
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 195: Tio and Randy

After the small meal we have, Tio gathers her strength to start walking. She is strong. She doesn't even show any signs of crying. I remember how scared I was during the time I was kidnapped, so I couldn't believe it when Tio just agreed to walk with us to see the flaw in Gastrium's barrier.

"Are you sure you're okay, Tio?" [Diana]

"I am..." [Tio]

"Tio... You know you can just shout it out... It's just me here, well, there's also Captain Bear and the three adventurers, but..." [Diana]

"It's okay. I'm just glad it's over. I just... wanted to sleep" [Tio].

"Then you can come with us, I'm sure the inn we're staying at will understand if we explain the situation."

"NO!" [Tio]

"Tio..." [Diana]

"I'm... I'm sorry..." [Tio]

(She's still traumatized... Make sense. For now, it's best if she can stay with her friend) [Bear Captain]

Tio's sudden shout surprises me. I really don't know how to handle this. I'm sure I can imitate Nar, but I'm also sure it will end in utter failure. There's something comforting about Nar being the one to give encouragement. I'm not sure if it's his charisma or his confidence. The people of Amleth didn't call him a hero for nothing. This is one of those times when I really wish Nar was here with me. I feel like I am failing both as Tio's friend and as Nar's little sister.

As we walked, I overheard the conversation between the bear captain and his fellow knights. Apparently, the one preparing our meals is someone they call the Church Soldier. I didn't want to interrupt them, so I asked the adventurer about it.

"It's basically the recruit of the church, they acted as both priest as well as soldier for a certain country, by their loyalty is more for the church".

"Like Mrs. Jean?" [Diana]

"No... It's hard to explain. Ms. Jean is a paladin exclusively for the church, although she helped Queen Amleth and so..."

"That traitor!"

"Soldier! You have no right to say that to her!" [Bear Captain]

Is it wrong for Ms Jean to help Aunty Amleth during the war. Why do I feel like they have certain hostility, not only about Ms Jean, but also toward both my brothers? It's only a small portion of them, but... This is uncomfortable. I can't believe that Nar, Sas and Ms Jean will do something bad. They aren't that kind of person

We take the carriage prepared by the bear captain. I'm not sure which gate I used or didn't use to enter the country, but the adventurers all seem to know the gate I mentioned, so we agree to go there first.

Once we are there, I see some commotion. I float through the carriage window to get a better look at the commotion, and I can't believe my eyes.

"You guys!" [Diana]

"Diana!" [Dana]

I fly quickly towards them. I can't believe it, they're really here! Dana, Fie, Khamisah, Nar, Sas, Randy and even Adnan! They're all here! What happened?

"Diana, did you find Tio?" [Adnan]

"I did, she's in the carriage" [Diana]

"Really!?" [Randy]

"Yes, but... Mr. Randy, Nar, can you two take a look at her? I'm sure she's scared, but she won't tell me..." [Diana]

"Right" [Randy]


"It's you from earlier. Wait, I'll talk to the bear captain" [Diana]

I quickly dragged Randy to the carriage. I can see the guards trying to stop me. I'm sure I'm making the situation worse, so I can only hope that the Bear Captain will help me. The Bear Captain is already outside the carriage. Since Randy is closed with Tio and her family, I tell the Bear Captain about it. He is friendly. He quickly understands and gives me his word that he will allow it. He will explain it to the guard himself. I'm glad. I have a feeling that if I go there with the Bear Captain, I will make things worse, especially if they find out that I am entered the city illegally. Better be here with Randy.

Tio looks pale. She seems relieved to hear my voice from outside. I am a terrible friend. I shouldn't leave her alone. Of course she will be afraid. I made a terrible mistake. I really did. I wanted to apologize, but

"Randy!" [Tio]

"You're okay! Thank Goddess..." [Randy]

"I... I..." [Tio]

"It's okay. It's okay. You're safe now, that's all that matters!" [Randy]

"I... It's ..... I'm scared... Hicks.... I'm really scared. Stuffed and fed just enough... It's dark. It's uncomfortable... I...I..." [Tio]

"Tio! It's okay! We are here! We are here!" [Adnan]

"Adnan! You're here too!" [Tio]

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there... Some friend I am..." [Adnan]

"No. It's not your fault" [Tio]

"I'm sorry too... If only we had realized earlier... I'm also sorry that I suddenly left you in the carriage..." [Diana]

"Diana... Like I said..." [Tio]

"You're strong, Tio. Really strong. I'm proud of you, but it's okay now. You're safe" [Randy]

Randy hugs Tio. Even though they're not related. Their hair color is different. They look different, but to me it's like when Nar and Sas hugged me when I was scared. I see nothing but a good older brother trying to calm his frightened little sister while Tio cries her heart out, finally relieved that everything is going to be okay.