
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 184: Helping out the new dungeon part 2

It's finally the weekend, and after a few exhausting but fruitful days of collecting stuff for the dungeon, it's time for us to help make the dungeon a better place.

With Nar, Sas, Khamisah, Dana, Fie and Master Merlin, the seven of us enter the dungeon and go straight to the place where the doll is. It's a secret shortcut that only we know, or to be more precise, it only appears when the doll wants to meet us directly. It saves us the trouble of actually walking there.

"You're cute today too!" [Dana]

"Sister Dana! That tickles" [Doll Diana]

"I wanted the hug too!" [Diana]

"Come on! I'll hug you both at the same time!" (This is heaven!) [Dana]

"Someone jealous" [Sas]

"No, I'm not!" [Nar]

"Wait... I meant the witch... Never mind..." [Sas]

(I thought he meant me... Almost retorting to his statement) [Khamisah]

Dana gives us both a big hug and says that another little sister is certainly welcome.

The Hanging Treant in the corner is still trying to find the perfect time and place to take root and begin the process of becoming a World Tree. Calypso starts asking Sas and Master Merlin about the best place in the dungeon. It's a vague one, Master Merlin simply tells us that the dungeon needs to go deeper so that the Hanging Treant can absorb the planet's core mana more effectively, while Sas mentions something about creating an entirely different space or place for the Hanging Treant to grow.

"They're having a heated discussion there. As for us, we better start helping out here" [Nar].

"Why don't you take all that stuff out?" [Khamisah]

"I'm glad I asked for your help. I couldn't do it alone" [Diana].

"Good. Remember, no matter how busy we all are, we will find time for you. That goes for you too, Dana" [Nar].

"Agreed. What kind of big brother and sister will we be if we can't even help both of you? Three of you" [Khamisah]

"Three? Me too!?" [Doll Diana]


"Meow!" [Fie]

"YAY!" [Diana, Doll Diana]

Since we are both in such a happy mood, I quickly bring out all the stuff I got from all over Amleth. People here and there ask me why I want them, but I just tell them it's a secret. I'm sure they're curious, but I'm afraid I can't tell them that a dungeon boss needs them. According to Guild Master Akela, this puppet is the only known dungeon boss that cooperates. Other bosses in other dungeons would just fight straight up, and when they're destroyed, they're just reborn from the dungeon to repeat the process.

By having a "sentient" dungeon, that's what Nar and Sas called it, the dungeon can be safer for both the boss and others exploring it. The doll can expand the dungeon at a steady rate, while adventurers, mercenaries, and others will not fear for their lives.

Guild Master Akela and Auntie Amleth said it would cause trouble if words got out. I'm not sure what will happen, maybe something like bad guys kidnapping the doll? Maybe, or the other countries even want the dungeon for themselves, so they can force the doll to keep giving out treasure after treasure.

"So many clothes! Can I try them on now?" [Doll Diana].

"Maybe later. Right now, we should focus on helping you upgrade the dungeon" [Nar]

"Boo..." [Diana, Doll Diana]

"What are you, a twin?" [Nar]

"As much as I want to see you in different outfits, Nar is right. We can't stay here all day" [Khamisah].

"Fine..." [Diana, Doll Diana]

"Somehow, they're even more twin-like than Princess Kara and Mara" [Dana].

First, it's the National Treasure Aunt Amleth gave you.

"A tile?" [Doll Diana]

"Not just any tile. How about you replicate it using the dungeon power" [Khamisah]

"Okay" [Doll Diana]

It's a mysterious power granted to the doll by the dungeon, or as the doll described it, the dungeon just gave her permission to do whatever she wants. Using the dungeon's mana supply, it replicates the tiles given by Auntie Amleth and

"Now what?" [Doll Diana].

"Diana, how about you show your twin" [Nar].

"Okay! Let me see... A simple fire spell should be fine" [Diana]

And after putting the spell, I take a stone and throw it at a tile.

"It reacted and a fireball came out! I see! This is a good one! It consumes a lot of mana, but it's definitely worth it!" [Doll Diana]

"Right! How about we place this tile when someone is facing you, that way you will always have an advantage!" [Diana]

"I see! I see! That's great!" [Doll Diana]

And why is it considered a national treasure? According to Aunt Amleth, it can cast even the most powerful spell and still be used repeatedly, though the maintenance issue, but it will definitely be useful.

"Hold on... Facing you... Can't you just make another boss. I'd rather no one hurt you" [Dana].

"That's a great idea" [Nar]

"Can I though?" [Doll Diana]

"Hmm... May I ask if you can do what I am about to tell you?" [Khamisah]

"That depends" [Doll Diana].

"I can't help but overheard the conversation, mind filling me as well" [Merlin]