
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 211: Helping Jean part 3

"This is a classic story, of a princess rescued by her prince charming, a tale as old as time, a tale known to all, and yet, even with the twists and turns of it's iteration, everyone from royalty to commoners knows it".

The narrator begins his opening, and with it, the chirping of birds, the singing of the wind, the sun with its usual radiance, and enters the princess of the story.

"Dear me, I wonder if there is a prince charming nearby, how I'd love to meet him" [Neloufa].

Neloufa says her line spontaneously, she has really improved by miles! Maybe because there is no audience and all of us here are someone she knows, but it is still impressive. The manager and Miss Vita also seem excited about her growth

"Are you alright..." [Jean]

"Nothing... If this is real, there's no way I would let her get married... Neloufa, Diana and Dana's potential husband must go over Sas and mine dead body!" [Nar]

"It's just a play..." [Jean]

Why can't you just enjoy the show first instead of saying that nonsense out loud! I'm not getting married anytime soon, and neither is Neloufa or Dana! At least I know that Brother Nar really thought of Neloufa as her own little sister.

HAHAHAHAHAHA! I am an evil fairy, and I will take you with me!" [Vita]

"Oh no!"

"Someone save the princess!"

"My dear daughter!"

"What have we done to you, O evil fairy?"

"You had not invited me to the Princess's coming of age, how insolent of you after I have protected this land since its founding" [Vita].

The evil fairy played by Miss Vita, with her great line and performance, really sent shivers down my spine. Even the fairy blessing in me is cheering, and somehow I feel like they're all saying, "That's Maleficent," "Titania will react the same way," "Banshee too!"

Banshee... What fairy is that? I should probably ask her next time, for now I wanted to enjoy and help the show.

As the evil fairy appeared, a violent storm engulfed the stage. I also made a miasma of darkness, it's not harmful, but it looks creepy and threatening. This makes even the one who was hiding to spy on Nar and Jean take a seat at the empty chair. Nar is confused as to where they're coming from, but he just lets it slide as she continues to take notes. Miss Jean is the same... Seriously.

And now it's time for me to go on stage. Inspired by Dana's school outfit, I wear the same and talk to whoever is playing the king and queen. There's no king here in Amleth, and I usually speak nonchalantly to Aunt Amleth, but since this is a play, I just have to remember my notes from class and deliver my line properly.

"Fear not, O king and queen of this bountiful land, for I, Prince Diana, will save the pearl of this land" [Diana].

I messed up. We discussed the name before, but I just said my own name. Well, it's a spontaneous show, and as long as they're all okay with it, then it's good.

On the way, we show the Prince's struggle to find Princess Neloufa. I made appropriate magic spells, like fire magic when the narrator described the scene as the village burning, or ice magic when a scene described a cold mountain.

And now for the final confrontation, between me and the evil fairy. Again, the blessings within me cheer me on, and again, they say, "Beat her! Don't let the evil fairy win! Beat Titania, and Titania's Blessing will just laugh out loud. Isn't the Blessing getting more and more alive every day? For me, this shows that my training with Master Merlin is paying off!

"O evil fairy, see, with the help of other fairies, we will defeat you!" [Diana]

(I don't remember us agreeing on this, but...) "Bring it on!" [Vita]

I try to imagine the fairy queen Titania at my side. I only wanted to show an illusion of her, but

"Ehh..." [Diana]

"Just for this time, but next time, you should properly manifest my form through the Blessing, though it might be a long way off" [Titania].

The Blessing took the form of Fairy Queen Titania, she's beautiful, the same scent of flowers from the Fairy Spring envelops us all. No one, no one can take their eyes off her. She's just dazzling. She just waves and a miasma of glitter and mirage mana fills the entire opera house. It makes those like Nar, Jean, Khamisah, and Dana alert, but its effect is simply to make us even more excited for the show. Miss Vita's eyes sparkle. It basically screams that we will definitely use this for the next performance. Well, let's just finish the show

"Oh Prince Charming, thank you for coming to my rescue" [Neloufa].

"Oh, beautiful princess, what I wouldn't do to save a pearl as bright as you" [Diana].

"Kiss! Kiss!" [Linda]

"Hey! Wait a minute, Sas, Linda, what are you doing here?" [Dana]

They suddenly get here. I guess they didn't watch the whole show, but when they see the climax, Miss Linda teases us both

"The stalker has been caught. She's a psychiatric patient currently being treated at the hospital" [Sas].

"Well, she's nice, but I get the feeling that's the case" [Nar].

"Oh... She's nice, huh..." [Jean]

"True. She's nice, but there's no one who can replace what you've done for us. Thank you Jean" [Nar].

"I... I..." [Jean]

"KISS! KISS!" [Diana, Linda]

"Hey!" [Jean]

And that ends the spontaneous play. The audience gave their comments about the show. Overall, it's a positive response, and even the two duchesses said that it's definitely a worthy play

"Definitely showable!" [Vita]

"I can't wait to see the whole play!" [Marianne]

"You should probably do this before the main show" [Jean].

"I can see that. Just one play is pretty boring" [Vita]

"Means more practice for all of us"

"Well then, I guess I should start working on the script."

"The part where Diana summons the fairy is a must!" [Vita]

"Agreed!" [Manager]

"Wait... Does that mean..." [Neloufa]

"We're both going to star in one of the plays!" [Diana]