
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 240: The Land of Elves part 10

It's Iligast again. Why is he so annoying. I can't understand what an adult like him thinks. Can't he be more mature like Auntie Amleth, or the closest example is his own daughter. I'm sure I'm even more mature than him. Yes, I'm absolutely sure.

This time he doesn't want Mr. Apollo and Mrs. Myle to go to the land of elves. Apparently there's a dispute over the capture of elves in Amleth. I ask Sister Khamisah about it, and apparently it's the elves who tried to kidnap me.

"Oh! They've been captured! Was Alagast captured as well?" [Diana]

"No." [Khamisah]

"I'm sorry that my youngest son would do this to my little granddaughter." [Farhah]

"It's okay. Because of him, I got to meet you and Sister Farhana!" [Diana]

"It's not... sigh... he takes too much after his father" [Farhah]

"And what's wrong with that? Our blood is getting thinner by the day! I'm trying to preserve it!" [Iligast]

"Sigh... how could I have married you then..." [Farhah]

"You should thank me for that, otherwise no man would tolerate your weirdness" [Iligast].

"Don't say that to Grandma Farhah!" [Diana]

"Stay out of this!" [Iligast]

"No! I don't know why you're always bullying me and Grandma Farhah! Besides, you're very mean to her!" [Diana]

"Diana, just calm down a bit" [Khamisah]

I Hate him! He's always berate Grandma Farhah, just because Grandma Farhah couldn't really understand social cues, just because Grandma Farhah has limited interests that don't align with what the upper class of elves do. Even I could tell that she often ran away to the forest just because the forest would comfort her more than her own people! Even I can see that he's the one trying to make Grandma Farhah look bad! It's so obvious! Since I couldn't really understand him, I asked him the same question.

"Nonsense!" [Iligast]

"Nonsense!? You! How about the time when..." [Diana]

"Lady Diana, how about you take a breath" [Myle]

"But!" [Diana]

"Deep breath... 1...2...3... Deep breath...1...2...3...4...5..." [Myle]

Mrs. Myle, one of Special Knight of Amleth who specializes in difficult negotiations, is trying to calm me down. She often carries tools with her that will be advantageous to her negotiations, and would often use them openly. She called it reverse psychology. Anyway, she knew that those tools of hers wouldn't really magically affect me, so she didn't even bother to use them this time.

"Better?" [Myle]

"Almost. Still angry" [Diana]

"I see..." [Myle]

To make me feel better, she winks at me and slowly whispers in my ear to tell me everything she needs to know about this guy. She promises me that instead of bombarding me with question after question with no answers, she will be the one to try to get them from him. Since she has promised me so much, I immediately agree.

"Well, as per our previous diplomatic agreement, I believe we came here today to discuss with the Elven Council the recent invasion of our lands by your people, unfortunately I cannot help but feel that we are being denied the chance to not only explain ourselves, but to get to the truth. I am told that one of the Council's sons was responsible for attempting to kidnap our young lady here. A young lady whom Amlethians adore as one of their most precious gems and diamonds, along with our two princesses and our rising star, Neloufa" [Myle].

"So even Neloufa gets that great title!" [Diana]

"Just recently. Your message in the Magic Motion Orb was used by the Opera House to further promote the upcoming play, and Neloufa was forced to sing in the Magic Motion Orb as part of the experiment, hence the title" [Khamisah].

"It's part of Eisheth plan. That succubus Eisheth really knows how to win people's hearts." [Apollo].

I get carried away and don't notice that Mrs. Myle is still talking to Iligast. I can't tell the content of their conversation, but somehow

"You are really good! You managed to win an argument against my ex-husband" [Farhah].

"I missed the whole part where he was defeated! Do it again! I want to see!" [Diana]

"Defeated? No, we just come to an agreement" [Myle].

"At least she has a brain. It's a pleasure to talk to you, though it pains me to let this half-human half-elf enter, but given his capacity as The Special Knight of Amleth, I'll allow it this time" [Iligast].

"I appreciate it" (Just let it go... Let it go Apollo...) [Apollo]

Since they got a pass, Grandma Farhah invited them all to stay at her house. Only Apollo politely declined, feeling that a hotel would be better.

"Shy because you're the only boy?" [Farhah].

"No, it's just I feel more comfortable being alone" (Madam Priestess still the same I see, she's really bad at understanding social cues...) [Apollo]

"Meow" [Fie]

"Are you hungry? Here, take this meat... You want the World Tree's remaining mana in us?" [Diana]

"Interesting, is this an elemental cat?" [Farhah]