
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 225: Sudden camp part 2

"My back..." [Kara]

"My head..." [Mara]

"My arms..." [Marianne]

"It hurts!" [Tio]

"To think that Teacher Merlin actually used her magic all the time, even when we were fast asleep" [Neloufa].

"I don't really want to wake up, but I have to set an example..." [Marianne]

"It's just us here. No need to exaggerate" [Diana]

"Easy for you to say" [Mara]

"If we show ourselves to be weak, what will others think?" [Kara]

"If they look down on you, I'll be there to punish them. After all, I am your future special knight" [Diana].

"This is... Thank you" [Kara]

"This is appreciated. We really mean it" [Mara]

"I guess I won't have a special knight like you in the future" [Marianne].

"What do you mean. You're still my friend. I'll still do the same. Including Tio and Neloufa" [Diana].

"That's nice of you" [Tio]

"I hope we can stay friends like this forever" [Neloufa]

"We will!" [Diana]

"Right!" [Marianne]

It's an early morning conversation between the six of us. They have a terrible muscle ache due to the constant effects of Master Merlin's gravity magic. Luckily for me, my blessing actually made me feel refreshed after my sleep. A spell that made my clothes weigh about 30kg is no joke. I'm pretty sure Randy, Kat and Dana have already gotten used to it. They might even find it easy. Even Sister Khamisah, who has the effect of being 100kg, doesn't seem to break a sweat. They're monsters. I am fine because of my blessing, but they are facing it with their sheer power alone. Impressive

It's only about 4 hours of sleep. Even after all the preparation we did for the camp, Master Merlin and Sister Khamisah force us in a training. Throw some fireball. Sit up. Throw some lightning. Sprint. Throw some earth spear. Lift weight. Throw some light balls. Sit up more. Throw more and more spells. Swinging sword and spear. That's Spartan! Even some of the adventurers feel tired. Even the muscle teacher isn't that cruel! Teacher Tiara almost faints herself, but she pulls herself together. She doesn't want to set a bad example for her students. Of course, the two of them show mercy, but I'm sure the others, especially those who aren't from the Knight family, will have a bad memory after this. No, I think even those from the Knight family will have one.

"My lovely strong courageous sweet beautiful handsome little students, gather in 30 minutes or else..." [Merlin]

"Adventurers and teachers included, or else..." [Khamisah]

When we hear that, the panic switch in our brain is activated. There's no time like the present! I'm glad that we already made a partition in the lake. It's just a simple wall of earth that separates the boys from the girls. Of course, "simple" doesn't quite fit the term, since it covers the entire lake and it's high, but that's about it. There's no special mechanism to keep them from looking at us. Some of the girls hesitate, but

"Anyone who peeps will receive Gungnir as an early morning gift" [Dana].

"And a golden axe from me" [Randy].

"You're a man! I can't trust you!" [Dana]

"You wound me" [Randy]

"Say that again when you're not with Nar on Succubus Street!" [Dana]

"I'm only there to help!" [Randy]

"You know, their reputation has gotten better, but..." [Kat]

"You men, going there with the face of a pervert. It doesn't help them build their positive image." [Linda]

"They don't have that kind of service like you think!" [Randy]

"What kind of service?" [Diana]

"It's..." [Linda]

"NOTHING!" [All]

And that's the end of the conversation between me and them. Some of the adventurers are already taking their bath and everything, so they are responsible for making sure no one peeps.

After bathing and changing into an extra pair of clothes given to us by the school, we gather around Master Merlin and Sister Khamisah. I'm glad we all made it in time. I'm sure they'll use any excuse to make us suffer through more intense training.

"Alright. How about some early morning sparring" [Khamisah].

"Are we going to fight you?" [Auger]

"Hahahaha. That's funny. I'm pretty sure even if all of you students got together, you wouldn't be able to scratch me" [Khamisah].

"We won't know until we try" [Adnan].

"Bad idea. Believe me. Bad idea" [Diana].

"Actually, I need to make a correction to my statement. You can't scratch me if Diana isn't with you" [Khamisah].

"But you know, this is a good exercise" [Merlin].

"In that case, how about we have the teachers join them as well. It will balance things out. Even some adventurers" [Randy]

"Alright. I also need my early morning stretch and warm up. Merlin, if you would" [Khamisah]

"Alright, I'll do a random draw" [Merlin]

"Random she say" [Marianne]

First up is

"Diana, Dana, Neloufa, Tiara and Kat. Please step forward" [Merlin]

(I want to withdraw... my muscle still hurts... but I can't... I have to set an example for my students) [Tiara]