Durant might help, but, we need to locate it first, and get them to agree to help us" [Farhah]

That's it for today's session. It's a great result. Fie can now manipulate plants and animals even more freely. His fur becomes fern like, with small raflesia between his two ears. There's also a very small tree with several strange fruits on its back. This form is only temporary, as Fie can change back to his original form.

Since there's nothing else for us to do, we decided to go for a walk in a nearby forest. I heard that there's a popular spot with a beautiful waterfall. It's also a great fishing spot for locals and tourists alike. When I heard about it, I decided to go there with other people.

When we got there, the waterfall really fascinated us. Sister Khamisah, Farhana, Grandma Farhah and Mr. Apollo have been here before, but they've still got that excited look in their eyes. For us, who are actually seeing it for the first time

"Let's swim Fie!" [Diana]

"Meow!" [Fie]

"This is so pretty! I'm glad I can see it!" [Myle]

I can tell it's deep. It is even bigger than the dam at Amleth. The water is crystal clear and it's cold. Not freezing cold, but still, cold. Fish and aquatic life thrive. There's even a group of stingless jellyfish swimming around, feeding on the sunlight. Fascinating! Just fascinating! Fie and I swim among them and we didn't get stung even once!

There are others who rent a boat. Some elves even walk on water as part of their magic practice. I can tell they're students, so I feel a little mischievous.

"Wave after wave after wave!" [Diana]


"My footing! My footing!"

"Fie, let's tickle their soles!" [Diana]

"Meow!" [Fie]

"Don't! Please don't!"

And of course we got scolded afterwards, but it is definitely fun.

As our stomachs growl, Fie and I dry ourselves with wind magic and approach Sister Khamisah for our sandwiches. It definitely hit the spot! It's so delicious! I could go for more!

As I tell them the beauty that's the lake

"The top of the waterfall is a sight to behold" [Apollo].

"Really!" [Myle]

"It is. It's also one of the most popular meeting places. I remember when Iligast first wanted to show me the sight..." [Farhah]

"Then it will be Sister Farhana's or Mr. Elegast's turn to show their significant others" [Diana].

"You jest" [Farhana]

Since I can fly, I float up and up. Mrs. Myle wanted to see this as well, so Fie and I helped her with our magic. Fie uses wind magic while I use space magic. She's scared and excited at the same time.

"Apollo really is telling the truth!" [Myle]

"I'll definitely bring the other one when I get the chance!" [Diana]

"I'm glad! I'm really glad that Mrs. Saga wanted me to come with her! JOATMON, Aya and Teliara will definitely be jealous!" [Myle].

"I can't imagine Mrs. Aya making a jealous face at all" [Diana].

Since I have more mana to burn, we float higher and higher to get a better view of everything, but something catches our eye.

"Is that a moving hill?" [Diana]

"No. It's an Adamantoise." [Myle]

"It's even smaller than I thought" [Diana].

"That's because it's still far away. I'm pretty sure it's gigantic" [Myle]

"It's coming this way?" [Diana]

"If I'm not mistaken, it's part of its natural path. It's nothing serious. Even the elves are used to it" [Myle].

"Interesting... ... Mrs. Myle... This is bad" [Diana]

"Meow! Meow!" [Fie]

"What!? What happened!? Are we going to fall!? I don't have a boyfriend yet, so please don't!" [Myle]

"No! It's even worse! That Adamantoise! It's surrounded by THE THING!" [Diana]

"WHAT!?" [Myle]