
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 172: The Prince visit part 4

[Nar point of view]

Merlin takes the stage. She started her speech with how powerful the Devil King really is, and how an ancient country, even one that can rival and defeat the Empire, falls to his hand. Her description is like the one from the textbook, but even more detailed, since she lived through that era herself.

Of course, that alone wouldn't convince the prince. Merlin seems to already know that her introduction will not be enough to make the prince take the threat of the Devil King seriously.

"Tell me, how do you plan to deal with the Dragon King himself?" [Merlin]

"Pardon?" [Prince Rufus]

"The King of the Dragon is someone who rivals even the Devil King, and it's a being that lives through time even more ancient. Surely you must have a way, right?" [Merlin]

"Surely you are joking, the being you mentioned is nothing but an old tale" [Prince Rufus].

"But then why mobilize your army? You couldn't possibly plan to send them on their death march without a proper plan, or did you just want to use THE THING and hope for the best?" [Merlin]

"!?" [Prince Rufus]

It begins. Merlin's plan seems to be going well. The prince hides it well, but, we can all tell that he was shocked on how this plan of his being mentioned openly, no other than Merlin that is. The young witch from the Empire panics. She seems to be as confused as the prince. She checks the artifact Merlin mentioned, I suppose this artifact, while allowing someone to enter someone's memory, also acts as a deterrent, otherwise she wouldn't panic and check the artifact.

"As for you, cowardly Flint, just give up and give my sweet little Diana her inheritance back. I'm sure I'm more qualified than anyone to say this, you're nothing like Aru. Aru is a brave woman who rose from nothing to become a hero whose deeds are known throughout the ages. You are the exact opposite of her" [Merlin].

"Shut up! You're nothing but a fake witch! You just used the legendary witch's name! That is all! [Flint]

"Then how about you ask that little hatchling over there to test me. Come on, I'm waiting" [Merlin]

~Gulp~ [Witch of the Empire]

As Merlin is about to continue, a bell rings

"Miss Merlin, may I suggest you stop with the provocation. We are here to discuss an important matter, not throw provocations left and right" [Saintess Rumia].

"Right. I'm sorry" [Merlin].

Saintess Rumia is indeed staying neutral. She may stay here in Amleth, but she remains professional. I'm impressed. Her age is the same as Dana's, and yet they're nothing alike.

"You seem to be glaring into my memory, I'm impressed" [Prince Rufus].

"I told you right, I'm a witch who fights against the Devil King himself. I don't want to belittle your witch, she is indeed talented, but against me, you might as well tell it all yourself" [Merlin].

"Would you like to come to the realm? I'm sure a talent like you would fit in better there than here" [Prince Rufus].

"Too much work... Besides, I have to take care of my three students here, one of whom is your sister, Princess Tiara. Don't worry, she's fine. In fact, your plan to use her as someone to control all the beasts will be beneficial when the time comes" [Merlin].

"Looks like I'm really at a disadvantage, really, you're terrifying. As much as I hate it, I must apologize for excusing myself so suddenly. This meeting, though inconclusive, has served its purpose for me" [Prince Rufus].

"Just to show off your power?" [Merlin]

"That is indeed so" [Prince Rufus].

The prince quickly leaves. The others who came with him quickly do the same. I'm impressed that this plan actually succeeded without much of a hurdle. Still, this prince is really good. He quickly realized that the longer he stays here, the more information will be leaked, so ending the meeting quickly is a very smart move. He may be arrogant and narcissistic, but that doesn't mean he's stupid. He's confident in himself and can approach the situation as it is without bias.

"Before I leave the room, Sir Nar, Sir Sas, won't you work with me?" [Prince Rufus]

"Apologies, but no" [Nar, Sas].

"Pity" [Prince Rufus]